Descrição do Produto: Benevolent Liquid Biotin 5000 mcg – Infundido com Óleo de Coco para 5X Absorção, Não-OGM
Descubra o poder do Benevolent Liquid Biotin, uma fórmula inovadora que combina a eficácia da biotina com a absorção superior do óleo de coco. Com 5000 mcg de biotina em cada dose, este suplemento líquido é a solução definitiva para quem busca melhorar a saúde dos cabelos, pele e unhas. A biotina, também conhecida como vitamina B7, é essencial para o crescimento celular e a produção de ácidos graxos, promovendo cabelos mais fortes e saudáveis. O diferencial deste produto está na sua forma líquida, que proporciona uma absorção de 2 a 3 vezes superior em comparação com cápsulas, garantindo que você aproveite ao máximo cada gota.
- A absorção definitiva! – Este é o único biotina em forma líquida com óleo de coco disponível na Amazon. O óleo de coco não apenas melhora a absorção da biotina, mas também potencializa a absorção de outras vitaminas do complexo B, especialmente quando consumido com vitamina C e gorduras saudáveis. O óleo de coco ajuda na rápida assimilação de nutrientes e antioxidantes, tornando este produto uma escolha inteligente para sua saúde.
- Formulação excepcional – Atendendo às suas preocupações com a saúde, apresentamos uma fórmula única de biotina que é completamente livre de álcool, açúcar e glúten. Isso significa que você pode cuidar da sua saúde sem se preocupar com aditivos indesejados.
- A melhor solução para o gosto amargo! – Diga adeus à necessidade de misturar seu suplemento com smoothies ou sucos para mascarar sabores desagradáveis! Nossa fórmula é infundida com estévia, proporcionando um sabor doce e agradável, sem amargor ou gosto residual.
- Um produto, muitos nomes – Este suplemento de força profissional para o crescimento capilar é versátil e pode ser encontrado sob várias denominações, incluindo vitaminas pós-natais, kit para couro cabeludo seco, hidratantes, endurecedores e muito mais. É uma solução abrangente para quem busca volume e saúde capilar.
1. Absorção Superior: A combinação de biotina líquida com óleo de coco garante uma absorção até 5 vezes maior, maximizando os benefícios do produto.
2. Saúde Geral: A fórmula livre de álcool, açúcar e glúten é ideal para quem busca um suplemento saudável e sem aditivos prejudiciais.
3. Sabor Agradável: A infusão de estévia elimina o gosto amargo, tornando o consumo do suplemento uma experiência prazerosa.
4. Versatilidade: Pode ser utilizado como um suplemento para cabelos, pele e unhas, atendendo a diversas necessidades de beleza e saúde.
5. Fácil de Usar: A forma líquida facilita a dosagem e o consumo, tornando-o prático para o dia a dia.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 1 colher de sopa (15 ml) de Benevolent Liquid Biotin diariamente. Pode ser consumido puro ou misturado em sua bebida favorita. Para otimizar a absorção, é aconselhável ingerir o produto junto com uma fonte de vitamina C ou uma refeição que contenha gorduras saudáveis. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a qualidade do produto.
Ms Jayy –
I had an issue for the last few months where my nails were weak, splitting and even had some ridges. This is very unusual as I have been using biotin for years and always had nice nails. However, I had never used liquid biotin before and my last two bottles of soft gels were from reputable companies that I have used frequently in the past. After my regular brand of the 10,000 mcg soft gels made no difference with my nail problem I switched to another brand of 10,000 mcg soft gels which rendered no satisfactory results. With that being said, I figured it was time to try the liquid drops and see if the hype of the high absorption stands true. I researched different brands of biotin, aiming to find one that was reasonably priced, had a good flavor and had high customer ratings. I came upon the Benevolent brand and was impressed by the fact that the ingredients are organic, it is GMP certified, FDA approved and 100% vegan. Not that I’m vegan but it is a plus to know that the product is vegan friendly. Within three days of faithfully taking 0.5 ml once daily with my breakfast I noticed my nails had got strong and stopped splitting and I do see growth. I am SO impressed! Benevolent Biotin will be a staple for me. My days of taking pill form vitamins and supplements are over. I am going to look at other Benevolent products to see what they have to offer. The taste is awesome too!
Lorraine Lott –
I love, love, love, love this product!!! I bought it for my hair and know it’s also good for skin and nails and it is! Hair feels stronger and feels thicker. Skin has a shiny new baby skin look and nails, well they are growing faster and are stronger. Even though I bought this for my hair, skin and nails something really extraordinary happened when I first took Benevolent Nourishment’s Biotin. I was beginning one of my episodes with a vision disturbance, happens maybe once a month; I know when it starts because my vision starts a wavering pattern and seems to go across from left to right and lasts about an hour and I am very tired afterward while this happens and afterward. Simply by pure coincidence I grabbed for the bottle of Biotin (first time using this product) and used the prescribed amount under my tongue. IMMEDIATELY that vision disturbance vanished and I didn’t ever feel fatiqued. I could not believe it. It was like a miracle. I can’t say enough about this product. I have tried other biotins’s and none, none of them work like this one. But the icing on the cake for this product, is that it tastes phenomenal. I wish everything tasted this good!!
Andreka Feshae –
I’ve had a lot of hair breakage lately so I ordered the Liquid Biotin 5000mcg hoping that it would help strengthen my hair. Not only does it taste good, but I’m not seeing as much hair in my comb now. I am definitely getting another bottle.
lele4aday –
OMG!!!!….I am in love with this product for several reasons. I
1) The seller shipped the product so fast, I ordered it on April 29th n received it on May 2nd. 2) Benevolent liquor Biotin, the taste is so sweet with no after taste that I had to look at the ingredients to make sure that sugar was not in the ingredients ( it wasn’t). The sweet fast is because of the coconut oil,natural vanilla n Stevie leaf. You are going to enjoy taking this product everyday. 3) Even though it been a week I have notice that my nails have gotten stronger, they don’t chip so easily now. I’m hoping that the more I take the Benevolent liquid biotin I see growth to my hair. And now the final thing I like the seller emailed me with some suggestions on how to take the liquid biotin Drink a lot of water..😆. I say if you’re thinking about buying this product just go head n do it n I promise you won’t be disappointed.
Greg –
Maybe because of my recent pregnancy and age, I’ve noticed that my hair has been starting to grow more brittle and scarce. I’ve started shedding more then before and my hair has started to lose the luster that it once had. It grew to turn more brittle, more weak and generally looking like the hair has changed. I’ve never thought that the texture of hair can change so much even though I’ve hurd so much about it, just never thought it would happen to me until it really did happen. Anyway, I’ve started looking into solutions and saw that Biotin is one supplement that I can use. I went on to search for a product that suited my needs and was very strong and potent. I took care to drink more water while I was using it because I’ve heard that although Biotin can help with hair growth, skin and nails as well, it can also cause breakouts on your skin through acne and so on. I also researched that drinking water would help it as Biotin is water soluble, so I looked into liquid supplements because it seemed like the type of thing that made the most sense – drinking biotin with water since you need more water intake. As I looked into it, I realised thad liquids have actually higher absorption compared to pills and can even get higher absorption if you put it undereath you tongue and let it sit, something about the fact that it can enter your blood stream faster. Anyways, I do both. I sometimes sit it underneath my tongue when I have the time, and it tastes plenty good. Other times when I’m in a rush I just put it into my water and call it a day. I’ve noticed that after taking it for around two weeks, I’ve noticed that my scalp has been a little bit itchier (perhaps from more growth) and that I can see the results in my hair already! I see that my hair has started to grow a thicker hairline and I can measure that my hair has already grown 1-2 cm. Happy to say that this product works very well for me and I love this product. I would recomend it to anyone that needs an extra hair growth!