BIOZYME: Complexo Completo de Enzimas Digestivas de Alta Potência
O BIOZYME é um complexo inovador de enzimas digestivas que oferece uma liberação em duas fases, proporcionando suporte digestivo eficaz e abrangente. Cada porção de duas tabletes contém uma combinação poderosa de enzimas, incluindo Betaine HCl, Pepsin, Bromelain e Papain, que atuam no estômago, enquanto Pancreatin e Trypsin são liberados para otimizar a digestão no intestino delgado. Com uma concentração de Pancreatin 5X, o BIOZYME garante uma digestão eficiente de proteínas, carboidratos e gorduras, promovendo uma absorção nutricional ideal.
As enzimas digestivas presentes no BIOZYME são essenciais para a quebra de macronutrientes, facilitando a digestão e minimizando desconfortos gastrointestinais. A Protease, com 50.000 unidades USP, e a Amylase, também com 50.000 unidades USP, trabalham em sinergia para garantir que as proteínas e os carboidratos sejam decompostos adequadamente. A Lipase, com 4.000 unidades USP, é fundamental para a digestão de gorduras, enquanto a Betaine HCl e a Pepsin ajudam a manter um ambiente ácido no estômago, essencial para a digestão eficiente.
Além disso, o BIOZYME contém Bromelain e Papain, enzimas proteolíticas derivadas do abacaxi e da papaia, respectivamente, que não apenas auxiliam na digestão, mas também possuem propriedades anti-inflamatórias. O extrato de bile bovina e a Chymotrypsin complementam a fórmula, promovendo uma digestão ainda mais completa. A base de ervas, que inclui hortelã-pimenta, camomila, gengibre, feno-grego e acidophilus, não só melhora o sabor, mas também contribui para o bem-estar digestivo.
1. Digestão Eficiente: Melhora a quebra de proteínas, carboidratos e gorduras, promovendo uma digestão mais completa.
2. Alívio de Desconfortos Gastrointestinais: Reduz sintomas como inchaço, gases e indigestão.
3. Apoio à Saúde Intestinal: A presença de acidophilus e ervas contribui para um microbioma saudável.
4. Aumento da Absorção Nutricional: Facilita a absorção de nutrientes essenciais, melhorando a saúde geral.
5. Fórmula Natural e Sem Glúten: Ideal para pessoas com sensibilidades alimentares, garantindo uma opção segura e eficaz.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 tabletes do BIOZYME antes das principais refeições. Isso garantirá que as enzimas sejam liberadas no momento certo, otimizando a digestão dos alimentos consumidos. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas pré-existentes ou estiver tomando outros medicamentos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
dandydays –
I cannot compare this to any other enzyme product because this is the first time I have tried enzymes.
A friend recommended taking enzymes. She had lots of stomache/gut issues almost exactly the same as me. I’ve had dozens of tests done, changed my diet (no processed or refined anything)to no avail. It just kept getting worse the older I get. Even just two sips of water made me bloat.
This product has done so much for me in less than a week already. I don’t get the fatigue, brain fog, gas, cramps, bloating, or nausea after eating anymore. I noticed a small difference after the first meal, but the changes are becoming more and more noticable. The best part, I ENJOY EATING AGAIN! I highly, highly, highly recommend taking enzymes reguarly after every meal. My friend did mention to be sure that any enzymes you take contain Ox Bile. I am not sure why, but I followed her recommendation as she was recommended enzymes by a nutritionist for the Phoenix Suns.
One thing in addition to taking enzymes, is to purchase a product that mineralizes your water (if you use a RO system). The water in Arizona is terrible, so many households do. I just buy the drops that can be purchased at any health food store.
I feel like a new woman!
Harriet Harper –
My physician placed me on an auto-immune diet this year. I have celiac disease and despite avoiding all wheat products, my digestive system continued to be inadequate. I was experiencing abdominal and intestinal pains after eating a meal. This was especially problematic after the supper meal. My physician’s dietician suggested BIOZYME. This enzyme has been successful in relieving almost all discomfort. When I further fine tune my diet, I expect to be completely rid of this digestive upset and, of course, I will continue taking Biozyme.
Envisionstar –
love the product. my father has lymphoma of the stomach and i was reading about proteolytic enzymes and about how they digest unwanted proteins etc…. i was looking for an enzyme complex with trypsin and chymotrypsin in it specifically and fortunately i did!! my father has been going through traditional chemo and taking various herbs and supplements PLUS this. 3 months since diagnosis the PETScan shows no more cancer. obviously its too early to tell if its fully gone but its not visible on the scan and he was taking this product. all i can say is this product doesn’t hurt. make sure if you take anything for cancer and are undergoing chemo that the products you are taking dont affect the liver and its ability to metabolize the chemo drugs. you dont want the chemo drugs to be in your system longer or shorter than expected because you are taking a product that affects liver enzymes. my father takes this stuff after the chemo is officially flushed out of his system NOT WHILE hes taking the chemo. for example it takes 11 days for one of the drugs to be flushed out fully so we wait until its out to give him this product. good luck everyone and i highly recommend this product!!
Amazon Customer –
I’ve used similar products to this for acid reflux and this one doesn’t seem to offer the same relief as other brands I’ve used (Integrative Therapeutics being the best brand I’ve used so far). I’m glad its worked well for others, it just hasn’t done it for me.
D Kettles –
Based on D Hallgrath’s recommendation I tried this after using 6-9 pills @ 3-4 times/day Vitalzym Enzymes. Systemic Enzymes healed a 3.5 year torn bicep tendon 90% in 90 days.. Plus my neck and back pain decreased some 70%. That got my attention and made me realize Enzymes are a vital key to healing and health.
They lower the inflammation throughout the body, as well as in the arteries.
Vitalzym is a powerful product but a bit expensive. Biozyme is has a far better price, but lacks the Serrapeptase that Vitalzym has. So consider Doctor’s Best – Best High Potency Serrapeptase in addition to duplicate Vitalzym better.
Biozyme is far superior to NOW Brand – Super Enzymes from my experience.
Google Systemic Enzyme Therapy and research the topic. It stimulates healing and reduces pain.
Eugenia Luck –
I have a lot of digestive problems – burning, gnawing in my stomach, not ibs, and totally unrelated to what I eat or how much I eat – and these helped me more than any other digestive enzymes. But nothing helped as much as D-limonene.
Faith –
After trying a few general digestive enzyme products like NOW Plant Enzymes and Ness Formula 601 that didn’t give (me) much relief, I tried this one and it has made a huge difference in how I feel after I eat a meal. I no longer have that stuffed feeling I used to get, even after eating a very small meal, that lasted for hours on end. Also, the reflux problem is rare now unless I eat something I know I shouldn’t.
The difference between this product and the ones I have tried previously is that this one has additional supplements that the others don’t include, such as Pancreatin, Trypsin, Betaine HCI, and Ox Bile Extract. I am convinced these are absolutely necessary to get complete relief from digestive woes!
I ran across this one after reading on an IBS website to take a list of about 10 supplements. It said if you can’t find them all that there were 3 that were mandatory (don’t remember which 3), but this product has like 9 out of 10 of the supplements recommended.
Taylor Millheim –
Have used a lot of digestive enzymes but this one I really didn’t notice much a difference with. Still giving two stars because no side effects/adverse reaction