O Bissell Little Green Pet Deluxe é um limpador de carpete portátil e detalhador de carros que oferece uma limpeza eficiente e conveniente. Com um design compacto e leve, ele é ideal para quem busca praticidade sem abrir mão da eficácia. Sua potente capacidade de sucção é capaz de eliminar até as manchas mais difíceis, especialmente aquelas causadas por animais de estimação, garantindo que seus carpetes e estofados fiquem limpos e frescos. O produto conta com uma escova de limpeza profunda que penetra nas fibras do tecido, removendo sujeira e odores de forma eficaz. O tanque de água removível, com capacidade de 48 oz, permite que você limpe grandes áreas sem a necessidade de recargas frequentes.
Além disso, o Bissell Little Green Pet Deluxe vem equipado com ferramentas e fórmulas especiais que potencializam sua eficácia. A ferramenta Tough Stain de 3 polegadas é perfeita para manchas mais resistentes, enquanto a ferramenta Stain Trapper ajuda a capturar sujeira e líquidos, evitando que se espalhem. A ferramenta HydroRinse facilita a limpeza da mangueira, garantindo que você mantenha seu equipamento sempre em ótimas condições. Com a compra deste produto, você também contribui para a causa animal, pois a BISSELL apoia a BISSELL Pet Foundation, que trabalha para salvar animais de estimação sem lar.
Este limpador multiuso é versátil e pode ser utilizado em diversas superfícies, como carpetes, estofados, tapetes e interiores de carros. Sua mangueira de 4 pés permite alcançar áreas de difícil acesso, enquanto a alça de transporte facilita o manuseio e o armazenamento. Em resumo, o Bissell Little Green Pet Deluxe é a escolha ideal para quem busca uma solução prática e eficaz para a limpeza de manchas e odores de animais de estimação.
- Potência de sucção poderosa que remove manchas difíceis de animais de estimação.
- Capacidade de tanque de 48 oz, permitindo limpeza prolongada sem recargas frequentes.
- Ferramentas e fórmulas especializadas que eliminam odores e manchas de forma eficaz.
- Versatilidade para limpeza em diversas superfícies, tanto em casa quanto no carro.
- Contribuição para a causa animal com cada compra, apoiando a BISSELL Pet Foundation.
Para utilizar o Bissell Little Green Pet Deluxe, siga estas etapas técnicas:
- Preencha o tanque com água limpa e adicione a fórmula de limpeza específica para manchas de animais de estimação.
- Conecte a ferramenta de limpeza desejada à mangueira, garantindo que esteja bem fixada.
- Pulverize a solução de limpeza sobre a área afetada, cobrindo completamente a mancha.
- Utilize a ferramenta apropriada para esfregar suavemente a mancha, permitindo que a escova penetre nas fibras do tecido.
- Repita o processo conforme necessário até que a mancha seja completamente removida.
- Enxágue a área com água limpa utilizando a ferramenta HydroRinse para garantir que não haja resíduos de produto.
- Deixe a área secar completamente antes de utilizá-la novamente, garantindo que não haja umidade residual.
NM –
Updated from 3 stars to 5 stars:
I found a crack in the brush attachment near the water sprayer. I ordered a new brush attachment and it is LIKE NEW! Seriously I couldn’t believe how well it worked again.
I also realized that a few times when not paying attention, I removed the dirty water tank while the machine was still on which causes the surge of water leaking underneath.
So, I definitely recommend getting this product and if it starts to not work well, try replacing a part.
I’ve had this for 8 months. All was pretty good for about 5/6 months. It was used A LOT. we have 4 animals, 4 kids and I foster puppies. The clear cover came off the end so suction hasn’t been the same for a couple months. The upside to that is I could finally clean inside the cover. It also started major leaking from the bottom in the last month. Today, the sprayer completely stopped.
Sarah B –
This little bissel green machine is fantastic! It is very light weight and portable. The basic spray and suction nozzle worked very well. I sprayed everything down, a little extra on the stains, then scrubbed a with the green bristles. The suction nozzle does have to be angled correctly, but it is easy to operate and pulled well. You can see in my before picture the back row of our sienna. We have young kids and had some sticky stains of different varieties. I went over the stained areas twice, scrubbing with the bristles a little each time, and it came out very clean. Not only did it get the stains out but the fabric overall came out a few shades lighter. What are you doing here? What’s going on? Using the recommended cleaner does make a difference so don’t skimp on that. You can see from the collection tank how much it was able to lift from the fabric. I have wanted to buy one of these for years and I can not believe that I hesitated so long. If you have kids or pets it is well worth the money! I did all the upholstery in my minivan and it left it clean and smelling fantastic. I can’t wait to tackle more projects.
Sarah B –
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First let me say I don’t normally take time to write reviews but I just had to share my story because I’m still giddy about how well this machine worked.
I recently purchased a beautiful cream, designer chair at a furniture consignment shop and the lighting must have been bad in the store because I didn’t notice at all that it was quite dirty. I was just so excited that it was exactly what I had been looking for – color, size, style and price!
When I got it home it was perfect in every way EXCEPT the off-white that was so perfect in the fluorescent lighting was a dingy EWWW in the natural light of our living room. I took the armrest covers off and YUCK! I noticed how dirty the arms were and then noticed that I hadn’t looked that closely on the store – there were spots all over the chair!
The store doesn’t take returns AND I loved everything about the chair except the grime and spots (how did I not notice those in the store???) so I googled best upholstery cleaner and the BISSELL Little Green Machine showed up as top-rated in multiple blogs so I searched for it on Amazon. It had awesome reviews confirming what the blogs has said so I ordered it.
It came super-fast and was easy to set up. I got to work. Well, my sweet husband got to work. My plan was to have him handle the task as he’s usually in charge of the grimy stuff. Love that man. 😊🙏
Well I had no idea cleaning upholstery could be so fun! This little machine sucked the grime right out! It was really satisfying to see it get sucked out right before my eyes. Before my husband knew it, he was free to watch his baseball game because I had taken over.
When I was finished the cream chair looked like new!
And I didn’t stop there.
I had a 14-year old blue chair in my home office that had weathered two babies, lots of journaling and phone conversations with my feet tucked up underneath me, latte spills and just…a full life! Our whole family loves mommy’s blue chair as it’s where good conversations and snuggles have happened my kids’ entire lives. When we recently remodeled our home I was looking for a new chair for myself. My whole family protested because they loved it so much. It bummed me out because – well LOOK at the “before” photos of the blue chair I posted. Our whole house was clean and fresh from the much-needed after 17 years in the house remodel. Having to look at that chair, as much as I loved the memories of it, grossed me out.
So when I finished the cream chair I thought, I’m going to see what the BISSELL Little Green Machine could do for the blue chair. I figured, worst case scenario it would make it worse and then I’d HAVE to get my new chair. 😀
I honestly didn’t think it would make a difference. I had actually had a professional rug + upholstery cleaner look at it and say he couldn’t do anything to make it look better just two months ago during the remodel. So despite seeing the INCREDIBLE results on the cream chair, my expectations were low. Additionally, this was an inexpensive chair with a sueded microfiber fabric – not nearly as well made as the cream chair so I wasn’t sure if the not super-sturdy fabric would withstand the cleaning fluid or brush.
I was blown away. As you can see by the Before and After photos – the BISSELL mighty little machine did an amazing job!!! The blue chair is saved and we are ALL excited. Yes, even me. 😃 I just wish I would have taken videos of cleaning the blue chair – the water was SO dirty. GROSS!
Again though, it was SO satisfying throughout the process to see the dirt come out and have brand new chairs.
This machine is WELL worth the very reasonable price and I also absolutely love being able to restore two chairs rather than buy new ones. Less landfill and consumerism to help the planet. And the pocketbook!!!
A little technique scoop (if you’re still reading) – on the cream chair we sprayed the cleaning water from the machine on the area, then sprayed Resolve and let it sit for a minute or two before we sucked up the dirt. The Resolve did make the dirty water in the tank pretty foamy and I’m not sure if it could damage the machine or the chair but when we tried it we were kind of thinking we didn’t have anything to lose as the fabric was so grungy when we got it home to natural light, we would not have kept the chair if the BISSELL didn’t work. The machine seems totally fine and of course the chair is now clean and beautiful!
I could not possibly love this little machine more and now I can feel much more confident with all of our new carpet and furniture because if we get a spill or a stain this lightly little green machine will take care of it!
I highly recommend the BISSELL Little Green Machine!
Pearl W –
Limpia perfecto los accidentes de mi mascotas en el sillon
Mrs. Augie –
The BISSELL little green cleaner actually works well and did a great job. I wanted to clean sofa cushions from stains and thought it was worth a try. It is small so easy to set up and handle. I found it worked best to spray the stains first and use the tool to scrub it and then suction it up. I pressed firmly and kept going over it to get as much liquid up as I could. The suction seemed pretty good and I had plenty of dirty water in the tank. I think the key is to not over saturate what you are cleaning and you will be able to suction out most of the solution and it will dry quickly.
Mrs. Augie –
I bought this cleaner to clean up cat puke, and it has worked very well. It also worked well to clean our car. The suction power is great, and it is easy to use. It fits nicely under the kitchen sink. The reason I gave it a 4 is because there are parts of it that aren’t easy to clean. (The attachment with the brush has a part that gets pretty disgusting, and I haven’t figured out yet how to clean it. Also, the dirty water tank has parts in it where hair and gunk sometimes gets stuck, and those parts can’t be taken out to clan.) It would also be nice for the tank for the cleaner to have a flat top so that it can be set down when filling it. All in all, though, I am very happy with this purchase.
LauraAduddell –
Su funcionamiento es excelente 👌🏼 ya la use y todo bien, es fácil de armar y usar . La mía no trae la boquilla de auto lavado ni la boquilla negra larga de aspirado. No se porque, deberían de especificar bien el producto.. no hice devolución porque el empaque no dice que traiga esos accesorios.
Descubrí una manera de hacerle auto limpieza al terminar de usarla.. en una cubeta puse agua, con la maquina encendida aspire esa agua y se limpia muy bien la boquilla y la manguera después hay que enjuagar muy bien los depósitos. Pero excelente. Vale lo que cuesta.
Ben W –
I bought this cleaner a few weeks ago to help me get rid of stains in my baby’s nursery. It removed some hard to clean stains on my glider perfectly. I love the smell of the detergent that comes with it and it is super easy to work with. I cleaned my children’s mattresses with it and it did a wonderful job, the black water when it’s done is just proof how much it got out!
I did find the carpet to be tedious to clean as it is a large area, I will order the wider attachment to it so that it will take faster.
lorena –
I needed to return the item (through no fault of the company or actual cleaner)….. it was great, just had the wrong plug fitting for UK. The seller went above any beyond to help return and refund, and even when it got delayed in the post to them they still refunded me. Thank you for you excellent customer service here
Brenda lizette guerrero rosas –