Bio Fiber: Desintoxicação Renal, Limpeza dos Rins – 100% Natural | 60 cápsulas
O Bio Fiber, conhecido como Kidney Cleanse Detox, é um suplemento inovador que se destaca pela sua capacidade de promover a limpeza e desintoxicação dos rins de forma natural. Com uma fórmula especializada, este produto é elaborado com ingredientes 100% naturais, que visam melhorar a saúde renal e garantir um sistema urinário saudável. Através da remoção eficaz de toxinas, o Bio Fiber não apenas melhora a função renal, mas também proporciona um alívio significativo ao estresse que os rins enfrentam diariamente.
Utilizando um método tradicional de limpeza renal, o pó de acácia, extraído das árvores de acácia, o Bio Fiber tem sido um aliado na saúde dos rins por gerações. Este suplemento é formulado para oferecer um suporte de alta absorção, ajudando a eliminar as toxinas renais através do trato digestivo, o que resulta em um alívio imediato para rins sobrecarregados. Com o uso regular, você pode rejuvenescer e manter a função renal normal, permitindo que seus rins descansem e se recuperem.
O Bio Fiber é mais do que um simples suplemento; é um superalimento natural que age como um ímã, atraindo e removendo as toxinas do corpo de maneira segura. Além de suas propriedades de limpeza renal, ele também apoia a saúde digestiva e a resposta inflamatória normal. A fórmula é fácil de misturar, sem sabor e acompanha um guia de uso para maximizar os resultados.
Este produto deve ser parte integrante do seu programa de limpeza renal, atuando como um poderoso prebiótico que promove o crescimento de bactérias benéficas, essenciais para a eliminação de resíduos renais e para a manutenção da saúde digestiva. Com o Bio Fiber, você pode rejuvenescer seus rins e experimentar um bem-estar geral, livre do excesso de carga.
– Suporte ideal para rins fracos, promovendo uma função renal saudável.
– Fórmula cientificamente validada para limpeza renal de alta absorção, garantindo eficácia.
– Promove a saúde digestiva e uma resposta inflamatória normal, contribuindo para o bem-estar geral.
– Superalimento natural mais poderoso do que outros suplementos de limpeza renal disponíveis no mercado.
– Inclui um guia de uso e um programa de eBook para a restauração da saúde renal, oferecendo um suporte completo.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas do Kidney Cleanse Detox Bio Fiber diariamente, preferencialmente durante as refeições. Para obter os melhores resultados, siga as instruções do guia de uso incluído. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, garantindo assim que o uso do produto seja adequado às suas necessidades individuais.
JK Dennison –
I am a daily (sometimes multiple a day) energy drink person. I worry about the long term effects on my kidneys. I am slowly trying to cut back and wanted to find a product to help improve my kidney health. This product has hardly no flavor, dissolves very easy in any drink, and lasts a very long time. I am very happy with my purchase and will continue to use this product!
C. Hatch –
I am a big fan of supplements, believing that they assist in replacing or supplementing vitamins/minerals that I don’t get from my normal diet. For some time I have experienced what I believed to be kidney issues, especially at night. I started using Kidney Restore Bio Fiber to assist with the cleansing and support of my kidneys. The issues I was having have stopped, and I have to believe the Kidney Restore Bio Fiber Supplement is the reason, since I didn’t change anything else in my diet or daily routine. Kidney Restore Bio Fiber contains Acacia fiber and it is so easy to absorb into any daily diet, since it is a powder and can be mixed in water, with any liquid or even added to any meal. It is flavorless and quite pleasant to drink/eat. There is an instructional leaflet that comes with each package of Kidney Restore Bio Fiber, explaining the recommended uses, applications and clinical studies. It is very informative information. There is also a link to download an All Natural Health and Kidney Function Restoration Program for free. I recommend Kidney Restore Bio Fiber as an excellent daily supplement to any diet to keep kidneys clean and functioning well.
Amazon Customer –
I’m not sure what role soluble fiber plays in kidney health . I’m still trying to find out why this product scientifically works.
4/9/23: I suffered an acute kidney injury after receiving contrast, for an abdominal CT . Despite drinking lots of water after I had an injury that sent my somewhat normal GFR at 89 to 53! in 2 weeks and dropping . Back pain, peeing dark urine, and scared that I was heading for complete failure consumed me . Desperate to do something , since my doctor just said “we’ll watch it. “ I research this and decided to give it a try . Drinking only berry smoothies, this product and lots of water in just 13 day labs showed that my kidney function was even better than when I started at GFR 99. Creatinine 0.7 . I’m a believer. I am shocked till this day . great product everybody with CKD should be using this. I will try stopping for a while and see if my kidneys are indeed healed and will report back .
Heidi Bauer –
I this for my father who is in stage 5 renal failure. He has been using it for a week and it is working great to keep him regular. The flavor is kind of smokey and easy to mix and drink. Hoping it helps some of his kidney function numbers as well!
Allie –
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The product itself I recommend. I noticed immediate results. Without TMI, it does what you would expect it to do. Just be sure to stay adequately hydrated. I drink spring water, coconut water and eat melons regularly. It’s very easy to take ( I only used one tablespoon per serving), practically tasteless in water and completely dissolves in hot water or other hot beverages without changing the consistency. Hopefully this is an isolated incident, I’ll reach out to the manufacturer to make them aware. I still recommend the purchase.
Update: 6/5/2024. I sifted through the entire bag and there were worms throughout. Buyer beware, sift before you consume.
Allie –
Didn’t even get to try it. Package was broken in the box.
oldmangreene –
Don’t know why but after taking this at 2 tablespoons a day for the first week and 4 tablespoons a day after that I have much more energy and stamina.. I walk everyday and what a difference it makes..I just feel so much better everyday..Now for people not used to Fiber take it slow cause it can be scary until your body gets used to it, with that I’m talking the #2 area..It is well worth it if you can adjust..
Bruce Archer –
No taste, mixes easily in hot liquids.