Descrição do Produto:
O FC Cidal Herbal Blend da Biotics Research é um suplemento alimentar que oferece suporte à função gastrointestinal saudável e ao equilíbrio microbiano. Sua fórmula exclusiva é composta por uma mistura de extratos botânicos que ajudam a restaurar o equilíbrio do organismo. Este produto é especialmente formulado para proteger o revestimento do intestino, proporcionando uma barreira protetora contra agentes nocivos. O FC Cidal contém uma potente dose de 500 mg em uma única cápsula, oferecendo uma combinação proprietária de sete ervas que promovem a saúde digestiva.
Além disso, o FC Cidal também oferece suporte a uma resposta imunológica saudável. Cerca de 70% do sistema imunológico está localizado no trato gastrointestinal, portanto, o que é bom para o intestino acaba sendo benéfico para a resposta imunológica geral. A Biotics Research é uma empresa líder na indústria de suplementos nutricionais, que revolucionou o mercado ao combinar “O Melhor da Ciência e da Natureza”. Seu foco em pesquisa, eficácia natural, segurança do produto, controle de qualidade e inovação contínua impulsiona seus avanços no campo.
Todos os produtos da Biotics Research são fabricados nos Estados Unidos, em uma instalação licenciada pelo Departamento de Saúde do Texas, certificada pelas Boas Práticas de Fabricação (GMP) e ISO. Eles são testados em um laboratório de última geração para garantir segurança, eficácia e pureza, além de serem livres de glúten!
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Protege o revestimento do intestino
- Contém uma combinação proprietária de 7 ervas que promovem a saúde digestiva
- Oferece suporte a uma resposta imunológica saudável
- Produzido nos Estados Unidos em uma instalação certificada e testado em laboratório
- Livre de glúten
- Melhora a digestão e reduz desconfortos gastrointestinais, promovendo um bem-estar geral.
- Fortalece a barreira intestinal, ajudando a prevenir a permeabilidade intestinal e a inflamação.
- Contribui para um equilíbrio saudável da microbiota intestinal, essencial para a saúde digestiva.
- Suporta a função imunológica, essencial para a defesa do organismo contra patógenos.
- Fácil de incorporar na rotina diária, com apenas uma cápsula por dia, tornando a suplementação prática e conveniente.
Recomenda-se tomar 1 cápsula do FC Cidal Herbal Blend diariamente, preferencialmente com as refeições. É importante consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. A adesão a esta recomendação pode maximizar os benefícios do produto e garantir uma experiência segura e eficaz.
Amazon Customer –
If you have SIBO or dysbiosis from any cause, FC-Cidal plus Biome Balance (both from the same company) will help you. You must take two capsules from each bottle twice a day (total 8 in a day) until the bottle runs out. Then and only then should you take some probiotics to put back the good guys. The study I saw said that this regimen works better than a course of Rifaximin. Don’t buy cheap probiotics from your grocery store because they only use the easy to manufacture species, most of which will produce histamine in your gut and you’ll have to start over again.
maria buonamici –
i have sibo and this product helped me
Brian Wilson –
I have taken FC-Cidal and Disbiocide by Biotics Research. The two work well to cure SIBO. However you need to take this between meals and not with food. I’ve tried it both ways and found it didn’t work when I took it with meals. You also need to lower your carbohydrate intake. This last round I discovered that sugar and fruit do not aggravate SIBO but bread products certainly do. I suspect simple sugars and fruit are absorbed before they reach the site of infection (distal small intestine) where bread products are still present and feed the bacteria. That would also explain my observation that if I eat a lot of non-fruit carbohydrates I develop SIBO again a lot sooner than if I just stick to fruit.
If you go to a doctor for SIBO it can take 3 months just to see a gastroenterologist. Then it will take another month to get tested. The test has a high false negative response so you may have SIBO, the test shows negative, and the doctor doesn’t do anything. Even if you show positive it will take another month to (maybe) cure with an antibiotic that wipes out your friendly bacteria as well. For less money and aggravation you can buy these two products (cheaper than the antibiotic) and cure yourself in a month. It’s a no brainer. This doesn’t wipe out your good bacteria either so it is a lot safer.
Love Clementine –
This did not work at all. If anything, it made me feel miserable for a whole entire month. I started to feel normal again when I stopped taking it.
Matt –
I used Biotics Dysbiocide simultaneously with Biotics FC-Cidal for SIBO and can say that (so far) this sh*t really works! I was diagnosed with SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) after taking a lactulose breath test following a bad bout with food poisoning and multiple rounds of antibiotics afterward. Turns out the antibiotics cleared out my good bacteria leaving the bad to grow! Fast forward past a hellish 6 months of gas, bloating, digestive issues, and a newfound fear of food, and my gastroenterologist orders me to go on Xifaxan (rifaximin) to target and kill the SIBO. It worked, but only for 3 weeks. The SIBO came back (very common), and my gastro doc ordered me to go on herbal rescue therapy (the Dysbiocide + FC-Cidal combo). It’s only been 4 days, but I’m feeling WAY better than I have in a long time. The testament? I ate a full Mexican cuisine dinner last night at a restaurant and had a SOLID stool today! Sorry to get graphic, but it has been loose for sooooo long! I have been on the low FODMAP diet (and feeling malnourished) for MONTHS afraid to eat any “unsafe” foods, but am now thinking I can branch out and eat high FODMAP foods like avocado and corn again without paying for it later.
Reader be warned, there are side effects with the Biotics combo (as a result of bacteria “die-off”), but they’re bearable in relation to what you (we) have been dealing with! These include extreme fatigue, insomnia (took 2 hours to fall asleep one night) some brain fog, and sinus issues/allergies for the first few days. I’ve had a little nausea, but it’s not bad at all. It’s day 4 and my stomach is not making noises like it was, gas feels fruitful like it used to, and the bowel movements are whole, smooth, and feel soooooo good again! I’ll keep you posted on my progress as I’ve been instructed to be on the Biotics combo for 1 month. Feeling optimistic and now seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. You, too, can get through this. If this review even helps 1 person, it was worth it!
Aaron D –
FIRST OF ALL: I am only 4 days into this treatment.. So my results are currently not final. But I just had to start the review.
Wow.. After years of trying to cure my IBS-D.. Here’s the answer! Long story short.. IT WORKS for SIBO/IBS-D! Have always had IBS-D – managed it with a probiotic.. Then I took an antibiotic for an infection from a spider bite. 2 months later and my quality of life had been completely diminished. Started loading on probiotics and Glutamine.. Helped.. But still had relapse. Symptoms; low stomach acid, tremors after eating, severe bloating, severe food allergies to even apples. (I’m 23 years old, male, and very active)
After what seems like endless research I went down the “SIBO” route. Came upon XIFAXAN – went to try to get it from a specialist and he wanted to run blood tests and do an endoscopy first. Everything was normal. So he didn’t want to prescribe anything. Found out online that FC-CIDAL + Dysbiocide is just as effective.
So here I am.. Just 4 days later so excited about the future – excitedly writing this review.
Current routine; 1️⃣ FC X 2 + Dysbiocide X 2 – TWO times daily – first thing in morning, then later in the evening.
2⃣ 3-4 hours later I take Jarrow Plantarum 299v X 1 + HLC Probiotic Intensive X 1 – TWO TIMES DAILY
3⃣ 10G of Pure Glutamine – TWO TIMES DAILY
SIDE EFFECTS; CONSTANT – but mild nausea. And very mild constipation.
LOOK FORWARD TO AN UPDATE IN 3 1/2 WEEKS!!! This routine is working wonders. I’m having cravings again, and very little bloating.
Quinn –
I took FC Cidal + Dysbiocide together.
The only available prescription antibiotic for SIBO is $2000 for a 14-day supply and my insurance won’t cover it lol. So I did the natural route. I changed my diet to the SCD diet and they do work in tandem. If you don’t change to the correct diet for SIBO, it won’t work.
Make sure to change suppliments after about a month cause the bacteria will “adjust” to the supplements. AR + BR is recommended.
I did not notice any die off symptoms because I’ve already been in pain w/ nausea due to other issues in my life lol. No extra pain or nausea was added on. In fact, after taking this for a few weeks, I really started to clear up. My BMs were solidifying and trips to the restroom were less frequent, the stomach noise got quieter, & my stomach pain was reduced. I could eat more “dangerous” foods such as cooked garlic.
I’ve ordered this product more than once and the first time the label was off saying to only take one capsule a day, rather than two. I emailed customer support and an employee responded a few days later answering my concern. My product was fine, and they are able to check the authenticity using codes printed on the bottle. I was extremely pleased with their product + customer support. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️+