Descrição do Produto: BioMatrix Pregnenolone 2.4 mg por Dose, 1.200 mg Total
O BioMatrix Pregnenolone é um suplemento líquido micronizado que oferece uma forma inovadora e eficaz de equilibrar hormônios e combater a inflamação. Com 2,4 mg de pregnenolona por dose e um total de 1.200 mg, este produto é equivalente a 3.000 mg de pregnenolona oral, proporcionando uma absorção superior e resultados mais rápidos. A pregnenolona, um precursor hormonal vital, desempenha um papel crucial na regulação do humor e na saúde cerebral, sendo uma das poucas substâncias que conseguem atravessar a barreira hematoencefálica. Isso a torna uma escolha excepcional para quem busca preservar a saúde do cérebro e melhorar a memória.
Além de seus benefícios cognitivos, a pregnenolona é conhecida por aliviar disfunções do eixo HPA (eixo hipotálamo-hipófise-adrenal), que podem resultar em estresse crônico e desequilíbrios hormonais. A forma líquida do BioMatrix Pregnenolone garante uma absorção mais eficaz em comparação com as cápsulas, permitindo que o corpo utilize os nutrientes de maneira mais eficiente. Com um impacto positivo no humor e na regulação hormonal, este suplemento se destaca como uma solução prática para aqueles que buscam melhorar sua qualidade de vida.
– Mais Eficaz que Formas em Cápsulas: A absorção rápida e eficiente do líquido proporciona resultados visíveis em menos tempo.
– Melhora o Humor: Contribui para a regulação hormonal, promovendo um estado emocional mais equilibrado.
– Preserva a Saúde Cerebral e Aumenta a Memória: Atravessa a barreira hematoencefálica, ajudando a manter a função cognitiva.
– Alivia Disfunções do Eixo HPA: Ajuda a restaurar o equilíbrio hormonal e a reduzir os efeitos do estresse crônico.
– Fácil de Usar: A forma líquida permite uma dosagem precisa e personalizável, adaptando-se às necessidades individuais.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 1 a 2 doses (2,4 mg a 4,8 mg) de BioMatrix Pregnenolone por dia, preferencialmente pela manhã ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. As gotas podem ser administradas diretamente na boca ou misturadas em um pouco de água ou suco. É importante agitar bem o frasco antes de cada uso para garantir a homogeneidade do produto. Consulte sempre um médico antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
M.H Peterborough –
I regret buying this item because I do not know if my recent sudden hair loss is caused by taking this product or by something else. When I was having premenopausal symptoms, I got this stuff as I didn’t want to bother my doctor. Now a few months on my normally thick hair is thinning at the temples all of a sudden. Coincidence, who knows? I have stopped taking this product after researching online for possible side effects. I will have to wait a while to see if my hair regrows. In the meantime, I will have to bother my doctor, which is what I should have done in the first place. I will never take any more supplements again without carrying out careful research.
Julia Fry –
I assume it is what it says, and I really like liquid drops to get different supplements BUT this stuff has an absolutely horrible taste. It’s only 2 drops. So I have started putting that and my other liquid in welches grape juice
So we will see
Jillybean –
I have had my hormones tested and I’m in my 50’s but I don’t think the tests are very accurate so I think you need the start slow and go by how you feel. I did not get much benefits until I started increasing to 5 drops a couple times a day. Helps me a lot to balance hormones, and was so impressed I just started taking their DHEA. Do your research and if you don’t feel better maybe you do not need it. Can’t blame the seller, they have explained the benefits and give basic instructions. The seller isn’t a doctor so be your own. Great product, much better than the cream. Very happy with it so far, my immune system feels much stronger and helps my depression and just makes me feel much better!
LoveJoyPeace –
The seller has sent me a second email within one week asking me to review the product. I responded to the first email by saying that I was going to wait one month before leaving a review, but I guess they do not read their customer emails. Which puts into perspective what this seller really cares about , selling their products and not about the customer.
I bought this product for hormonal balance. I am 39 years old and have experienced PMS symptoms, irritation being my most severe for 2 weeks out of every month since having my first child in 2006. I was hoping that this product would relieve me, but it actually increased my aggravation and irritation. The product came very quickly, but with no instructions except for take two drops two times a day, so I watched several YouTube videos and did some reading on pregnenolone in order to understand the product and know how to take it. I didn’t know whether to take it during a certain phase of my cycle, in the morning, with or without food or whether to put the drops under my tongue or in a drink. I opted for doing two under my tongue, in the morning on an empty stomach. I started taking the product on the first day of my period which is usually light and lasts 3 days. Well this product made my period basically non-existent, it made me very irritable and less energetic during a part of my cycle when I am usually happy and full of energy, when my PMS is over. I stopped taking the product after about four or five days and the next morning I was bright and happy, with no irritation. I also noticed that my skin got a big greasier as soon as I started taking the product and went back to normal right after I stopped.
I am still going to try this product out during my luteal/ PMS phase of my cycle only because of the research I did and the great feedback pregnenolone has and hope that I will have better luck then.
I wish the seller took a bit more effort to include a small pamphlet explaining the product, how and when to take it, possible side effects, and went to stop taking it. They should also explain that you can get your hormones tested to see whether you really need this product or not. Which is what I am going to do. I got this information by watching several YouTube videos. If I had not watched the YouTube videos and done my own research I would not have put two and two together and known that the pregnenolone was causing my irritation.
Maybe I should have looked for a pregnenolone sellers that are also interested in educating and informing their clients and not just selling their product, then only reaching out to them asking they write a good review so they can fatten their pockets.
K –
The liquid is cloudy and requires shaking; it looks more like a suspension of powder than a solution. Pregnenolone is notoriously difficult to dissolve (the same brand DHEA drops are clear) so this is an indication it is what it claims to be. Should be fine (but expensive) for oral application in typical doses, but I have purchased it for lower dose topical use (to bypass the liver). I have therefore had to add my own penetration enhancers. So far it feels like it has the same effects as from other sources.
Ceils –
Do hormone/symptoms homework 1st before buying. Find the right dose for your condition. There are many conditions this treats not just hormonal. Read Dr John Lee and Ray Sahelian Books. Best advise is seek a good Doctor. This does work. Biomatrix company take a look. Age does matter. Suitable for middle to older men and women. Best second hand book for dosing is Pregnenolone nature’s feel good hormone by Ray Sahelian M.D. **BUT REMEMBER we are all individuals !** Best taken in the morning, lick drops off a saucer then leave on tongue and lay down on bed for 10 mins so this gets into body systems.
Can be used in combination of other Bioidentical hormones because as you get older your private parts loose their hormone making ability e.g so taking this if your periods have completely stopped, may be an unreliable source on its own. Depends on what you are using this for. It may be better on its own/ or combination of hormones. Been used for many conditions see Ray’s book PMS, Prostrate cancer, Arthritis and Stress etc. Find a Doctor to test and dose for your condition. If you can.
Mytakeonit –
I bought this to attempt to get off BHRT and it’s working! I am truly amazed. I’ve only been taking for one week- worked up from one drop, to two and now three per day. Stopped taking the BHRT a couple days ago. I thought that I’d be on these three cream hormones indefinitely, which is not cheap, but it seems that this is doing as it is supposed to.. getting my body to make it’s own hormones again. I’m really amazed. I don’t feel any strongly noticeable effects on my memory… though at a party last night I did remember every single persons name without hesitation, so that may be an effect of it. I also feel more happy and motivated, but that might just be from the success of getting my body to work correctly again. The first clear sign that this was working was that hair was growing more normally again.. my eyebrows have filled back in, I need to shave my legs more often. (The upside of rock-bottom testosterone was body hair becoming quite sparce). I am 47 and have been on BHRT for 7 years, so this prodoct is pretty close to a miracle for me. So glad I read Suzanne Sommers book and stumbled on the section on Pregnenolone! (That book is surprisingly well written). The week before I read about preg, I tried DHEA.. and immediately broke out like a teenager! I do think that this may be giving me energy at night.. so I can’t sleep.. so I may have to take once only just at breakfast. For now I’m gonna try taking at breakfast and lunch. I highly recommend this product and truly stand in amazement. Such a simple remedy! I hope other women wanting to get off HRT will try it. Good luck!
Scott R Mackey –
I’ve used this product since 2015 and it does a Great Job of Alleviating my Adrenal Fatigue. Easy to take drops under your tongue and very good tasting sweet flavor. Most cost effective way to take such a product.
Lasts 7 months at recommended two (2) servings per day; one upon arising and second a couple hours later after breakfast. Current issue on 5/18/2023 is that Lot# 13850 with Expiration 01/2024 is the only batch they have in stock. Usually the expiration date is 1.5 years in the future.
Danni –
For my little gurl…7 lb white ball uh fluff….spaid….helped her with her weight.
S B. –
Have been taking for 3 months now and feel better than ever!!! I’m 42 and was struggling with bad PMS and anxiety. I would have a few nice days after my period and be in a good mood and then I would start getting anxious again about what’s to come. Absolutely crazy!
This product really changed everything!! Apparently it doesn’t work for everyone but I won’t go without it again! It totally balanced me out and I feel like myself again. Any peri menopausal symptoms have vanished. I still wake up most nights but no sweating or panic.
I take it,like someone suggested in the reviews here. 4 drops before bed,licked from my palm. Worth every penny!!