Descrição do Produto: Bloom Biotin 5000mcg B7 para Crescimento Saudável do Cabelo
Descubra o poder transformador do Bloom Biotin 5000mcg B7, um suplemento inovador que combina uma mistura poderosa de vitaminas e nutrientes essenciais para promover o crescimento saudável do cabelo, a beleza da pele e a força das unhas. Com uma fórmula cuidadosamente elaborada, Bloom é a solução ideal para quem busca não apenas um cabelo mais longo e saudável, mas também uma pele radiante e unhas fortes.
- Suplemento para Cabelo, Pele e Unhas: Nossa mistura de vitaminas do complexo B, colágeno e ácido hialurônico promove uma pele suave, cabelos longos e unhas fortes. Além de biotina, colágeno, vitaminas A e E, e vitamina B6, nossa fórmula se destaca como um excelente multivitamínico diário.
- Para Cabelo Saudável e de Crescimento Rápido: Bloom oferece nutrição natural para promover cabelos mais saudáveis e de crescimento rápido para todos os tipos de cabelo. Nossa mistura inclui um poderoso impulso de 5000mcg de biotina, folato, ácido hialurônico, colágeno e muitas outras vitaminas que promovem sobrancelhas mais grossas, cílios mais longos e unhas mais fortes.
- 24 Vitaminas e Minerais Essenciais: Colágeno e ácido hialurônico são apenas alguns dos ingredientes presentes na fórmula vegana e sem glúten do Bloom. Nossos suplementos são cuidadosamente pesquisados por médicos para garantir que seu cabelo, pele e unhas sejam nutridos e fortalecidos, com resultados visíveis em apenas 3 semanas.
- Cabelos Mais Longos e Unhas Notavelmente Mais Longas: Nossa fórmula promove o crescimento do cabelo para mulheres, mas os homens também podem se beneficiar. Experimente nossa fórmula 100% natural, feita com vitaminas, minerais e nutrientes que seu corpo anseia.
- Satisfação Garantida: Todos os produtos Nuvana, incluindo Bloom, são testados em laboratório e fabricados em uma instalação de ponta com certificação GMP nos EUA. Nossos produtos mantêm níveis de força, composição, qualidade e pureza.
1. Crescimento Acelerado do Cabelo: A biotina em alta concentração estimula o crescimento capilar, resultando em fios mais longos e saudáveis.
2. Pele Radiante: A combinação de colágeno e ácido hialurônico melhora a elasticidade da pele, proporcionando uma aparência mais jovem e vibrante.
3. Unhas Fortes e Saudáveis: A fórmula ajuda a prevenir a quebra das unhas, promovendo um crescimento saudável e duradouro.
4. Fórmula Completa: Com 24 vitaminas e minerais essenciais, Bloom serve como um multivitamínico diário que atende às necessidades nutricionais do corpo.
5. Resultados Rápidos: A maioria dos usuários nota melhorias visíveis em apenas 3 semanas de uso contínuo, tornando-o uma solução prática e eficaz.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas de Bloom Biotin 5000mcg B7 diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes e garante que seu corpo receba a dose ideal de vitaminas e minerais necessários para promover o crescimento saudável do cabelo, a beleza da pele e a força das unhas. Mantenha o uso contínuo para resultados otimizados e visíveis.
Mary Ann De Sarle –
I have a damaged thumb nail that as it grows, it splits midway through to the end of the nail, and I must keep it very short and sometimes need to put tape on the end so it doesn’t catch on anything, or even paint it with clear nail polish. I started taking Nuvana Bloom about a year ago, and the damaged area now grows together and doesn’t split. It still has a ridged area where I hit it with a hammer, but at least it grows together, and it doesn’t catch on anything from being a ragged end. The Nuvana Bloom is gentle on my stomach, and recently, I started taking one a day rather than two a day, and the split nail is still growing together! Thank you Nuvana Bloom!
Brittany Jones❤️ –
I ordered these pills in February and I can already see results! My hair feels healthier and I can see my baby hairs coming back! These pills do you have a strong smell but all that makes me think is that they must be working and have very good ingredients it does say on the bottle it has 100% daily value of 13 key ingredients, and they look all great! I have no complaints. Thank you, Nuvana!
Joscelyn Byrd –
I have been using Bloom for almost a month now. I wanted to give it time before I wrote an honest review. It seems like it is working at least with my nails. I’m sure my skin and hair are also benefiting too. Sometimes products work for awhile and then are no longer effective with me. I will continue to use this and hope this is not the case.
Emily G. Gentry –
This product arrived opened and the safety seal was broken. The item is not returnable, and of course I don’t want to ingest the product since the seal was broken, so this a waste.
Jessica –
I bought this because I have a nail infection so I was hoping for it to help my nails grow out quicker. I’ve been taking it everyday for almost 2 weeks now (10/13-10/25) and I do think it’s helped my nails grow quicker!
I also have trouble with acne and I’m not 100% sure if it’s related, but ever since I started taking this supplement my acne has cleared up by a lot!
I am hoping for it to help my hair grow out as well, but it’s hard to tell if it is after only two weeks.
Only thing I had to learn the hard way was to definitely have it with my dinner. It gave me acid reflux when I had it alone even with a full glass of water. It’s easier to stand the taste when I have it with food as well.
DragonQueen65 –
I am going to reserve judgement on the efficacy of this vitamin for the time being. I am mainly writing this about the taste. It says unflavored, but I can promise you it is not. It has that icky vitamin taste, unlike other hair vitamins I have tried. It leaves that vitamin taste behind in your mouth after you swallow it. I can live with it for now, but I think, unless this is a miraculous product for my hair, I will switch and try another supplement the next time. So just so you know, there is an aftertaste to this vitamin. And sometimes I burp it hours after I have taken it.
Jondylar –
I’ve been taking Bloom now for approximately 3 weeks. I can say definitely my nails have gotten stronger, I noticed that after about two weeks. I have had terrible nails for about a year now and was very happy to see how much they improved in such a short time. I actually went and had them done at the salon as I wasn’t embarrassed about them anymore. I think also that my facial skin is improving. It appears to be holding moisture better and is less dry than usual. My make up goes on easier without streaking. I haven’t noticed anything different with my thin hair yet but I think it is a little early to expect improvement at this time. Looking forward to seeing improvement in my hair over the next couple of months.
Abi I. –
I’ll be honest, initially I did not expect much from the Nuvana-Bloom product, but I’m 100% impressed and pleased with this product. Several years ago I had my thyroid removed and my once thick and loosely coiled hair soon started falling out; I’ve been on my hair journey ever since. I’ve sought and tried countless remedies, from oils, hair masks & treatments, hair styles and hair supplements. None had any impact, my hair continued to fall out and look thin and lifeless. It wasn’t until my most recent hair wash that I noticed as I washed each section of hair that the sections seemed thicker and I especially noticed how thick my braid was as I detangled with conditioner. Today, Feb. 4th is two full weeks that I’ve been taking Bloom and my second hair wash. My hair is shiny, my loose coils are defined and my hair feels thicker. I had no intention of writing this review, fully expecting to add this to my list of product disappointments. That’s not my story with Nuvana-Bloom, I’m very excited about my updated hair journey and feel like I’ve stumbled upon a real hair treasure.
Review Update-March 4, 2021
It’s been 6 weeks since I’ve been taking Nuvana-Bloom and 1 month since my initial review. I am very SATISFIED! I am on my 2nd bottle that I have purchased, I have not received the free bottle that is promoted. I take the two capsules faithfully at lunch and can honestly say that my hair feels thicker, is shedding less and looks healthier. I will continue using Nuvana-Bloom.