Descrição do Produto: DEFI Dark Chocolate Crispy Superfood Bites
Os DEFI Dark Chocolate Crispy Superfood Bites são uma deliciosa combinação de sabor e nutrição, projetados para aqueles que buscam uma opção saudável e prática para o dia a dia. Com 26g de proteína por porção de 4oz, esses snacks crocantes são feitos com ingredientes de alta qualidade, incluindo chocolate amargo, que não só satisfaz o paladar, mas também oferece benefícios nutricionais significativos. Cada mordida é uma explosão de sabor, perfeita para quem deseja um lanche energético e nutritivo, seja antes ou após o treino, ou mesmo como um complemento saudável durante o dia. Além disso, são livres de aditivos artificiais, tornando-os uma escolha consciente para quem se preocupa com a saúde.
1. Alto Teor de Proteína: Com 26g de proteína por porção, ideal para auxiliar na recuperação muscular e no aumento da massa magra.
2. Sabor Irresistível: O chocolate amargo proporciona um sabor rico e indulgente, tornando o lanche prazeroso sem comprometer a saúde.
3. Praticidade: Embalagem fácil de transportar, perfeita para levar na bolsa ou mochila, garantindo um lanche saudável a qualquer hora.
4. Ingredientes Naturais: Feito com superfoods e sem aditivos artificiais, promovendo uma alimentação limpa e saudável.
5. Versatilidade: Pode ser consumido como lanche, pré-treino ou até mesmo como sobremesa, adaptando-se a diferentes momentos do dia.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os DEFI Dark Chocolate Crispy Superfood Bites, recomenda-se consumir uma porção de 4oz como um lanche entre as refeições ou como um reforço energético antes ou após atividades físicas. Para uma experiência ainda mais saborosa, combine com frutas frescas ou iogurte natural. Armazene em local fresco e seco para manter a crocância e o sabor.
PNW Reviews –
These are pretty thick wafers, similar size to a Reeses cup with the texture about twice the bite required of a Crunch bar. It tastes a bit like chocolate, but about 50% of it is of super food. It may be a bit hard to bite into because it’s compressed densely, but tastes delicious and is packed with protein.
For $8 for 4 servings, which is $2 a serving and $1 a piece shipped which is a decent deal for a delicious superfood/pre-workout meal.
Melissa –
This is GROSS! The flavor is like a bitter dark chocolate and hard as heck. Before I spit it out, I noticed the pink himalayan salt flavor and some crispy ball things. I just couldn’t handle eating it though.
I also feel cheated because it says 25g of protein on the bag & listing – BUT – that’s for the WHOLE bag! If I eat the whole bag they say that is 4 servings and 560 calories. I don’t think that’s the best ratio for me.
It is economical and way different than other protein enriched foods I’ve tried to consume. But I guess I’m not as big of a dark chocolate fan as I thought.
WallaWalla –
The chocolate had a slightly chalky taste to it, palpable but noticeable due to the protein. The chocolates also had a more dull chocolate and white powdery appearance. The texture is like a chocolate crisp, they are a good size and thick. There’s about 8 pieces in the bag, 2 pieces are a serving size with 6g of protein. You would have to eat the bag to get to 25g of protein and that would be 560 calories. I ate one and felt satisfied. Overall, it’s a decent treat abet not much protein.
Buttercup –
Although this is a review of a free product, I give you my word that my reviews will always be unbiased and truthful.
What can I say…the first bite isn’t very good, and it all goes downhill from there. Very hard, very salty, and a weird taste that just gets worse the longer it’s in your mouth.
Hittin –
Defi Dark Chocolate Pink Himalayan Sea Salt Crispy Superfood Bites surprisingly had a hard and dense texture. The 4 ounce resealable bag that I received held 9 rounds. My initial bite was challenging as I attempted to get through the dense piece with its noticeable included puffed pieces. I am guessing that these are either the sprouted buckwheat or the whey crisps. These puffed pieces are surprisingly not as light as a puffed rice. As a fan of dark chocolate, I had expected fainter notes of sweetness but sadly I did not detect these notes. I was impressed that the Himalayan sea salt is clear and noticeable. The ingredients are recognizable and pronounceable including dark chocolate (cacao liquor, cane sugar, cacao butter, sunflower lecithin, vanilla bean), sprouted buckwheat, whey crisps (whey protein, rice starch), casein protein powder, and pink Himalayan sea salt. There are 4 servings per container with each 2 piece serving (1 ounce) containing 140 Calories, 8g Total Fat, 11g Total Carbohydrate, and 6g Protein. The gluten-free, grain-free, fiber rich, Non-GMO product that I received has a best by date of 16 months from the date that I received it. I appreciate that the product is made with healthy ingredients and I can feel less guilty when snacking but sadly I just wasn’t a fan of the flavor or the texture of the snacks.
Curt –
You get 8 dark chocolate bites in a bag – 2 bites per serving, so these are at a $2 per serving cost or $1 per each little bite, so kind of pricey. The bites have a really nice crunch to them, so there is good satisfaction in getting nice, dark chocolate along with some important minerals (iron and potassium), but they’re also high in sodium from, presumably, the Pink Himalayan Sea Salt – if you eat the whole bag at once (a real possibility) you’ve consumed 80% of the RDA for sodium. The product states that “Each 4 oz serving provides 25g of milk-based protein from superfood ingredients” but a serving is 2 bites which equals 6 grams of protein; you have to eat the whole bag at once to actually get near 25 grams of protein. This was okay to try but I won’t be continuing with this product, given the cost, ambiguous protein claim, and mixed benefits.
Parker-Moore and Family –
Loved the yummy chocolate taste and the fact that it was a good source of protein. It allowed me to snack without feeling guilty. The one downside was that I couldn’t stop eating!
Hittin –
These Defi dark chocolate with Himalayan sea salt taste good and have 25g of protein per package. The package is 4 servings, so it’s only about 6g of protein per serving. The nutrition label also says that each serving contains about 20% of the daily sodium(salt) recommended serving, and 23% for saturated fat.
The chocolate tastes good, it’s not sweet, but it’s not a bitter dark chocolate either. The salt adds a nice compliment to the chocolate and it has crunch to it as well.
It satisfies my snacking urge, and I’m good after only eating a couple pieces So I don’t feel like I need to eat the whole bag.