BIOHM Gut-Brain Connection: Conexão entre o Intestino e o Cérebro
Descubra o poder da conexão entre o intestino e o cérebro com o BIOHM Gut-Brain Connection, um suplemento inovador que apoia a função cognitiva, foco, memória e alívio do estresse. Com um sabor irresistível de Chocolate Dream, cada porção oferece uma experiência deliciosa enquanto promove a saúde mental e digestiva. Este produto é formulado com uma mistura proprietária de cepas probióticas e ingredientes funcionais, cuidadosamente selecionados a partir de uma das maiores bases de dados de microbioma do mundo.
- SUPPORTS COGNITIVE BRAIN FUNCTION – Ajuda a apoiar o foco, a memória e a concentração, essenciais para um desempenho mental otimizado.
- BACKED BY SCIENCE – A Biohm analisou dados de microbiomas para identificar cepas probióticas direcionadas que otimizam a saúde do cérebro e do intestino.
- ADDITIONAL BENEFITS – Pode também ajudar a apoiar a saúde digestiva, a função imunológica, o equilíbrio da flora intestinal e a degradação de biofilmes intestinais.
- DELICIOUS CHOCOLATE FLAVOR – Saborizado com outros sabores naturais, tornando o consumo uma experiência prazerosa.
- PROPRIETARY BLEND – Livre de OGM, sem glúten, sem açúcar e apenas 20 calorias por porção, ideal para quem busca uma opção saudável.
1. Melhora da Concentração: Aumenta a capacidade de foco, essencial para tarefas diárias e estudos.
2. Apoio à Memória: Contribui para a retenção de informações e aprendizado eficaz.
3. Saúde Digestiva: Promove um sistema digestivo saudável, reduzindo desconfortos intestinais.
4. Equilíbrio da Flora Intestinal: Ajuda a manter um microbioma equilibrado, fundamental para a saúde geral.
5. Baixas Calorias: Uma opção leve e nutritiva, perfeita para quem se preocupa com a dieta.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma colher de sopa do BIOHM Gut-Brain Connection em 240 ml de água ou sua bebida favorita. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Consuma uma vez ao dia, preferencialmente pela manhã, para maximizar os benefícios ao longo do dia. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades.
AG –
I’ve heard so much about the benefits of a healthy microbe in your gut, so I was excited to try this. Cautious of stomach issues (I have a sensitive stomach), I started with one scoop for the first week over two non-consecutive days. No problem.
Then I did every other day. No problem. Now I’m at everyday mixed in with my vegan vanilla protein shake. It’s not bad! Makes it into a chocolate protein shake, but I like those too.
As for the benefits to my gut health, I don’t know. I certainly can’t claim that I’m more focused now than I used to be (as this says), or really anything else. Maybe the best indicator is that I have NOT had any stomach issues from this or anything else I’ve been eating and am feeling a bit more regular? Hard to tell.
I got this product for free to sample. Not sure I would spend $30 on it unless I knew I had a gut problem and wanted to try it. I’m almost through the supply. If I find coming off of it makes my IBS come back, I will certainly change my review to 5 stars.
B Brown –
This product helps improve the digestive health. It also brings alertness after drinking it. The flavor is overall great. I am using it daily. I can truly see a difference in my health. I noticed the difference the after the first few days of drinking this product. I do recommend anyone looking for a product to bring health to their digestive health to give this product a try.
TM Wilson –
Smells like a horse stall but it does taste alright. I can tolerate it, especially if it’s going to do wonders for my gut, however, it did not 😒 Instead… made me gassy and bloated with awful stinky gas, the kind that follows you and sticks to your clothing. I know right? Gross! Hey I have got issues as it is and since this is the supposed lead expert product or whatever it claims, I come to expect more. At least give a warning like, everyone will suffer for about a month and then wallah, nice and smooth and pleasant for me and anyone who risks standing next to me. Then, I decided to let someone else try this product. Saaaaame thing! They said they went to the gym and someone next to them said, pew it smells like ****! 😲🤢🫢😬
I have to throw the rest away now. Waaaaste👎! But I’m happy for anyone else who benefited, yaaay! 👍
Apallo –
This is a great tasting probiotic powder to help with digestive health. Mixes easily with milk or even in your protein shakes.
Maria Mandelion –
I was worried my son wouldn’t like the taste, but it’s pretty good. It has helped his energy I’ve noticed.
Lisa Jorgensen –
I do use less expensive brands but I plan to use this a couple times a week. It just feels better in my gut.
AG –
Just got this last week! Had a wonderful chocolate flavor and easy to drink! Will review again once I’ve taken it for a few weeks and see how it helps with focus, stress and gut health!
S. Crawford –
I am very impressed with this supplement overall. It’s really hard to quantify how effective these supplements are for their intended purpose. I’m I smarter now because I’m taking it? I don’t know. What I do know is that the ingredients are holistic and I love taking supplements that are real food and not made in a laboratory, and this fits that bill. I have given my kids a taste a couple of times, and most of them really like it, although a couple of them don’t. I don’t think that kids that are used to a lot of sugar would like it, but we’re moderate- we do have more sugar than we should, but they also are used to healthy food and herbal teas.
My favorite thing about this drink is that it satisfied my chocolate cravings! Hey, sometimes they’re a real thing! In the past I’ve tried dark chocolate because it has less sugar, but this drink is actually really healthy, and when I drink a cup of this, my chocolate craving is gone. That in and of itself is fantastic, and I’ll be buying more of this. I’ve never been a coffee person, but this drink is a very nice pick-me-up. I tried it hot once and it was pleasant that way too, although I prefer it with filtered tap water. Easy peasy is the way to go sometimes!
Usually I would put a scoop of this in a mason jar with a cup of water, put on the lid, and shake it for my personal use. It mixed fairly well, not a lot of grains in the mixture.. When I served the kids, I’d make a batch in bulk in our blender and it would foam up a bit, which you can see in the picture. They like the foam and they prefer the smoother blend. My 12-year-old daughter is especially fond of this drink and has requested it a few times. It’s delicious in my opinion, and I’d definitely recommend giving it a try.