Descrição do Produto: Earthborn Elements Potassium Bicarbonate (2.5 lb)
Descubra a versatilidade e pureza do Bicarbonato de Potássio da Earthborn Elements, apresentado em um prático e seguro recipiente de 2,5 lb. Este pó de Bicarbonato de Potássio é uma fonte natural de potássio elementar, essencial para diversas aplicações em sua rotina diária. Com sua embalagem resealável, você pode armazenar o produto de forma conveniente, garantindo que ele permaneça fresco e livre de contaminações.
O Bicarbonato de Potássio é um composto que pode ser utilizado de inúmeras maneiras, desde a jardinagem até a culinária, passando por aplicações em cuidados pessoais e limpeza. Sua pureza é garantida, pois o produto é 100% puro e não contém aditivos ou enchimentos, permitindo que você utilize um produto de alta qualidade sem preocupações. Fabricado nos Estados Unidos, o Bicarbonato de Potássio da Earthborn Elements é uma escolha confiável para quem busca um produto eficaz e seguro.
- Pó de Bicarbonato de Potássio da Earthborn Elements em um recipiente resealável
- O Bicarbonato de Potássio é uma fonte natural de potássio elementar
- O Bicarbonato de Potássio pode ser utilizado de diversas maneiras
- Puro e sem diluição: nunca contém aditivos ou enchimentos
- Embalado nos EUA
1. Versatilidade de Uso: Ideal para jardinagem, culinária, limpeza e cuidados pessoais, atendendo a diversas necessidades.
2. Pureza Garantida: Produto 100% puro, sem aditivos, proporcionando segurança e qualidade em cada uso.
3. Fonte Natural de Potássio: Contribui para a saúde das plantas e do organismo, essencial para o equilíbrio eletrolítico.
4. Praticidade: Embalagem resealável que facilita o armazenamento e o uso, evitando desperdícios.
5. Fabricado nos EUA: Garantia de qualidade e conformidade com os padrões de segurança.
Para utilizar o Bicarbonato de Potássio da Earthborn Elements, recomenda-se dissolver a quantidade desejada em água morna para aplicações em jardinagem, onde pode ser utilizado como um fertilizante natural. Para uso culinário, adicione uma pequena quantidade à receita conforme necessário, lembrando que o Bicarbonato de Potássio pode atuar como um agente levedante. Em cuidados pessoais, pode ser misturado a produtos de limpeza caseiros ou utilizado em banhos para ajudar a equilibrar o pH da pele. Sempre armazene o produto em local fresco e seco, mantendo a embalagem bem fechada após o uso para preservar sua eficácia.
Robert Cruder –
I keep an extra jar of potassium bicarbonate for several reasons. Don’t be surprised that the jar feels denser than would a similar volume of salt.
First-World members hardly ever consume enough potassium while consuming excess sodium. While we all should be eating more fruits and vegetables, some potassium supplementation, even multiple grams per day is a good idea.
For reference, even with this supplement AND avoidance of salt intake, my blood tests show both sodium and chloride at their upper limits but potassium significantly lower (3.9 mg against a maximum of 5 mg).
Potassium bicarbonate dissolves easily in any liquid. Easy-to-remember doses of 1 cc, 1 gram, or 1/4 teaspoon are all reasonable.
If you have ever been diagnosed with hypertension, it is important to control sodium intake but as important to balance sodium with potassium.
Most people can tolerate and benefit from replacing 25% of their table and cooking salt with potassium chloride. Some have genes to taste potassium chloride somewhat metallic in food. That is why we consider potassium bicarbonate.
Chloride ion itself increases blood pressure while bicarbonate ion does not. Rather, it compensates for acids that we produce naturally.
The FDA recommends against consuming too much potassium in a single dose but much of that concern comes from pills being a stomach irritant. That is not true when a potassium salt is dissolved in a liquid.
Plain water is usually sufficient to drink during exercise BUT if one chooses to consume an electrolyte solution, plan to balance sodium with potassium and magnesium.
StrangeLzrd –
To increase the effectiveness use 2 TBSP neem oil, 2 TBSP KHCO3, and 1 TSP dawn per 2 gallons water in a Chapin sprayer. Apply only after sundown as this can cause leaf scald but will prevent and halt any powdery mildew spread as well as treating small sucking insects like aphids. Spray both sides of the leaves weekly.
dsferguson –
I bought this as a potassium supplement, and it’s terrific for the price! The tub lasts for months – and it really helps during hot Summer days and for workouts. 1/8 to 1/4 of a teaspoon in 8 to 16 ounces of water. Don’t drink with meals, as it can de-acidify the stomach. It’s probably best to use no more than a half teaspoon a day, total. Potassium and sodium are a delicate balance in the body!
I’ve found it very good for relieving the leg cramps I was getting. You can purchase this for a higher price, but there is no better quality on the market. Dissolves easily, and I don’t think it tastes all that bad or strong. A little like the minerally aftertaste of certain leafy greens.
P.S, – It’s an effective, and nutritious leavening powder as well! Pancakes, soda bread, scones…
Wally s –
I am using this as a preworkout. Sodium bicarbonate has been used by many as a preworkout by some for a long time. then I read about using this instead. With the Sodium Bicarb I had to use more than I use with this — and of course the taste of that is awful…so I rarely used it. Sodium Bicarb produces what can only be described as explosive diarrhea if you take enough to have an effect. with Potassium Bicarb, you might get a mild diarrhea — but it can more easily be adjusted to be effective for preworkout, without the nasty effect. It takes effect as a preworkout within just a couple of minutes, and I believe I lift more effectively with it. I recommend it as a preworkout.
2/m bar 3 –
As numerous other reviewers have already noted, the safety seal of this product is *not* intact when it arrives. When the intention is to use this product as a dietary supplement, it’s disconcerting to receive a white powder in the mail and find that the container is unsealed.
The material is fundamentally potassium bicarbonate, but the problem is that it’s impossible to know if it’s *all* potassium bicarbonate. I did use this for a few days and suffered no ill effects, but I got increasingly apprehensive about continuing to use it and maybe risking long-term issues from some potential minor contaminant. Finally I relented and put the mystery bicarb away, and bought a nice doubly-sealed(!) contained of potassium chloride instead. Unfortunately, the mystery bicarb has already been bought and paid for and it’s unlikely I can return it, so it’s just wasted money.
So potential buyers be warned… there is a high probability this product will come in a container without an intact safety seal. If you’re OK with that, then this a good deal. If you’re not OK with that (and you should think more carefully about this than I originally did), then maybe look for something from a different manufacturer.
Thom D. –
Add a tablespoon of this to 2 gallons of water. To lengthen the duration the mixture will stay on the plants, add a bit of Neem oil and an equal amount of Castile soap and reapply every two-three weeks during the season when mold spores are spreading. Reapply in January on the soil around susceptible plants.
Five Star One –
I don’t know much about potassium supplementation, so as always, consult with a doctor first. I wanted a food grade product. When exercising in hot conditions, it is often possible to not have sufficient electrolytes. Potassium seems to be the mineral most difficult to find in modern foods. Potassium supplements require many capsules in order to get a minimum day’s supply. Using a powder is so much easier. Potassium bicarbonate has a much higher potassium content than potassium citrate. I ordered this after potassium bicarbonate was recommended as a supplement by Sally Norton for low oxalate diets. I do not find the taste bitter as some people do. I find it milder than the taste of sodium bicarbonate, just for comparison. If you can handle sodium bicarbonate, you can probably handle potassium bicarbonate. I am pleased with this purchase, but I am gradually increasing my consumption to the RDA.
Bret Blosser –
This product has larger size crystals of potassium bicarbonate than from the three other companies that I have purchased from via Amazon.