Descrição do Produto: My Cookie Dealer Soft Baked Protein Cookies, Birthday Cake (3-Pack, 4oz Cookie)
As deliciosas My Cookie Dealer Soft Baked Protein Cookies no sabor Birthday Cake são a escolha perfeita para quem busca um lanche nutritivo e saboroso. Cada cookie de 4oz é assado de forma macia, proporcionando uma textura irresistível que derrete na boca. Com impressionantes 18g de proteína por cookie, essas guloseimas são feitas com proteína RAW Nutrition, garantindo um suporte nutricional de alta qualidade. Ideal para quem tem um estilo de vida ativo, essas cookies são individualmente embaladas, tornando-as práticas para levar em viagens, no trabalho ou na academia. O sabor festivo de bolo de aniversário traz um toque de alegria a cada mordida, permitindo que você satisfaça sua vontade de doce sem comprometer sua dieta.
1. Alto Teor de Proteína: Com 18g de proteína por cookie, é uma excelente opção para complementar a ingestão diária de proteínas, essencial para a recuperação muscular e manutenção da massa magra.
2. Praticidade: Cada cookie é individualmente embalado, facilitando o transporte e o consumo em qualquer lugar, ideal para lanches rápidos entre as refeições.
3. Sabor Irresistível: O sabor Birthday Cake proporciona uma experiência deliciosa, permitindo que você desfrute de um doce sem culpa.
4. Feito com Ingredientes de Qualidade: Utiliza proteína RAW Nutrition, garantindo que você consuma um produto nutritivo e de alta qualidade.
5. Versatilidade: Pode ser consumido como lanche pré ou pós-treino, ou até mesmo como uma sobremesa saudável, adaptando-se a diferentes momentos do seu dia.
Para aproveitar ao máximo as My Cookie Dealer Soft Baked Protein Cookies, recomenda-se consumi-las como um lanche entre as refeições ou como uma opção de pré ou pós-treino. Para um lanche ainda mais nutritivo, combine o cookie com uma bebida proteica ou um iogurte grego. Armazene em local fresco e seco, e consuma dentro do prazo de validade indicado na embalagem. Ideal para quem busca praticidade e sabor em um único produto, essas cookies são uma adição valiosa à sua rotina alimentar.
mamabear –
I love cookies, but I made the mistake of expecting these cookies to taste at least remotely like cookies. I was very wrong. These just taste horrible. I could only take 2 bites (second was to confirm it was really as bad as the first bite).
The picture looks gooey but I can confirm these are not gooey or soft at all. At 460 calories per cookie, even the 18g protein doesn’t justify this. I can’t even find anyone to give these away to. Nobody wants them.
JD –
I expect these cookies will be dry, but the taste was absolutely terrible as well!
Nicole –
The taste is unmatched for the calories and it will keep you energized over a long workout! The cookies arrived quickly and were undammaged. All they need is 15-30sec in the microwave and they are perfect. 10/10 recommend especially for those with a sweet tooth but don’t want to use all their daily calories!
sherry –
They are very chocolatey and I like that they have a decent bit of protein. The problem is they are very dry. I need to drink something with every bite. I would not recommend.
sherry –
The taste on these isn’t bad. However, the cookies (at least the flavor I got, birthday cake) is so dry. The texture of the cookie is just very dry and crumbly. Kind of messy to eat honestly. Even the vanilla creme filling was just dry. The macros on these aren’t what I’m looking for either. Yeah theres 18g of protein but 38g of sugar is a bit much. I can’t reccomend these.
Amazon Customer –
These are seriously the BEST PROTEIN COOKIES EVER!! I just got a box of the original chocolate chip flavor and I’m so happy with this purchase. These cookies are soft, taste great, and are packed with protein so I don’t feel guilty indulging in a sweet treat. I can’t wait to try some of the other flavors, I will definitely be ordering more of these in the future!!
Nicole –
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These are awful! There’s a very strange after taste that I can’t put my finger on. They smell like the beggin strips treats I buy for the dogs. The texture is incredibly dry & crumbly. There’s nothing soft & chewy about this “cookie”. Valued at -$15.00 cause I threw them in the trash but I guess that also, technically, makes them 0 carbs😂 Don’t do it, they also don’t qualify for returns/refund.
mamabear –
RAW and MCD offer some of the best protein cookies on the market right now. Their cookies are large, soft, and the taste on them is immaculate for it being a protein dessert. It has less of a protein aftertaste compared to brands like Quest, and MCD cookies are not gritty like Quest either. The macros are also really good on them too, a bit higher in calories, so if that is something you’re worried about and tracking you might have to be wary of that. Whenever I’m craving a sweet treat, or just a cookie with some milk I grab these and they fulfill every craving I have and I don’t have to worry about not meeting my macros.