- Com 31g de proteína esportiva + 5g de creatina monohidratada e BCAAs, tudo em uma única porção – obtenha a maior quantidade de proteína por porção com um perfil completo de aminoácidos e sem açúcar. Tudo para ter um desempenho melhor e maximizar a recuperação muscular.
- Ganhos e desempenho em ascensão: desfrute do impacto do pó de creatina monohidratada e HICA (ácido leucídico) para promover um desempenho aprimorado e ganho muscular. Este pó de proteína vegana sabor chocolate é feito para o atleta de alto desempenho que busca ganhos musculares e condicionamento físico de primeira linha.
- Reduza a dor muscular pós-treino: nossa mistura de recuperação rápida com VitaCherry Sport, BCAAs e eletrólitos essenciais. Nossa fórmula de proteína sem açúcar apoia sua rotina de academia e recuperação, tudo no novo pó de treino limpo e simples à base de proteína vegetal.
- Sem inchaço, apenas digestão suave: nossa fórmula de pó de baunilha sem laticínios apresenta uma mistura especial de enzimas digestivas Optiziome e probióticos LifeinU para apoiar a digestão saudável e a absorção ideal de nutrientes. Falcon Performance é livre de enchimentos e proteína sem açúcar, garantindo ausência de inflamação e acne.
- Junte-se à Revolução Vegetal: Birdman tem orgulho de ser uma empresa 100% vegetal comprometida com a nutrição sustentável livre de crueldade animal. Uma porcentagem de sua compra apoia ativamente o bem-estar dos animais por meio da Animal Heroes Association. Viva o seu melhor. Inspire os outros. DECOLE.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 1. Alto teor de proteína: Com 31g de proteína por porção, o Birdman Falcon Performance Vegan Protein Powder fornece a quantidade ideal de proteína para maximizar o desempenho e a recuperação muscular.
- 2. Ganho muscular aprimorado: A combinação de creatina monohidratada e HICA (ácido leucídico) neste pó de proteína vegana ajuda a promover ganhos musculares e melhorar o desempenho atlético.
- 3. Recuperação rápida pós-treino: A fórmula de recuperação rápida deste pó de proteína contém VitaCherry Sport, BCAAs e eletrólitos essenciais para ajudar a reduzir a dor muscular e acelerar a recuperação após o treino.
- 4. Digestão saudável: Com enzimas digestivas e probióticos, este pó de proteína vegana é formulado para promover uma digestão suave e uma absorção ideal de nutrientes, evitando inchaço e desconforto gastrointestinal.
- 5. Compromisso com a sustentabilidade: Ao comprar o Birdman Falcon Performance Vegan Protein Powder, você está apoiando uma empresa 100% vegetal comprometida com a nutrição sustentável e livre de crueldade animal.
Misture uma colher do pó de proteína vegana Birdman Falcon Performance com 250ml de água ou sua bebida preferida. Consuma antes ou após o treino para obter os melhores resultados em desempenho e recuperação muscular. Para melhores resultados, consulte um profissional de saúde ou nutricionista antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação.
Amazon Customer –
I did buy it for my husband to recover after rotation cuff surgery. There is all what you need to get soon in shape from A-Z. I’m finding this product very helpfull, it is good for you for your whole healing proces and after it is a time it is still perfect when you start slowly work out after surgery. Good suplement, tasty, and in other way it is for all of us because before bed time we are ALL HUNGRY , now get this drink and you will feel full and also you will get all protein and vitamins what your body need. I’m talking about my own experience – I’m using this one also -all women trying get in shape and they are hungry before bed time right? There is Vanila and Chocolade. Strawbery will be nice.
ricky –
So first off this is probably my favorite protein powder so far that I Have tried so far it mixes well with anything you put it in, but was surprised me was how well it mixed with water, I also liked the a serving is one scoop and a glass of whatever you wanna mix it in unlike other ones I’ve tried to put two or three Scoops, My only complaint is, I wish it had more chocolate flavor to it. it’s good but could be better than that, though I feel it’s a very good product, Good ingredients nothing weird or that you can’t pronounce, I will definitely buy this again
Colibri’dluz –
Muy buena porción en esta presentación, buen sabor, no muy dulce es como chocolate amargo, ostiga un poco pero creo que fue mi paladar y no culpa de la proteína, dura lo que debe, se siente el efecto mientras hagas él ejercicio correcto y la consumas como debes, se notan los resultados, mejor textura y sabor que otras marcas, además que es vegetal y no se siente que traiga azúcar, siento que las que son suero de leche solo te engordan por todo lo que traen además que vienen endulzadas y traen azúcar, está en ningún momento sentí que me engordará, y además sientes tu cuerpo muy lleno de energía.
Renee –
I prefer the choco bronze flavor over golden vanilla. The chocolate flavor is mellow and unobtrusive – I wouldn’t say it’s super delicious, but it’s enough to not be like “ugh I have to finish this” and I look forward to it after workouts. The golden vanilla flavor has cinnamon undertones and I dislike cinnamon, so I am in an “ugh I have to finish this” situation. I’m not sure if it’s the cinnamon flavor but I do notice a bit of gastric discomfort with the vanilla that I don’t get with the chocolate, but it’s not terrible and usually goes away after ~30 minutes.
I prefer to use this powder by doing 2/3-3/4 full scoop mixed with a 1/2 scoop of whey protein isolate powder. I like diversifying the proteins my body gets and I have noticed great results from mixing plant-based and dairy-based proteins (thank you plants and cows!)
I will say that I don’t think that the creatine is very effective blended like this, as in it probably loses effectiveness being stored with other ingredients. I feel that one scoop of this vs a rest day shake where I mix 5g pure creatine into a smoothie, I feel the latter is more effective. But it is very convenient to have in one form factor so it’s not worth losing stars over it.
It shakes up really nicely, I’ve never had clumps with these powders. For those who may be new to protein powders, add your liquid of choice first before powder. I find gently shaking laterally (like rocking a boat) at first helps the powder into the water instead of compacting it against the lid.
For how cost effective this is, I’d say the quality is great overall. I will be going back to the choco bronze flavor once I get through the vanilla.
Placeholder –
Got the vanilla one (haven’t tried the chocolate yet) it tastes great and I am thankful for the added aminos. I blame the creatine for minimal tummy rumbles a little bit after eating it but it’s not bad at all and is unobtrusive. I still take extra creatine because I’m not sure how effective it is just having it mixed in. The flavor is smooth and I’ve used it plain, but mostly use it with frozen fruit, my added vitamins, and water post workout. Great for macro counting and good quality. It’s not grainy at all and blends really well. I haven’t tried baking with it yet since it’s more expensive (but definitely worth it) I try to save it for smoothies. It is sweet, but not overly so and can be used by itself if needed. Would recommend to vegan athlete friends.
Gilberto Yam –
Buena proteína, buen precio, producto de calidad sin componentes dañinos
roberto –
Llegó en tiempo y en bien cuidado, cerrado y sellado correctamente. La tomo después de entrenar, me siento satisfecha, se disuelve mejor en agua, el sabor y la consistencia son de mi agrado, he probado otras marcas y se sienten insípidas y terrosas, además de que no tienen tanta proteína, en cambio esta me sabe a malteada.
Crash1102 –
Llevo 10 días de uso. No encuentro negatividad en su sabor, es disfrutable si lo complementas con poco café. Compré el sabor chocolate. Lo que encuentro un poco malo es su cierre, no es tan hermético como quisiera.
Crash1102 –
I had run out of my current brand and was looking for another plant based high protein powder as a backup. Came across the Birdman and I was really impressed and intrigued by the ingredients. Creatine, BCAA’S and a digestive blend, heck yeah! 👍 It mixes well (like any other plant based I’ve had) and tastes great. Both flavors are very good! I can’t say I’ve noticed huge differences but it’s definitely an easy way for me to up my protein intake
Ms. Jennifer –
Looking past the beautiful packaging, I was very happy to find that the product within was fantastic for me. Why? I need a lot more protein than I realized and this helps me achieve my nutritional goals without having to eat 7 tons of cooked beans every day. It also isn’t going to break my modest budget. I bought the Golden Vanilla, which is delicious. The flavor is soft and creamy with no discernible grainy texture and it blends well with water, oat milk, and homemade and store-bought green smoothies as well as with coffee. All of the ingredients are easy to identify, plant-based (thankfully), and meet my higher protein and reasonably low caloric criteria for a powder supplement. Also of note, this powder is highly digestible and doesn’t give me the adverse issues I’ve had with whey protein and supplements with xylitol. As a fan of SunWarrior products, I like having another vegan option and this Birdman protein powder quickly made its way into a top spot on my favorites list. One last thing. The scoop inside the package is large and has an ample handle. If you’re familiar with the scoops that come with powdered supplements, you might have noticed skinny handles which are fine for tiny portions of collagen or creatine but terrible for a hefty scoop of larger portions. The scoop that comes with the Birdman powder is wide, allowing one to get a good grip and scoop powder without much effort. And in trying to make healthy changes in a very busy day, every detail counts. I’m a new fan.