Descrição do Produto: BIORAY Kids NDF Happy, Peach – 2 fl oz
O BIORAY Kids NDF Happy é um suplemento inovador projetado especialmente para crianças que enfrentam desafios emocionais, como irritabilidade e explosões de raiva. Com uma fórmula cuidadosamente elaborada, este produto atua na remoção de toxinas e organismos indesejados que podem desencadear esses comportamentos. Com um sabor agradável de pêssego, é fácil de administrar e se torna uma parte prazerosa da rotina diária dos pequenos.
- ANGRY KIDS? – O BIORAY Kids NDF Happy remove toxinas e organismos indesejados que podem desencadear irritabilidade e explosões de raiva.
- ADDITIONAL BENEFITS – Esta fórmula restaura o equilíbrio emocional saudável, melhora o descanso e repõe as reservas adrenais.
- INGREDIENTS – O NDF Happy combina minerais traço de ocorrência natural, vitaminas, fator de crescimento da chlorella, cogumelo lion’s mane, cravo, casca de noz verde e artemísia (Artemisia annua).
- WHAT IS NDF? – Nosso processo exclusivo de micronização da chlorella gera o NDF, que se liga a toxinas, incluindo metais pesados, produtos químicos, pesticidas, cloro, BPA e dioxina, removendo-os de forma segura e natural do corpo.
- ALL NATURAL – Ofereça este suplemento aos seus filhos com confiança, sabendo que é não-OGM, vegano, sem glúten, sem laticínios, sem soja e sem álcool.
1. Redução da Irritabilidade: Ajuda a minimizar comportamentos agressivos e explosões emocionais em crianças.
2. Equilíbrio Emocional: Promove um estado emocional mais estável, contribuindo para um ambiente familiar mais harmonioso.
3. Melhora do Descanso: Facilita um sono mais reparador, essencial para o desenvolvimento saudável das crianças.
4. Desintoxicação Natural: Remove toxinas e metais pesados do organismo, promovendo uma saúde geral melhor.
5. Fórmula Segura e Natural: Com ingredientes não-OGM e isentos de alérgenos comuns, é uma escolha segura para a saúde das crianças.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se administrar 1 a 2 doses de BIORAY Kids NDF Happy diariamente, conforme a orientação de um profissional de saúde. O produto pode ser misturado com água ou suco, facilitando a ingestão. É importante seguir as instruções de dosagem e monitorar a resposta da criança ao suplemento, ajustando conforme necessário. Armazenar em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a eficácia do produto.
Natalya E. –
It was recommended by a friend and I gave it a try g
For my kids. I noticed it’s helped my son’s moods be more stable and positive.
Angel Mora –
We have been purchasing BIORAY for our toddler for almost a year now, we love it and it has done wonders for her. We buy Focus, calm, tummy and happy. We have never had an issue till our last order. The happy was not the same as it has been in the past, our toddler threw up immediately after taking it and said it was so awful, I thought she was being cheeky, so I tasted it and she was right… it was awful! I have tasted the previous ones and they were pleasant. Somehow the ingredients are off, I have tried to have this issue resolved, spoke to someone from their team and nothing has been done. I was told I would be contacted after the weekend of last week and here we are going into the second weekend and still waiting. I have called multiple times and no answer. I tried to exchange the happy drops and that is not an option. 😔
Ashley March –
I’ve always been interested in more natural remedies for things, but never took the plunge into trying anything because I was nervous about it working/wasting money. I got an Amazon gift card and thought, why not?
My son is 15 months and only has a couple of consistent words. I read some reviews on this product that it had helped with some speech and truly thought it was just a coincidence that the child ended up talking more once they took this.
I get it now. Within two days of my son taking this once a day, he’s started to say “uh oh”, “more”, “help” and “hi”. He’s also echoing things that I say to him much much much better and more often. I don’t think I can chalk this up to a coincidence. He’s always been a really happy, easy, kid, so I wasn’t too concerned about behavior changes while he’s taking this, but he’s gotten even sweeter and is actually climbing on the couch to snuggle with me and lay on me/pretend to feed me whatever toy is in his hand and absolutely crack up.
As far as taste, I haven’t tried it because, well, I’m scared, ha! But he drinks it with absolutely no issue, even just in his water bottle.
I plan to keep on using this and see how much we progress! I’m so so thankful I took the chance and gave this a go!
MAndy Verastek –
I wasn’t sure what to expect from this product but I have an active, 4.5yr old who could go from 0 to 100 in moodiness. Difficulty self regulating. We’re in our 2nd bottle (took a 6 month break) and I can say/ it’s made a difference in her ability to regulate herself.
Clarissa –
This flavor is the best I’ve tasted. My family and I use this monthly. My husband and I were pleased with its effectiveness. Our children cannot taste the difference when I add it to their juice.
samantha –
I always taste try before giving to my toddler. This was so awful, i couldn’t even take it. No way would i ever be able to get my toddler to take it. Very sad- i really wanted to try this product. Based on others reviews- it used to taste good. So i am hoping the next batch will be good, but waiting for other positive reviews to buy again.
Edit: i just received an order i made directly from bioray website and it taste 100% better than what i received through Amazon. Happy i get to try this out on my toddler now.
Kitty –
I do think it helped improve my child’s mood but I’m not sure if it was a big enough difference for the price. (I tried for 10 days before writing this review)
Sarah S –
I was looking at this product a couple weeks ago, but wasn’t ready to pull the trigger on $32 risk. But I have been feeling like I was losing my sweet little boy (almost 3). He had become mostly sad/upset only sprinkled with happy moments during the day. I was really desperate.
The dosage is 1mL per 50lb weight. Since he’s about 33lb, I did 0.75mL in some juice.
I did the first dose the first night we got it. Typically it takes a while for him to fall asleep, but that night he fell asleep right away! He woke up happy and rested.
He has had much fewer toddler meltdowns. (Not zero, but they were cut down by more than half!)
The first day or two, I wasn’t sure if it was the drops or just coincidence and/or placebo effect, and my husband certainly thought it was a gimmick. But now on Day 5 we both see the change and think this stuff is really making a difference! Very happy with the purchase!
Only con is the taste. I mix it in a small glass of juice and he doesn’t seem to notice but I tried some straight myself before giving him any and it was pretty strong. I wouldn’t even want it if I only had water or nothing to mask it.