Blue Stork Fertility Supplement Gummies for Men – Vitaminas Pré-Natais Masculinas, Suporte à Concepção para Ele – Saúde Reprodutiva, Equilíbrio Hormonal
Concepção para Ele: A Pink Stork é a marca confiável de suplementos de fertilidade para mulheres – e agora nossos Blue Stork Fertility Support Gummies for Men estão aqui para ajudar! Não é apenas um multivitamínico para homens, nossa combinação de vitaminas + nutrientes oferece suporte a casais que estão tentando conceber – pense nisso como um multivitamínico pré-natal para homens!
Vitaminas para Homens: Para fazer um bebê, são necessários dois, e reconhecemos que a saúde da fertilidade masculina muitas vezes é negligenciada. Tome três gomas diariamente enquanto se prepara para a concepção. Ofereça suporte à saúde do esperma, motilidade, desejo, níveis de energia e desempenho, bem-estar reprodutivo e equilíbrio hormonal para homens.
Ingredientes são Essenciais: As Gomas Blue Stork Fertility Supplement contêm Ácido Fólico, Inositol, Vitamina C, Biotina e Ácido Pantotênico para oferecer suporte à saúde masculina e às necessidades modernas de fertilidade.
Os Suplementos de Fertilidade para Homens Blue Stork não contêm organismos geneticamente modificados (OGMs), glúten, soja ou laticínios. Uma equipe de especialistas formula nossos produtos e eles são sempre testados por terceiros para sua satisfação. Estamos oferecendo multivitamínicos masculinos nos quais você pode confiar!
Nossa fundadora e CEO, Amy Suzanne, é mãe de 6 filhos e esposa de um veterano do Corpo de Fuzileiros Navais. Sabemos como é importante fornecer produtos confiáveis, por isso criamos produtos limpos, confiáveis e eficazes.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Suporte à fertilidade masculina: As vitaminas e nutrientes presentes nas gomas Blue Stork oferecem suporte à saúde reprodutiva masculina, ajudando a melhorar a qualidade do esperma e a motilidade.
- Equilíbrio hormonal: Com ingredientes como Ácido Fólico e Vitamina C, essas gomas ajudam a equilibrar os níveis hormonais masculinos, promovendo uma saúde reprodutiva ideal.
- Desempenho e energia: Além de apoiar a fertilidade, essas gomas também ajudam a aumentar a energia, o desejo e o desempenho masculino, contribuindo para uma vida íntima satisfatória.
- Formulação confiável: Nossos produtos são formulados por uma equipe de especialistas e são sempre testados por terceiros, garantindo a qualidade e eficácia de cada goma.
- Marca confiável: A Vitaminer Shop é uma loja renomada, comprometida em fornecer produtos de alta qualidade para a saúde e bem-estar. Compre com confiança!
– Sugestão de Uso:
Tome três gomas por dia, de preferência com uma refeição. Não exceda a dose recomendada. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento alimentar.
Tome três gomas por dia, de preferência com uma refeição. Não exceda a dose recomendada. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento alimentar.
travelers –
The list of ingredients are great for maintaining a health body. The gummies taste great in fruity flavor. The only thing is that it is quite pricey for only 30 day supply. Adding this to the regular multi-vitamin will definitely helps giving the extra vitamins provided in this gummy.
Not sure how effective they are with fertility support – they are definitely a bit more pricier than your typical multivitamin – a 30 day supply (90 gummies at 3 gummies a day) – is $35. That said, the gummies are tasty (strawberry flavor), easy to chew, and the list of vitamins/minerals is outstanding. No issues!!
Patrick Callahan –
felt results in 3 days as well as increase in volume of …. well you know…. also gave me some much-needed energy, good product and worth a try.
speedkills –
These seem like quality gummies from a USA based company that apparently cares about the product they put out. The gummies themselves are soft but don’t stick to your teeth. They have a nice strawberry flavor but each serving of three gummies includes 6 grams of added sugar which is a little on the high side. They contain mostly B vitamins as well as some vitamin C. Unfortunately though, I could find no information that would indicate the ingredients will actually help with male fertility. Other than having your sperm tested before and after using this product, I don’t know if there is a way to prove they are beneficial.
Customer Review –
I like this brand, I’ve purchased from them in the past. I am not sure if these truly work. It’s hard to tell from one month but they do offer great benefits. I like the clean ingredients and what is in them, I do think it can certainly help with consistent use and of course diet and exercise. Give it a try, it won’t hurt but will help support. Also taste is good and vitamins are great.
Placeholder –
These vitamins gummies has very good flavor and I’m taking one per day e it didn’t give me any allergies. So I hope it help to supplement my health and immune system. I’m taking only for 1 months already
Fly –
I popped the first two gummies, expecting some weird, medicinal aftertaste. But wow, these things are actually delicious! I had to remind myself not to eat them like candy, but I won’t lie—it was hard to stop at just two. They’re fruity and chewy, like the good old gummy vitamins you took as a kid but with some serious grown-up benefits packed inside. Okay, so after the first week, I was like, “Am I suddenly going to be bursting with fertility?” Well, it’s not quite that instant (wouldn’t that be nice?), but I did start to feel a little more… energized? It wasn’t a dramatic shift, but there was definitely a subtle boost in my overall energy and mood. And maybe it’s all in my head, but I felt like things were moving better in that area. The motility claims don’t seem so far-fetched after all. It’s not like I can take a test and see my “fertility level” rise like it’s some video game stat. But I can say that I’ve felt more balanced, and things seem… healthier? You know what I’m talking about. The ingredients list looked promising too—all goodies that I’ve heard are good for male reproductive health. I’m not an expert, but if these gummies are doing half of what they claim, I’m feeling good about it. I felt more in control of my mood. Now, I didn’t expect much in terms of hormonal balance from some gummies, but after a couple of weeks, I noticed fewer mood swings and more consistency in how I was feeling throughout the day. Could it be the vitamins at work? Who knows, but I’ll take it. The best part of these gummies? They’re super easy to integrate into my day. No swallowing giant pills or dealing with weird side effects. Just pop ‘em in the morning with breakfast and go about my day. It’s kind of refreshing to take something that feels casual but has big potential benefits.
speedkills –
This is the first supplement I’ve seen that has a label stating “prayed over.” Claims to be lab tested by an independent 3rd party, but the product description and the company’s own website provide no further information or a certificate of independent lab analysis.
It’s a 3 gummy recommended dosage. The gummies taste fine but the efficacy is unclear.