Perca Gordura com BioGenetic Laboratories hCG Alternative – Pílulas para Perda de Peso e Queimador de Gordura para Homens e Mulheres – Acelera o Metabolismo e Apoia Dietas Saudáveis – Fórmula Alternativa – Suprimento de 30 Dias
Quando você precisa perder peso significativo, não procure mais do que o hCG ALTERNATIVE. A fórmula clinicamente estudada funciona em conjunto com o Plano de Dieta de 3 Fases para reduzir as medidas e a gordura rapidamente. A fórmula começa a agir rapidamente para estimular o processo de queima de gordura e fornecer resultados nos primeiros 8 dias, para que você possa se manter motivado a alcançar seus objetivos.
Aumente o seu metabolismo e queime mais calorias mesmo em repouso com uma solução simples! Elimine a gordura abdominal que tem te incomodado há anos, aumentando o seu metabolismo.
Reduza as vontades de comer com a ajuda do aumento dos níveis de serotonina no seu cérebro. Alcance o corpo dos seus sonhos.
Reduza a gordura sem cafeína, sem se preocupar com os efeitos colaterais dos estimulantes. Desfrute dos efeitos de um acelerador de metabolismo sem se preocupar com os efeitos colaterais dos estimulantes.
Perca peso de maneira saudável com uma fórmula livre de glúten e hormônios. Apoie um estilo de vida saudável com um Plano de Dieta de 3 Fases gratuito incluído.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Perda de peso rápida e eficaz:
O hCG ALTERNATIVE é clinicamente estudado e comprovado para ajudar na perda de peso significativa em um curto período de tempo. Com este produto, você pode alcançar seus objetivos de perda de peso de forma rápida e eficaz.
2. Acelera o metabolismo:
Este suplemento ajuda a aumentar o metabolismo, permitindo que você queime mais calorias mesmo em repouso. Isso significa que você estará queimando gordura o tempo todo, mesmo quando não estiver se exercitando.
3. Reduz as vontades de comer:
Com o aumento dos níveis de serotonina no cérebro, este produto ajuda a reduzir as vontades de comer, tornando mais fácil seguir uma dieta saudável e controlar a ingestão de calorias.
4. Livre de estimulantes:
Este produto é livre de cafeína e outros estimulantes, o que significa que você pode desfrutar dos benefícios de um acelerador de metabolismo sem se preocupar com os efeitos colaterais dos estimulantes, como nervosismo e insônia.
5. Suporte a um estilo de vida saudável:
O hCG ALTERNATIVE é livre de glúten e hormônios, tornando-o adequado para pessoas com restrições alimentares. Além disso, ele vem com um Plano de Dieta de 3 Fases gratuito, que o ajudará a adotar um estilo de vida saudável e alcançar seus objetivos de perda de peso.
- Perda de peso significativa em um curto período, ideal para quem busca resultados rápidos.
- Aumento do metabolismo, permitindo que o corpo queime calorias de forma mais eficiente.
- Redução das vontades de comer, facilitando o controle da dieta e a ingestão calórica.
- Fórmula livre de estimulantes, evitando efeitos colaterais indesejados como insônia e nervosismo.
- Suporte a um estilo de vida saudável com um plano de dieta estruturado e adaptável.
Para obter os melhores resultados, tome 1 cápsula do hCG ALTERNATIVE duas vezes ao dia, preferencialmente antes das refeições. Combine o uso deste suplemento com o Plano de Dieta de 3 Fases incluído para maximizar os benefícios. É recomendável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer programa de perda de peso, garantindo assim que o uso do produto seja adequado às suas necessidades individuais.
Michelle Gomez –
I used to take the hCG drops and lose weight rapidly. The drops are no longer available in the US, so I purchased these dietary supplement alternatives to try them out. I’ve been taking them for three weeks now, and have lost 5 pounds, noticed an increase in my energy, but without the jitters. my appetite has definitely lessened, but it’s going to take much longer to lose the weight than I had expected. I’m sure my age has a lot to do with that but if you’re willing to wait and help the weight come off slowly, then this product is best. Low calorie diet intake is still required in order to see results.
Tammy –
I’ve been taking this since the day I got it. I have limited my carbs and calories and have noticed nothing as a matter of fact I’m thirstier, but I appear to have gained weight no thanks.
JKitty –
Update: 5-2-22
I love this product and have purchased the whey protein shake recently and love it.
Update 8-15-21
I have been on HCG, for now, for a little over a year(started on 8-7-2020). I have done very well but the last few pounds are being the hardest to come off. But my goal is my goal and still pushing forward. I love this product.
Thank you
Update 4-02-21
I love this product. I have lost 40.8lbs and have 6.9 lbs to my goal weight. I recommend this product.
Update: 02-09-2021
I have been on this diet for almost 7 months now and have lost 38.7 lbs. I’m still on phase 2 as I have 8.7 lbs to my goal weight.
I highly recommend this product!!!!
Thank you
I am on the Phase 2 part right now of the HCG diet and I did do this diet in 2013 had great results but they have made it even better. So happy with it right now and look forward to my goal weight.
Thank you!!!!
UPDATE 10-23-2020
I am so pleased with this product and brand. I’m still on Phase 2 and have lost 27.4 lbs. since 8-3-2020. My sister is now about to start this wonderful diet next month.
What I love about it is that you lose weight at a good pace so when I get to my desired weight I will have a better chance in the long run of keeping it off for good.
I recommend this product highly you just have to follow it to get results.
Update 11-16-2020
Amazing product has lost already 32.4 lbs. Strongly recommend this product.
Leslie –
I did not follow the diet plan and still lost a little weight. However, don’t know how much was from me working out. I did the 35 miles breast cancer challenge too. They are okay. Just workout though.
Michelle Gomez –
Honestly wasn’t really expecting much. Was getting tired of the 2lbs of weight per week stacking up and needed something to change the direction. I typically have 900-1200 calories/day of healthy mix, but my water consumption tanked. I searched and found this. I’m 7 days in and lost 12lbs, way less bloated and my desire for water has increased. This is typical water weight coming off at first I know but it’s a really nice motivator to see the scale drop, and the pants fit better. I’ll update after a month. So far so good. No unwanted side effects, slight energy increase, water desire increased. I might actually reach my goal of dropping 25lbs this month at this rate and that’s a huge jumpstart in the right direction.
Christi –
Years ago, I used the original biogenics HCG Alternator and lost 20 lbs in just 3 weeks. I kept the weight off but due to some medical issues, could not try the diet again. I found the HCG alternative and after one month, I’ve lost 32 lbs. Keep in mind I stick by the original 500 calorie HCG diet found in my research and not the diet included with the supplement. Also, I drink a good 100 ozs of water a day. I still cheat and adjust my calories so I can cheat… I use bolthouse farms dressing for my salads and sugar free vanilla creamer with my coffee in the AM. You are limited on the diet, but after just a couple days of the 500 calorie diet, my appetite completely vanished. There were days where I realized I forgot to eat – not good I know – but my job is very labor intensive and many times I work through the day and just eat an apple and then a large dinner to get in my 500 calories. Sometimes, I’m so worn out from working (not lethargic from the diet – I actually have great energy on the diet)… I’m a professional organizer and I’m constantly moving…. that when I get home, that if I have not pre-cooked my protein I might just pass out after a shower! 🙂
Just be realistic. If you cheat, YOU WILL GAIN WEIGHT. So, if you’re planning on having a cheat meal, don’t take the supplements. I promise if you do, you’ll find you will have gained a pound or 2. I kept off my original 20 lbs by sticking to a very healthy diet with moderate exercise. The way I look at it, I might want that bacon cheeseburger and fries really bad but it will be there in 30 days anyhow and I can work it into a healthy eating plan with a weekly cheat day. The food will always be there but if you keep eating it, so will your weight… so stick to a 500 cal diet and research the original HCG diet plan. On a day when I eat all my calories here is what my diet looks like: AM – 2 cups of coffee with sugar free creamer; lunch – rolled up turkey with spinach; dinner – 2 cups of greens and veggies with 2 tbsp bolthouse farms dressing with 4 oz baked chicken or fish… and if I have a sweet tooth – an apple. AND LOADS of WATER!! Good luck!
Kay Bass –
I have used homeopathic HCG years ago, with incredible results. Now that it is not available, I gave these a try, since I planned to follow the Simeon HCG low calorie diet religiously. I have used the limited list of foods to create spectacular meals and desserts. These capsules may not work the same way, but results are 100% amazing. I wanted to lose 30 pounds before a Maui trip. I lost 1/2 to 1 pound per day, for 40 days, and made my goal! I have never felt better. One slight stray from the diet protocol, and you will not lose weight that day. If you have a major lapse, you will be set behind for three or four days. Follow the diet, lose the weight. It is only 40 days and causes absolutely no discomfort or hunger. Energy and well being blossom!