Birth Song Botanicals Let There Be Milk – Cápsulas Orgânicas de Lactação
As cápsulas orgânicas de lactação Birth Song Botanicals Let There Be Milk são a solução ideal para mães que buscam aumentar a produção de leite materno de forma natural e eficaz. Com 60 unidades, este suplemento herbal é formulado com cardo abençoado, uma erva tradicionalmente reconhecida por suas propriedades que estimulam a lactação. Os principais benefícios incluem não apenas o aumento da produção de leite, mas também a melhoria na qualidade do leite e suporte ao sistema imunológico do bebê, garantindo que ele receba todos os nutrientes necessários para um desenvolvimento saudável.
Aumente naturalmente a produção de leite materno com este potente suplemento vegetariano para aumentar a produção de leite materno. Tenha a melhor experiência de amamentação para a mãe e um bebê satisfeito e saudável!
As cápsulas líquidas concentradas são compostas por ingredientes cuidadosamente selecionados, sendo ideais para aqueles que não gostam do sabor de suplementos líquidos. Essas cápsulas líquidas são fáceis de engolir e são rapidamente absorvidas, tornando-as preferidas em relação a comprimidos e cápsulas em pó. Para melhor aproveitamento, recomendamos adicionar à água, suco ou chá.
Expertamente formulado com ervas confiáveis, incluindo cardo abençoado e folha de framboesa vermelha, que são conhecidos por apoiar de forma segura e eficaz a amamentação. E o melhor de tudo, é produzido nos Estados Unidos.
Aumente a produção de leite materno, seja em casa, no trabalho ou em movimento. Nosso suplemento de lactação ajudará você a produzir leite suficiente para ter um estoque cheio de leite materno no freezer!
Criado por uma mãe para mães, nossa proprietária Maria combina sua experiência profissional de mais de 18 anos como herbalista e parteira com sua experiência pessoal como mãe para fornecer às mães lactantes uma nova solução de lactação como opção para aquelas que preferem cápsulas líquidas de alta qualidade em vez de cápsulas em pó ou comprimidos.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Aumento natural da produção de leite materno
- Cápsulas líquidas concentradas e fáceis de engolir
- Formulação especializada com ervas confiáveis
- Ajuda a aumentar a produção de leite materno para armazenamento
- Desenvolvido por uma mãe com experiência profissional em ervas e parto
- Aumento natural da produção de leite materno, promovendo uma amamentação mais tranquila.
- Cápsulas líquidas que facilitam a ingestão e a absorção rápida dos nutrientes.
- Formulação com ervas reconhecidas, garantindo segurança e eficácia no suporte à lactação.
- Possibilidade de estocar leite materno, proporcionando maior liberdade e flexibilidade para a mãe.
- Desenvolvimento do produto por uma mãe experiente, que entende as necessidades reais das lactantes.
Recomendamos tomar 2 cápsulas líquidas por dia, de preferência com as refeições. Para melhores resultados, adicione as cápsulas a um copo de água, suco ou chá. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de usar este produto, especialmente se estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando outros medicamentos. A utilização regular e conforme as orientações pode maximizar os benefícios do suplemento, contribuindo para uma experiência de amamentação mais satisfatória e produtiva.
foamerboy –
I used this product for my second baby to up my milk game and here I am using it again for baby number three! I’m so glad I found it again because this stuff will change your pumping game! I am an exclusive pumper so I can know exactly how much my babies drink since they tend to be on the smaller side. I have a stash in the freezer but started to feel like I might be breaking even each day on what she was drinking/what I was producing. I started writing it all down and I was right! So I searched Amazon to try and find this product again and within two days I was storing an extra two bags of milk each day. When I say it’s a game changer I am not lying!! The taste is horrid but after a day you don’t notice it anymore and when you see how much more milk you’ll produce you won’t care at all!
Highly recommend!!
Courtney G. –
*** Second Review***
This is the second bottle I’ve purchased. The first time I purchased this product, I bought just the 1 oz bottle just in case I didn’t like it. This time, I purchased the 2 oz bottle. It’s a little more expensive than the first but when I really think about it, I’m ultimately investing in my milk supply – so to me it was worth it. I’ve had another dip in lactation production (hormones and stress) and this stuff really helps get me back up to where I need my production to be. I have full-time employment and I pump everyday during my lunch break and also pump after work. My job can get incredibly stressful and there were days when I was lucky if I could pump around 6 ounces. With the help of this product, I can get about 10 ounces per pumping session – which for me is awesome. In addition to this product, I am also taking fenugreek and blessed thistle supplements, which also aid in lactation production. This product has fenugreek and blessed thistle already in it, but taking all three has been helping me in my situation; remember, every woman is different. I’m still not used to the taste and I’m still chasing it with ginger ale or sprite just to make it more pleasant. I would still highly recommend this product.
***First Review***
I read about this product while searching for ideas on how to increase my milk production. This product must be extremely popular, as each time I attempted to purchase, it would be sold out. I finally got lucky and was able to order and purchase this product. This item arrived within 2 days of ordering (4 days earlier than expected) which was a happy surprise. I’m still using this product but I have noticed an increase in milk production already. Results will vary (of course); you have to be dedicated in feeding and pumping to help increase milk production as well. This supplement is helping me get to where I want to be with my supply. The taste isn’t all that great – I’ll be honest and tell you it’s awful lol (it reminds me of the poly-vi-sol vitamins they give babies :p) but heck, the point is to increase milk production, not to satisfy your taste buds; I’ve been chasing my dosages with ginger ale and I’m fine with it. I would definitely recommend this product to any nursing mother out there looking to increase lactation production.
Sarah Davis –
I recently had my 4th baby. I breastfed my previous 3, but my supply was never great and they took a long time to gain enough weight to make the doctors happy. I didn’t want to go through the same experience again. I read about this product on a blog and was skeptical, but after reading the ingredients and the reviews I gave it a shot. The results have been AMAZING! My baby goes about 3 hours between feedings and by the time he’s ready to eat my breasts are so full that they’re starting to hurt. He gained back to his birth weight right on time and he sleeps almost all night at just a month old. I wish I had found this product sooner
Lindsey L. –
I’m currently trying 4-5 things to regain my milk supply. After 9 months of breastfeeding, my supply dropped. While this is not the only thing I’m using, I believe this is a major contributor to regaining my supply. This tastes like bad 151 Rum or gasoline. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A CHASER! Lime, salt, smoothie – anything to chase this with.
Juanita Jones –
Does this work? Yes, it worked well for me to get my supply up BUT it made me and my little guy gassy. I thought I could help him with Mylacon but there wasn’t enough in this world that would help him not be gassy. He was super fussy after the third day. I think the only way I’d use this again is if my supply got low again and I would sacrifice a few days of s fussy baby to get it back up, but it did work. Now I just keep it up with him. I took a star off because of the gassiness that he had. If there was a way that you guys can make it and th not get fussy that would be AWESOME.
I just got this product Saturday and tried it Sunday evening. I noticed the difference almost immediately and then woke up Monday morning completely FULL to the point that they were literally hard as a rock. I haven’t pumped yet to see if it’s made a difference but I fed my little guy this morning and he was over flowing. The reason I gave four stars is because I JUST started it and will update in about a week. I’m also going to try to pump after I feed my little guy to see if my supply is up like I think it is.
As for the taste….it is GROSS. I made the mistake of putting it directly in my mouth. DO NOT do that. Second time around I diluted it with water and took it like a shot then chased it with my morning coffee, didn’t taste it at all. I don’t like the alcohol aspect of the solution but I was looking at the website and they have a non alcoholic version but it’s sold out. I’ll be checking back to try and get it.
I would recommend this to new mamas because it worked for me so far.
Minoshka –
****Put one star only because it won’t allow to leave zero stars****
Have had it two days and this has made it hard/best impossible. Do NOT recommend the Fenugreek in this product makes the process so difficult and has caused my supply to drop. Highly upset that they don’t do a refund even if the product can’t be returned. Will not buy again or from this seller.