O BIORAY Kids NDF Focus Citrus é um suplemento inovador de 118 ml, projetado especialmente para apoiar a função cognitiva das crianças. Com uma fórmula cuidadosamente elaborada, este produto não apenas melhora a clareza mental, mas também potencializa a concentração e a memória, tornando-se um aliado essencial para o aprendizado e o desenvolvimento infantil. Através de sua composição única, o NDF Focus se destaca por sua capacidade de se ligar e remover toxinas do organismo, proporcionando um ambiente mais saudável para o cérebro em crescimento.
As crianças frequentemente enfrentam distrações e desmotivação, e é aí que o BIORAY Kids NDF Focus se torna indispensável. Com ingredientes que estimulam a mente e promovem uma energia constante e focada, este suplemento ajuda a combater a fadiga mental e a falta de motivação. Além disso, a fórmula é eficaz na redução de sintomas de alergias sazonais, como nariz escorrendo e coceira, e na diminuição das sensibilidades ambientais, o que contribui para um bem-estar geral.
Os ingredientes do NDF Focus incluem minerais traços naturalmente presentes, vitaminas, fator de crescimento de chlorella, raiz de selo de Salomão, raiz de eleuthero e baga de schizandra. O processo de micronização proprietário da chlorella é fundamental, pois permite que o NDF se ligue a toxinas, como metais pesados e produtos químicos, removendo-os de forma segura e natural do corpo. Com uma formulação totalmente natural, o BIORAY Kids NDF Focus é não transgênico, vegetariano, sem glúten, sem laticínios, sem nozes, sem soja e sem álcool, garantindo que os pais possam oferecer este suplemento aos seus filhos com total confiança.
– Melhora a função cognitiva
– Aumenta a clareza mental
– Reduz sintomas de alergias sazonais
– Diminui sensibilidades ambientais
– Reabastece as reservas adrenais
Esses benefícios são fundamentais para resolver problemas comuns enfrentados por crianças, como dificuldades de concentração e reações alérgicas, melhorando assim a qualidade de vida e o desempenho escolar.
Agite bem antes de usar. Para crianças com menos de 40 kg, recomenda-se a administração de 1 ml duas vezes ao dia, diluído em água ou suco. Para crianças com mais de 40 kg, a dose indicada é de 2 ml duas vezes ao dia, também em água ou suco. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar o uso, especialmente se a criança estiver grávida, amamentando ou fazendo uso de medicamentos.
Happy123 –
My kid had only two doses over two days and that caused her to have severe diarrhea/bad diaper rash going on day 3 now. Hopefully it clears her system soon. Will have to throw away bottle as it is not eligible for return. Waste of money.
Thu Nguyen –
not helpful
Patricia –
Excelente mi hija de 5 años lo empezó a tomar hace 6 meses atrás y sus avances son notorios
A. Mull –
my mom (i’m writing an amazon review on her account) got this for me cause sometimes i have trouble focusing on studying etc. and when we got it, i couldn’t really tell if i was focusing more or not. but here’s one thing. i went from a’s, b’s, and c’s to straight a’s, so maybe this stuff works after all. it tastes nasty tho. i recommend putting it in orange juice or smoothie. don’t put in water. it tastes weird and slightly sweet.
melinda –
Great product! Two weeks and I notice a huge difference with my son a must have for kids in school!
Angela –
My kiddo started to have a really hard time in class (not the kiddo we knew)… getting in trouble (having a hard time with self control, staying on task, being disruptive, & focusing) to the point where the teacher said he may have to stay back a grade and if it wasn’t for the new rule possibly getting kicked out, etc… We could handle him at home but harder for someone looking over 20+ kids. We absolutely refused to put him on meds aka over the counter meth… tried On Tasks (kind of worked but he hated the taste and we tried several versions), but THIS. This right here… WINNER! Direct quote for the teacher “Also, he has been doing very well lately with staying on task and his self control. I am not sure what changed, but it’s like a switch flipped and he’s a whole new kid when it comes to those things he was struggling with. He’s been working very hard! He is such a sweet kid, so it’s nice to see him being able to show that and not getting caught up in the other behaviors. He’s been a good helper and leader. Great to see!”
Not sure how it is for everyone but it took about 2 weeks for it to kick in… however we only do it 1x a day and 1/2 the recommended dose right before we leave for school… Don’t even mix it with water.
His confidence has boosted, he is so proud of himself, as are we, and he can recognize the difference, which I think is a plus, so he can eventually learn to handle/control it on his own. Hope it works for others as it has for him/us.
Alexiswatson –
My kid hated the taste m. I tried hiding it by pairing it with other stuff but he would always tell so unfortunately I didn’t get to use it long enuh to say if it works or not
Ms Edwards –
Listen Im not a review person but I had to let you know what happened when I gave my 4yr old these drops, prior to these the teacher was calling everyday bc my son was new to a class room setting, he was hitting and would not sit still and being disruptive he doesn’t have ADHD but he was hyper in class, On God I ordered bc of the reviews Day 1 the teacher called I’m like (oh gosh) but it was different she was raving about how good he was (she said he’s been really good all day, I don’t know what you said to him but, I wanted to tell you thanks mom bc he’s been awesome) no lie she used that word. Im like (maybe he was tired that day so I’ma see how day 2 go) Day two his daily report was on green with amazing day written on the paper, y’all listen this went on for a whole week and guess what the teacher doesn’t call anymore he’s been getting good reports ever since I started these drops, these are a must have for my household.
Renata_S –
Started using these for my son, especially for school time. Teacher noticed that he’s calm and better focus. Definitely recommend!
Happy123 –
I have calm and happy bio ray so I decided to buy focus to try. I go and open it and it’s moldy. How disgusting. I can’t even return it and this was not cheap. I am trying to help my kids get better not worse.