Descrição do Produto: BIORAY Kids NDF Calm, Vanilla – 2 fl oz – Nourish The Liver
O BIORAY Kids NDF Calm é um suplemento inovador projetado especialmente para crianças que enfrentam desafios relacionados ao estresse e à toxicidade ambiental. Com um sabor agradável de baunilha, este produto não apenas ajuda a acalmar os pequenos, mas também promove a saúde do fígado, um órgão vital para a desintoxicação e o bem-estar geral. A fórmula única do NDF Calm se destaca por sua capacidade de se ligar a toxinas e removê-las do corpo, permitindo que as crianças mantenham a calma e continuem suas atividades diárias com mais tranquilidade.
- KIDS GRUMPY? – O BIORAY Kids NDF Calm se liga e remove toxinas, além de conter ingredientes adicionais que nutrem o fígado, ajudando as crianças a manterem-se calmas e a seguirem em frente.
- SUPORTE AO FÍGADO – Esta fórmula atua como um antioxidante para o fígado e repõe as reservas adrenais, essenciais para o equilíbrio emocional e físico das crianças.
- INGREDIENTES – O NDF Calm combina minerais traços naturalmente ocorrentes, vitaminas, fator de crescimento da chlorella e os cogumelos Agaricus blazei, reishi, maitake e coriolus, todos conhecidos por suas propriedades benéficas.
- O QUE É NDF? – Nosso processo exclusivo de micronização da chlorella gera o NDF, que se liga a toxinas, incluindo metais pesados, produtos químicos, pesticidas, cloro, BPA e dioxinas, removendo-os de forma segura e natural do corpo.
- TODAS AS INFORMAÇÕES NATURAIS – Ofereça este suplemento aos seus filhos com confiança, sabendo que é não-OGM, vegano, sem glúten, sem laticínios, sem nozes, sem soja e sem álcool.
1. Desintoxicação Eficaz: Remove toxinas prejudiciais do corpo, promovendo um ambiente interno mais saudável.
2. Suporte Emocional: Ajuda a acalmar crianças que podem estar mais irritadas ou estressadas, melhorando seu bem-estar emocional.
3. Saúde do Fígado: Fortalece a função hepática, essencial para a desintoxicação e o metabolismo.
4. Ingredientes Naturais: Com uma fórmula livre de alérgenos comuns, é seguro para a maioria das crianças.
5. Fácil de Usar: O sabor de baunilha torna a administração do suplemento agradável, facilitando a aceitação pelas crianças.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o BIORAY Kids NDF Calm, recomenda-se administrar 1 colher de chá (5 ml) por dia, preferencialmente em jejum ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. O produto pode ser misturado com água ou suco para facilitar a ingestão. É importante agitar bem antes de usar e armazenar em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta. A consistência no uso é fundamental para maximizar os benefícios do suplemento e promover a saúde geral das crianças.
Amazon Customer –
This helps all my kids with misbehaviors. But specifically my kiddo with anxiety, I notice a huge difference for him. I highly recommend NDF Calm and all their other products. We started with this and were so happy, we ended up with NDF tummy, focus and pooper.
So small! Cheap plastic! Not worth the $ –
I was happy to give this to my son. I have noticed a difference but it did give him dirrahea.
Damesha Wise –
My children love the taste and I feel confident in the ingredients and the purpose it serves.
Sarah –
I’ll admit, I’m extremely skeptical when it comes to things like this. My son is almost 3 and was recently diagnosed with autism. Most people would probably think he’s just fine, but I see the meltdowns and issues with dysregulation. He also has a pretty significant speech delay. I ordered this and hoped to see some sort of positive reaction, but didn’t expect to see it so quickly!
He takes it straight, not mixed with juice or water. It’s yummy! We have this and the Tummy one. We started with Calm and added the Happy tummy drops a week later. Within days of starting both, his speech became clearer, meltdowns became fewer, and his overall temperament became better. He’s also sleeping better than ever. He seems to have less frustrations with sensory stuff and doesn’t seem as “cloudy” with his thinking. It’s hard to describe honestly! He was perfect to me to start with, but now he’s an even better version of himself. His tummy problems have gotten more regular, and I swear he’s craving less sweet stuff (no more begging for another Reeses!!).
He was recently sick with a cold, so I stopped giving him these drops while his stomach got better. It was during that week when I realized these TOTALLY make him calmer! He was back to having meltdowns, throwing things, and hitting me. Started him back on both drops, and within 48 hours he was less reactive.
I’m here to say there’s definitely something to this! I ran these by his pediatrician and he was skeptical too, but said it wouldn’t hurt to try. My only concern is whether these are ok to take for a long time, or if it’s best to use intermittently. I’ll be bringing them in to his 3-year well visit. ALWAYS CONSULT YOUR PEDIATRICIAN BEFORE STARTING SUPPLEMENTS!
Hope this helps. I plan on getting the adult versions for myself now! 🙃
Christy B –
We just got our bottle of Bioray’s Calm in the mail this afternoon. I tried it first, like I always do when I get a new supplement for my toddler. The bad news is, it tastes terrible but the good news is that it seems to work at least a little bit right away.
First, let’s talk about the flavor. I don’t know if I got a different flavor than other reviewers, but mine does NOT taste like vanilla. The people saying the give it their kids straight from the bottle must have amazing kids because I had a hard time getting the stuff down as an adult.
I knew there was no way I was going to get my two-year-old to take it straight, but it tastes a lot like a strong chai so I decided to mix it with iced green tea. I used my own dropper bottle to make a 1:1 solution with the tea, shook it up to get it combined all the way, and gave my kiddo 2x the amount of liquid it called for so she would get a full dose. It still doesn’t taste very good that way but at least she got it down without gagging.
Now for the good news: it definitely works! Like I said, I took it myself at the proper dose for my weight (thank you Bioray for giving a dosing chart by WEIGHT rather than AGE!) so I would know if there were any unpleasant side effects. There weren’t, and after about 15-20 minutes, I noticed that I felt more relaxed. How can I be sure? Well, my toddler had a little bowl of pretzels in the living room and dumped them, then smashed a few into dust on the floor. Usually that makes me feel really anxious, but today I just laughed and said “uh oh!” before cleaning them up. Awesome stuff!
The effects on my kiddo weren’t immediately noticeable. I gave it to her about half an hour before nap time hoping that I wouldn’t have to sing lullabies for 45 minutes to get a half hour nap out of her. No such luck on the singing, but I’m happy to report that she’s been asleep for over an hour without stirring at all. This kid NEVER sleeps well, for naps or bedtime, so it’s definitely because of the Calm. I can’t believe it worked so well to help her sleep after the first dose, and I can’t wait to see if it helps her relax after a few more doses.
All in all, as long as you can find a way to get around the flavor, I would say this supplement is worth it for kids with sleep issues like mine.
*Update 6/9/23*
These drops definitely help calm my toddler. I give them to her about an hour after waking up for the day and about an hour after her afternoon nap. She has had fewer tantrums since she started taking these and the ones she does have are much less intense than they used to be. She used to have full on meltdowns but now she only cries for a few minutes before allowing me to redirect her.
Ashley Martin –
Listen, I was so skeptical before trying this. Because I have tried supplements of all kinds to help my son who has adhd. I really didn’t want to try medicine because of side effects and ingredients. But this stuff has me SHOOK.
Some back story, my son is 10. He has impulse control issues like crazy, he is VERY emotional, I’ve always said he feels every emotion on a level 10, he has no range, it’s straight to intensity in every emotion he has. So when he’s mad he yells and says hurtful things, and once he calms down he feels terrible. He just never quite was able to think first. In addition to that, he has very poor focus, and it frustrates him that he can’t focus the way he wants to. Because of that, he has always had a very negative self image no matter how often we praise him. It broke my mama heart. Nothing seemed to be helping in a very impactful way.
I finally decided what the hell, it’s worth a shot, and bought this stuff and he has been taking two doses a day for a week and a half. Y’all, I have my baby back. I can’t get over it. No way it’s a fluke because his entire demeanor and attitude has done a complete 180. He is patient, calm, kind, and actually happy. His whole demeanor is lighter and it is the most amazing turn around I’ve ever experienced. Everyone around him has noticed. This product doesn’t make him “zombie-ish” it is just the very best parts of my son 95% of the time instead of 5% of the time.
If you are on the fence, please try it. It’s worth every penny and then some.