BIORAY Kids NDF Tummy, Framboesa – 4 fl oz (120 mL) – Mistura Probiótica de 11 Cepas – Suporta a Resposta Imunológica no Trato Gastrointestinal – Não-OGM, Vegano, Livre de Glúten – Aproximadamente 120 Porções
Procurando uma solução para crianças tímidas? Experimente o BIORAY Kids NDF Tummy! Este produto é formulado para se ligar e remover toxinas, além de apoiar a função gastrointestinal e imunológica, e melhorar a fala. Além disso, oferece benefícios adicionais, como a restauração da integridade intestinal (IgM), melhora na fala e comunicação, eliminação de bactérias nocivas do trato gastrointestinal e intestino, e redução de problemas estomacais.
O BIORAY Kids NDF Tummy combina minerais traços naturalmente presentes, vitaminas, fator de crescimento da chlorella e as cepas probióticas Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Lactobacillus plantarum e Lactobacillus casei. Essa fórmula exclusiva proporciona uma abordagem holística para a saúde digestiva e imunológica das crianças.
Mas o que é NDF? NDF é o resultado do nosso exclusivo processo de micronização da chlorella, que se liga a toxinas, incluindo metais pesados, produtos químicos, pesticidas, cloro, BPA e dioxinas, removendo-os de forma segura e natural do corpo.
Nossos probióticos são totalmente naturais, hipoalergênicos e à base de arroz, sendo adequados para crianças com restrições alimentares. Você pode oferecer este suplemento aos seus filhos com confiança, pois ele é não-OGM, vegetariano, livre de glúten, livre de nozes, livre de soja e livre de álcool.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Melhora a função gastrointestinal e imunológica
- Apoia a fala e a comunicação
- Restaura a integridade intestinal
- Elimina bactérias nocivas do trato gastrointestinal e intestino
- Reduz problemas estomacais
– Agite bem antes de usar. Para crianças com menos de 40 lbs (18 kg), adicione 13 gotas em água ou suco, duas vezes ao dia. Para crianças com mais de 40 lbs (18 kg), adicione 26 gotas em água ou suco, duas vezes ao dia. A dosagem pode ser ajustada conforme necessário ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde.
J-me –
My son like it I can’t tell if how different is he now?
Stephanie Vickers –
Tried to post a similar review to what I had for Happy, but Amazon got grumpy about the duplication of text. So check out that one for more details.
Product is great- does what it said it should do, not my son and I regularly use this. 🙂
Amber Lovell –
I initially got Bioray Tummy bc my 3yr old child seemed to get a little bit of a stutter, and his speech could be a little better.. but all of that is normal when they have so much going on in their head and trying to verbalize their ideas. If he stays focused and low stress, excitement, the stutter is not there.. Anyways, I saw a big increase of chattering within the first week, so much so, my child now talks in his sleep as well. I just happened to start this product when he was getting a bit of allergies/cold – beginning of fall. So he is taking some allergy meds anyways, but on day 4, he got a red blotchy rash just on the tops of his feet & had a low grade fever. Nothing abnormal, he fought the fever himself but I did give him a dose of Benedryl for the blotchy itchy rash on the tops of his feet. Children get rashes without explanation all the time so I wouldn’t say it had anything to do with the Bioray, as I just said he was having allergies right before we started this. My conclusion is, yes, I’ve seen a drastic increase in the verbal, talking dept. Not that he was concerningly behind or anything, I just wanted to see if I could improve his speaking/speech or pronunciation. But he really does talk in his sleep almost ever night & during naps lol
Alket –
I love bioray but I’m still in the research phase. I just read an article online about all probiotics contain histamines which obviously isn’t good for someone with a histamine intolerance. The article stated which ingredients were high and which were low. This product had several of the high histamine strands. I will update and give a better review once my son has been on this continuous for a few months.
Sarah –
I don’t know if there’s legitimate science behind this or not, but as a mom with a newly diagnosed autistic toddler, I’m willing to try things that may help him. He’s almost 3 and has been in early Intervention for about a year (speech and OT). He’s been making big strides with his speech, but constantly sounds garbled and unclear. He’s in no way conversational yet, but close. Lately he’s been complaining about tummy aches, and he’s been a little constipated.
I decided to order this and the Calm drop (liver detox). We started with Calm for a few days & now he’s taking both. It’s been about 5 days on both, combined with detox baths 2x/week. He’s 34 lbs so I give him 0.75 mL once a day, but started with 0.5 mL the first few days. Last night he said a full sentence CLEAR AS DAY…. not scripted, not repeated. All day today he’s been talking up a storm and making requests using bigger sentences. His words sound less garbled, and his annunciation is much clearer. I also notice far less repetition. Overall mood hasn’t changed yet; he’s had some pretty big meltdowns over having to go to bed. Since he won’t eat yogurt right now (picky eater) or many veggies, I’m hoping this helps his tummy issues. He slept ALL NIGHT the past few days without needing his melatonin, and has been having a much easier time going #2.
Call me crazy, but I swear these are doing something! I know there will be a natural progression in speech, but this seems like a lot of improvement very quickly. Hoping they help with meltdowns soon too!! 💙
Not sure why this is so much cheaper than BioRay’s site?
** I should note how he likes to take them. I don’t mix them in juice or any other drink… He likes to take them straight from the dropper! Both drops taste amazing… and that’s with a super picky eater!!!
UPDATE: I’ve noticed meltdowns and tantrums have become less frequent while taking both drops. He was recently sick, so we stopped the drops for about 10 days. He was back to throwing things, screaming, hitting, etc. I started him back on both Calm & Happy tummy, and within 36 hours he was less reactive and regulating better. THESE WORK! 👏🏼
Hope this helps ☺️
Luckybethany –
My kid complained of stomach hurting and butt hurting. I ran out of options and tried this. After about 2 days she stopped complaining and hasn’t complained about it at all. AMAZING, life changing!!! Completely works!!!!
Amber Lovell –
My 4 year old had issues going number 2. This is literally the only thing that has helped her go every day! After I saw how awesome this worked for her, I bought their “happy” formula
Ariana –
My 4 year old has issues with holding her #2 in. I give her four droppers worth into a little shot glass two times a day, this helps her go with ease. You will start to see relief/changes within first few days. At first I put a few drops of juice into the mix but now she takes it straight and drinks a little water after. This is my second bottle, just larger quantity this time around. I ordered the smaller bottle the first time, within the few days missed waiting for new one to arrive my little was already back with her holding it in issue. This also helps with her picky eating habits! She’s more open to eating what everyone else is.