Beyond Osteo-FX™ Powder – Suplemento de Cálcio 1200 mg com Vitamina D3, Tri-Fosfato de Cálcio, Magnésio e Zinco
O Beyond Osteo-FX™ Powder é um suplemento inovador que combina uma poderosa fórmula de cálcio com uma mistura única de nutrientes essenciais, projetado especialmente para atender às necessidades de saúde óssea de mulheres e homens. Com 1200 mg de cálcio, incluindo tri-fosfato de cálcio e citrato de cálcio, este produto fornece a quantidade ideal de cálcio necessária para o suporte diário de minerais. A adição de 1000 IU de vitamina D3 potencializa a absorção do cálcio, garantindo que seu corpo utilize esses minerais de forma eficaz.
A fórmula contém uma combinação otimizada de citrato de cálcio e tri-fosfato de cálcio, que promove uma absorção superior do cálcio, maximizando sua eficácia. Além disso, o Beyond Osteo-FX™ Powder inclui 300 mg de citrato de magnésio e 5 mg de gluconato de zinco, que complementam o cálcio e promovem um suporte mineral equilibrado. Este suplemento não se limita apenas ao cálcio; ele oferece um perfil completo de nutrientes para a saúde óssea e articular, incluindo minerais traço, MSM, glucosamina e estrôncio.
Com um sabor tropical de baunilha, o Beyond Osteo-FX™ Powder transforma a suplementação diária em uma experiência agradável. É feito com ingredientes de alta qualidade, não contém OGM e é livre de glúten, tornando-o adequado para diversas necessidades dietéticas. A forma em pó é fácil de misturar, permitindo que você a adicione facilmente à água ou suco, proporcionando uma experiência suave e saborosa. Este produto é ideal para homens e mulheres que buscam um suporte premium de cálcio para se adequar a qualquer estilo de vida.
Opinionated –
I love the Longevity line and have used many of their products. I used the liquid version of this in the past and did not like the flavor or the fact that it separates so even with shaking it prior to each use, I found quite a lot of product hardened on the bottom of the container. The powder is a much better option and the improved taste is noticeable. Wish they would make it flavorless or a fruit flavor since I mix it with juice. Vanilla is not a flavor I like in my juice. But it works and I trust it. I will reorder the powdered form.
ShadowBear –
Bought this to try before singing up as a distributor with the company.
Abby Smith –
The taste was bad couldn’t get past it. ended up giving it away,was a waste of my money
T. C. –
The product is great for your bones and joints, and it tastes delicious.
Hect –
Beyond my espectations! So far so good!!
I’m a big fan of the liquid nutritional products from Dr. Wallach. I’ve been taking them for 30+ years, although not at the full recommended dose,yet at 62 I have no health complaints. No joint pain. No gray hair, excellent eyesight although I am having to use glasses to read fine print or regular print under low light conditions. I have no need for a doctor, nor desire one. I usually take the liquid forms of the Plant Derived Minerals and Ultimate Tangy Tangerine, so trying the powdered forms is an experiment to get away from the messy/leaky bottle issue and also to be able to take my supplements on aircraft without any “liquids” hassle. So far, the Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.0 is working out OK, although the funky flavor took a little getting used to. I’d describe it as several individual flavors that don’t go together well, compared to the liquid form. I then decided to try the Beyond Osteo-fx powder since Dr. Wallach now recommends it in the Healthy Start Pack. I like the flavor, but it doesn’t dissolve very readily. With the Beyond Tangy Tangerine, I simply add it to a liter Nalgene bottle of reverse osmosis water and it easily dissolves with a shake or two. The Osteo-fx, however, clumps up, resists vigorous shaking and leaves saturated lumps floating in the bottle that go down like a whole clam would. I now put the powder in a glass with an ounce of water, stir it into a paste with a spoon and then add the rest of the water. It’s sticky though and needs some scraping to free a lot of it from the bottom of the glass. So next time around I’ll try the liquid form of Osteo-fx. It also has some large grains to it, like large sand grains that are crunchy and settle out of solution so fast it’s hard to keep them suspended in water long enough to get them to come out of the bottom of the glass or bottle.
Since I just started taking Osteo-fx, I can’t really claim any health results yet, but the hassle of using the powder made me want to alert others who might want to avoid all the monkeying around and just get the liquid form.
RJ –
I like to add this product with Dr Wallach’s Slender FX meal replacement chocolate protein powder ….Very tasty while taking away your hunger!! Very pleased with this product, as I have tried many!!! I am in love with this one!! Dr Wallach has quite a testimony as a veterinary; He noticed the maladies that animals expired from in autopsy… he found out what was really going on in these animals body’s..lack of nutrition, vitamins and mineral were the precursor to these ailments .. aan epiphany he become a NDMD …God bless this man… I like to add his other products in my shake…ultimate classic, the cherry minerals and the FX osteo powder to this drink. makes a complete nutritional meal…. in two days you will feel like a new person he suggests that you supplement twice a day for 3 months to build your body up…then a maintenance dose once a day I use this meal replacement twice a day..It has changed the quality of my life… the doctor recommended a knee replacement, I began to take these products, I no longer had that stabbing pain in my knees, my hair is growing, I feel great!!!!!!! mMental clarity, I’m regular in eliminating, my skin is beautiful the fibromyalgia is gone… it is amazing, for lack of a better words… Dr Wallach’s products are amazing!!!! Youngevity is the company we’re all these products come out of …it is truly the Fountain of Youth!!I I have literally been transformed!! the quality of my life is nothing short of a miracle!! You won’t Be at all disappointed it will change your life…I had already begun to eat properly take the gluten out of my life started to work, out lost about 70 pounds….YET I DIDN’T have that energy, my body was still sick, STIFF consistent constant body pains..It WASN’T until I took these products that my body came ALIVE. . TRUE STORY…do yourself a favor..
Amazon Customer –