BlenderBottle Shaker Bottle com Organizador de Comprimidos e Armazenamento para Pó de Proteína, Sistema ProStak, 22-Ounce, Ciano
A BlenderBottle Shaker Bottle com organizador de comprimidos e espaço para pó de proteína é o companheiro ideal para entusiastas do fitness e pessoas preocupadas com a saúde. Este produto inovador apresenta o sistema ProStak, que adiciona capacidade de armazenamento para pós, pílulas, suplementos e muito mais. Com uma capacidade de 22 onças (marcação até 16 onças), esta BlenderBottle foi projetada para atender às suas necessidades de hidratação durante os treinos ou em movimento.
A BlenderBottle inclui um frasco de 150 cc, um frasco de 100 cc, um organizador de comprimidos e um batedor de arame BlenderBall patenteado. Os frascos interligados podem ser usados com ou sem a garrafa, permitindo que você personalize suas opções de armazenamento. Se precisar de armazenamento adicional, você pode facilmente expandir a capacidade adquirindo frascos extras separadamente.
Projetada com a conveniência em mente, esta BlenderBottle possui uma tampa flip SureSeal à prova de vazamentos, uma tampa de rosca segura e um topo em laço. Você pode transportar seus shakes ou smoothies com confiança, sem se preocupar com vazamentos ou derramamentos. Além disso, a BlenderBottle é segura para lavar na parte superior da máquina de lavar louça, livre de BPA e ftalatos, garantindo sua segurança e conveniência.
- Capacidade de Armazenamento Ampla: O sistema ProStak permite armazenar convenientemente pós, pílulas e suplementos, garantindo que você tenha tudo o que precisa em um só lugar.
- Design Versátil: Os frascos interligados podem ser usados com ou sem a garrafa, oferecendo flexibilidade para personalizar suas opções de armazenamento conforme suas necessidades.
- À Prova de Vazamentos e Seguro: A tampa flip SureSeal, a tampa de rosca segura e o topo em laço garantem que seus shakes ou smoothies permaneçam contidos sem vazamentos ou derramamentos.
- Seguro para Lava-Louças e Livre de BPA: A BlenderBottle é segura para lavar na parte superior da máquina de lavar louça, facilitando a limpeza. Também é livre de BPA e ftalatos, garantindo sua segurança e tranquilidade.
- Tecnologia BlenderBall Patenteada: A BlenderBottle vem com um batedor de arame BlenderBall patenteado, que ajuda a misturar seu pó de proteína ou suplementos de forma suave e eficiente.
Para usar a BlenderBottle Shaker Bottle com Organizador de Comprimidos e Armazenamento para Pó de Proteína, siga estes passos:
- Preencha a BlenderBottle com a quantidade desejada de líquido, deixando espaço suficiente para o pó e o BlenderBall.
- Adicione seu pó de proteína ou suplementos preferidos à garrafa.
- Insira o batedor de arame BlenderBall na garrafa.
- Rosqueie a tampa segura e certifique-se de que está bem fechada.
- Agite a garrafa vigorosamente para misturar os ingredientes.
- Se estiver usando o organizador de comprimidos ou frascos adicionais, conecte-os à garrafa conforme necessário.
- Aproveite seu shake de proteína ou suplemento bem misturado em qualquer lugar!
Ali Erdener Demir –
It’s been 3 years since I bought it I haven’t had any issues. It mixes well and doesn’t leak. Hidden storages are really useful when you need to carry your powder or pills. Great product overall.
ronyrp26 –
Excelente producto, cumple perfectamente su función y la relación calidad-precio lo vale. Además llegó antes de tiempo. Estoy muy satisfecho con la compra y lo recomiendo.
ronyrp26 –
One of the best purchases I’ve made in a long time. I’m a college student on a budget, so I need something that isn’t a pain in the behind to carry around (I have a huge backpack full of books and a 40oz water canister). I am a SUCKER for multiple-use items and this was PERFECT.
So this cup, firstly, is very light. As other have mentioned, it could be better quality, but it serves its purpose well if you take care of it. A total of 16 ounces in the cup part alone. I use the small Magic Bullet to pre-make my shakes as I add things that aren’t blend-able with the whisk. The entire drink fits in this cup.
Second, it has TWO container compartments, both of which can be attached at the same time. I only use the bigger one to take a snack like nuts, but you can also put in some chopped fruit. The second attachable container is slightly smaller, but can still hold some mixed nuts or your pills.
As seen in the picture, it comes with a great little handle. I haven’t tried the whisk yet since I pre-blend my shakes.
Overall, I’m absolutely in love with the cup and will be using it for this fall semester!
marilycabrera –
Ela vem com 2 mini compartimentos acopláveis, sendo que um desses, tem uma bandeja dividida em 2 que encaixa na tampinha para comprimidos.
A molinha que vem na shakeira é excelente e dissolve proteínas MUITO BEM. Achei que fosse frescura, mas ela faz total diferença.
A tampa da coqueleteira veda super bem e não vaza. Achei que o bico é um pouco duro para abrir e fechar. A compra valeu super a pena, uso todos os dias e super recomendo. Paguei cerca de 110 reais.
John –
Had this shaker bottle for about a year now and it’s been great. For the price, it’s a great value and I’ve found it is durable, easy to clean, and I love the color with the compartment in the bottom to store small items.
Teresa Dawn Fuhrer –
Beautiful, sporty, leak proof, easy to clean, just mixed my whey protein mix and water in it after washing it and drank it and washed again in under 5 minutes! Great, affordable, pretty colors, I got white. Place for meds and a separate leak proof container that attaches to cup to hold your protein mix so you don’t have to take your big tub of it to the gym. Can use cup as a water bottle also with measurements on side, easy to track your water intake. Very happy I got this. I’m one happy mommy of 6 kids on a challenge at the gym with my trainer and this cup will help me be successful enormously…. of course I will be fit though and not enormous lol… buy it. I promise you will not regret it. Teresa- Maryland
Mattea –
I keep this in my car cooler when traveling for work and I love that I can put protein powder in the extra pieces. Great size cup as well. Also a compartment for pills if needed which is so convenient!
Shawkins –
Fantastic quality! The set comes with the main bottle, lid, and wire mixing ball, then two stackable containers, each with its own lid that stacks into the bottle, one of which contains an additional small container. The additional small container is shallow and divided in half, meant for pills, but I ended up using it for different types of powder (tumeric to add to shakes). So when all stacked together, you can keep a scoop of powder in the bottle, one in each large container, and a half scoop in the small lid container (3.5 total). This makes the bottle excellent for travel. You can carry multiple replacement meals with you. I’m using it right now while on a vacation where our hotel doesn’t have great food options. Gives me fuel first thing in the morning so I don’t have to feel hungry while we get ready and find a restaurant. It was good for one late night when we were too tired to get food after getting back to our hotel. Super handy and added comfort to our trip. The bottle rinses clean easily (same material as every other blender bottle I’ve owned). This one comes with a nice hard plastic and rubber coated loop on the top, so you could use a clip or velcro to attach it to a backpack/purse strap. All of the containers and lids screw into each other snug and do not come loose when shaking the bottle. You could easily carry around the bottle with only one or none of the extra containers attached. There are ounce and mL marks on the side wall of the bottle. Overall best bottle I’ve used for powder shakes. This would make a great gift for any gym goer or traveler who uses shakes.
David Malecki –
As someone who’s used various other brand shaker bottles, short and tall Blender Bottles, I would say this is hands down the best. The shorter size is much more practical for people who drink standard servings of preworkout or protein, without the need for the extra size.
The addition of the pill organizer and storage at the bottom is fantastic. You could also fit things like gummies or energy chews. Ultimately, if I am working out at a gym, I do get worried about mixing my protein an hour or two before drinking, but with this, the protein can be kept separated until it’s needed to be mixed. When in a pinch, I’ve used preworkout, rinsed out the bottle, then added the protein post workout.
Overall, these bottles are fantastic for convenience and the variety of uses they offer. Certainly my favorite shaker bottle of the many I’ve used.
David Malecki –
Great product. I use it everyday for my gym protein. The fact that you can have two extra proteins on the go it’s a life saver. You even have a spot for pills. The quality is great. Very good product. 100% recommended.