O Bluebonnet Nutrition Rainforest Animalz é um multivitamínico mastigável especialmente desenvolvido para crianças, utilizando uma fórmula inovadora à base de alimentos integrais. Com uma combinação de ingredientes naturais, como frutas e vegetais, este produto se destaca por ser livre de corantes artificiais e conservantes, garantindo uma nutrição saudável e segura. Os comprimidos, que possuem formas divertidas de animais e sabores agradáveis de cereja, uva e laranja, tornam a experiência de tomar vitaminas uma atividade prazerosa para os pequenos.
Cada porção contém uma variedade de vitaminas e minerais essenciais que suportam o crescimento saudável e promovem a saúde geral das crianças, além de fortalecer o sistema imunológico. Com 180 comprimidos mastigáveis, o produto oferece 90 porções, ideal para o uso diário. É importante ressaltar que o Bluebonnet Nutrition Rainforest Animalz é livre de glúten, laticínios e alérgenos comuns, como leite, ovo, peixe, marisco, nozes, amendoim e trigo, tornando-o uma opção segura para crianças com restrições alimentares. Além disso, é certificado kosher e adequado para vegetarianos, atendendo a diversas necessidades dietéticas.
- 1. Fórmula à base de alimentos integrais: Proporciona uma fonte de nutrientes mais completa e benéfica para o desenvolvimento infantil.
- 2. Suporte nutricional diário divertido: O sabor agradável e as formas lúdicas tornam a suplementação uma atividade prazerosa.
- 3. Livre de alérgenos comuns: Seguro para crianças com alergias alimentares, evitando reações adversas.
- 4. Certificado kosher e adequado para vegetarianos: Atende a diferentes necessidades alimentares e preferências, garantindo inclusão.
- 5. Recomendado pela Vitaminer Shop: A confiança de uma loja especializada que garante a qualidade e eficácia do produto.
Recomenda-se que as crianças mastiguem 2 comprimidos por dia, preferencialmente durante uma refeição, para melhor absorção dos nutrientes. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, garantindo que as necessidades nutricionais específicas de cada criança sejam atendidas adequadamente.
Amazon Customer –
I chose this product because the amounts of the nutrients I was looking for was not outrageous. Unfortunately, vitamins are all labeled with the percent DV for kids age four and up, as if a four-year-old has the same requirements as an adult. And vitamin-makers want to show 100% for as many things as possible. Well, 18 mg of iron, the requirement for an adult woman, constipates my four-year-old, but he does need some, as he has persistently borderline iron levels. This product has 5 mg/serving. Likewise, my kid doesn’t need adult levels of vitamins A, E, and K, which are not water-soluble, so your body doesn’t just flush the excess out. I actually give my kids only one of these, because the serving size of two is still too much of pretty much everything, but with just one they get about the right level of everything. And unlike some other whole-food based vitamins I’ve tried, my two-year-old will eat it. Others I’ve tried I’ve had to grind up and put in his applesauce. He doesn’t love it, and sometimes rejects it at first, but eventually he’ll eat it. Especially if his older brother sets the example. The four-year-old likes it just fine, and the animal shapes are unusual and kind of fun.
LPierce –
My 3 incredibly picky kiddos love the flavor and texture of these vitamins. We’ve used them for 5+ years now and they’ve grown with each kid. The cheetahs are first to go extinct with the gorillas becoming endangered next. Poor birds…they rarely get any love until kids are forced to chew them before opening the next bottle of these roaring vitamins.
Shopper 2023 –
This is the only vitamin that my kids will eat. Ages 2-16.
Amazon Customer –
My daughter usually gets gummy vitamins, but I couldn’t find any with iron in them so I switched to these after doing some research. I gave her two this morning and to my surprise she liked them. I thought that she wouldn’t like them because I had in my mind that they would be super chalky. They will put you in the mind of flavored tums, but your little ones will like them!
dani –
Vitamins are hard to review.
You have to trust they are as labled.
I chose these because:
1 – trust the company – have experience using the Bluebonnet supplements in past and have always been happy with the results.
2 – Child has BRACES – hard to find NON-Gummy vitamins unless you go with Flintstones (they dont have a formula I need)
3- Vitamin D3 as colecalciferol – recommended by all our doctors as the form needed for proper absorption. Especially with D deficiency issues
4 – lowest amount of iron (5mg) in the chewables we could find (all contain iron for some reason)- we don’t need iron in our vitamins as our well water has plenty and we often cook on iron wear. TOO MUCH IRON is a concern for us.
5 – contains calcium citrate (50mg)- more efficiently absorbed by body.
It is a multi vitamin. It is not gonna taste like candy and it shouldn’t as to help deter kids from seeking them out.
Has a typical chewable vitamin taste, mineraly, vitaminy but not horrid.
My 8 year old does not oppose the taste, nor do I.
THey chew and dissolve easily which is a plus for those kidds with mouth hardware!
My kid likes the cute little jungle animal shapes.
I’ve tried this and another highly recommended kids vitamin from my local health/organic grocery store. I definitely like this better than the other one, first because of taste. They just taste good (even with that “overly organic” taste/feel). Also, they have the best mix of ingredients (vitamins/minerals), in my opinion, of all of the kids vitamins available on the marketplace. They capture what a lot of other brands are missing and I love that its whole food based. A lot of cognitive-based ingredients along with the basics.
Rob –
My son loves them. They have a great taste compared to other brands without the heavy amount of sugar. Bit on the higher price side but worth it when it provides good daily value of vitamins with a taste that has my son more than willing to eat them instead of having to fight him to take them. Strongly recommend!
Elizabeth –
These vitamins are some of my kids’ favorites. They have 3 flavors and come many to a bottle. One of the few chewable vitamins I can find anymore. It is a dark glass jar. Reasonably priced.