Por décadas, atletas naturais de físico (por exemplo, fisiculturistas, competidores de figura e fitness) têm usado esta potente fórmula QUEIMADORA DE GORDURA para facilitar o processo de ficar magro. Agora você também pode. Lean Out pode ser combinado com outros produtos da Beverly para potencializar o efeito desejado. Exemplo: Stack Diurno – Lean Out + 7-KetoMusclean. Exemplo: Stack Noturno – Lean Out + ZMA. Escolha queimar gordura o dia todo sem nervosismo.
Apenas Lean Out contém uma combinação sinérgica de lipotrópicos como colina, inositol e carnitina que ajudam a “desbloquear” a gordura armazenada e queimá-la como combustível, em repouso e durante o exercício. Mantenha a massa muscular enquanto queima a gordura corporal armazenada, remodelando seu físico.
Lean Out não apenas ajuda a desbloquear a gordura corporal armazenada. Ele também ajuda o seu metabolismo a processar carboidratos (açúcares, amidos) de forma eficiente, outro segredo fundamental para queimar gordura mais rapidamente. Esta fórmula única funciona de duas maneiras para criar um ambiente metabólico ideal para ficar magro. Primeiro, ajuda o seu corpo a transportar a gordura liberada do tecido adiposo para outros tecidos, como fígado e músculos, onde pode ser queimada como combustível. Segundo, ajuda o seu metabolismo a lidar com carboidratos de forma mais eficiente.
“Inicie” qualquer dieta de queima de gordura: Lean Out pode ajudar qualquer tipo de dieta – Keto, Paleo, Vegan, Jejum Intermitente, etc. – a ficar magro mais rapidamente. Cápsulas fáceis de engolir que começam a agir imediatamente!
Qualidade e Integridade importam… é por isso que a Beverly International está obcecada em usar apenas os ingredientes de mais alta qualidade, baseados em pesquisas disponíveis. Oferecendo suplementos sólidos, seguros e eficazes de qualidade superior desde 1967, nenhuma outra empresa de suplementos pode duplicar a história de mais de cinco décadas da Beverly de clientes satisfeitos. Se você está realmente interessado em comprar de uma marca confiável e estabelecida, então essa empresa é a Beverly International.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Queime gordura de forma eficiente e segura.
- Preserve a massa muscular enquanto queima gordura corporal.
- Ajude seu metabolismo a processar carboidratos de forma mais eficiente.
- Compatível com diferentes tipos de dieta.
- Produtos de alta qualidade e confiáveis da Beverly International.
Tome 2 cápsulas de Lean Out pela manhã para obter melhores resultados. Não exceda a dose recomendada.
Todos os direitos reservados. Este texto foi produzido pela Vitaminer Shop.
Gabby –
I use Lean Out to supplement a disciplined workout and diet plan. The capsules are easy to take and have no unpleasant odor to them. This product usually sells for more money in other places which is why I purchased it here.
L. Watanabe –
I initially heard about this product from my brother, who is an avid body builder. Once I bought a bottle and gave it a try for a week, I noticed results on the scale! I had lost 5 pounds in one week and another 5 pounds the next week. I thought it may have been water lose, but I was intaking about 10 cups each day. However, after the first two weeks it started to slow down a bit. Over a six week period I lost 20lbs!
I believe this product, like any other weight control/lose product, requires the user to be on a healthy diet to begin with. Once a week I would “splurge” just to offset my bodies routine. If you are a body builder, I highly recommend it. If you exercise often throughout the week, I recommend it for you too. If you don’t hardly exercise, I don’t think you want this sense it was designed for those who are exercising and/or weight lifting.
Some of the facts regarding the ingredients of Lean Out:
L-Carnitine (600 mg): Maximizes the retention of muscle tissue while dieting. Helps convert stored fat into energy and keeps blood sugar levels stable.
Methionine (1000 mg): Speeds fat and cholesterol utilization, mobilizes fat from the liver to be released and used as energy.
Choline (1000 mg): A special emulsifying nutrient that helps break down cholesterol and prevents it from sticking to artery walls. Works with Inositol to utilize fats.
Inositol (1000 mg): Aids in fat transportation, metabolism, and redistribution of fat in the body.
Chromium (200 mcg): Aids sugar metabolism, improves blood lipid profile, helps fat burning and muscle gains. Moderates insulin release
CoQ 10 (10 mg): An important energy cycle catalyst, helps convert fats and sugar to energy in the cell. Protects the heart.
Betaine HCl (100 mg) B-12 (100 mcg) and Biotin (450 mcg).: Important co factors in the conversion of fats to energy.
You can use wikipedia or something similar to find out more about each ingredient too.
Joshua Courter –
These didn’t do anything. Poor value for money, you have to take so many large pills. Try something else
Morgan –
I started using lean out about 2 and a half weeks into my workout regime, and I am on week 4 right now (so essentially 1 and a half weeks of Lean Out).
So far I have noticed a lot more power and mind/muscle focus in my workouts. I’ve also noticed shifts in my body composition that are happening.
I’m INCREDIBLY sensitive to caffeine (I can’t even drink coffee) and have unfinished bottles and cases of pre-workouts that I have tried to no avail.
I am eating clean and am on a regular workout regime while using Lean Out. I feel it is a little too soon to say in terms of how impactful the results are, but so far I give it 5 stars because I notice a huge difference in my workouts and receive no nervousness or any side-effects whats-so-ever.
My hope is to come back and continue to say that Lean Out was a major success, as I have seen in the other reviews. As for now, Id say it’s definitely worth a shot if you are looking for a non-stim fat burner.
1 MONTH UPDATE: Im up to 8 capsules a day (the highest recommended dose) and am almost through with my second bottle. I don’t use scales to measure progress when I’m strength training so I can only express that in my experience, these are the most powerful changes in mind/muscle control and body composition that I have received from a non-stimulant fat burner.
I notice muscle increase, toning and firming in places that I haven’t had in years. If I take my last 3 capsules of the day right before my workout, I sweat profusely and it feels like I can climb Mount Everest. lol. (not really.) But there is a significant difference in the power, concentration, and overall efficacy of my workouts.
Mind you, it is important to eat clean, to work out and to take the capsules in the most effective way (with meals and before workouts.) You’re probably not going to see much of a difference if any if you take them without exercise or dietary changes.
I will also say that I do both cardio and strength training every week and have had a consistent program. Ive not been entirely clean with my eating over the last month and have skipped a few days of workouts, and I imagine if I had, the results would be even more phenomenal. In summary, Lean Out is the best non-stim fat burner that I’ve found, and I’m sold on having a long-term commitment to them.
3.5 Month(s) UPDATE: So I decided to finally weigh myself after a few months (don’t usually do this because it can be discouraging and doesn’t present the full result.) The photo provided shows that I am almost under 140lbs. This, to me, shows that I’ve made incredible progress with this product. The reason for this is because all of my adult life (between 18 to 31y.o.) my average weight has been between 149(highest) and 137lbs(lowest). Its very difficult to achieve 137 because I build a lot of muscle when I strength train. For the last two years I kept seeing myself fall between 149 – 145lbs, and couldn’t go below that no matter how much I worked out. That was, UNTIL..Lean Out. 🙂 So happy for this product. This gives me confidence that my body fat percentage is decreasing while I am maintaining and developing lean muscle. Going to keep on going! Seems like I have a pretty good system going for my body type.
Morgan –
I have used this product for over forty years and it is an excellent supplement.
greg –
I started taking Beverly International (BI) Keto supplement due to extremely low (off the charts low) Testosterone on my blood work. My Doc wanted me to go the over-the-counter route instead of using a prescription since I’ve battled over 10 years with severe Ulcerative Colitis and we believed that that disease along with all my other meds I took for said disease was contributing to this extra low Testosterone. After taking the BI Keto supplements, I decided it wouldn’t hurt to add this on to the mix since both bottles (the Keto bottle and this Lean Out bottle) each say that it works best when combined. Since taking these BI pills, my testosterone has gone from extremely low to extremely high and now sits at the lower end of the normal range when I was advised by my Doc to half the dose (since I spiked high on my labs). Now, 6 months later when I retested just this past week, I am at the lower end of the normal range. SO, I think it’s working, but I have to figure out the right dosage for my body. Right now, I am waiting for pills to come in and I think I will take 75% of the required dosage and go from there when I retest in 2 months. The only downfall is that the BI Keto pill calls for 6 pills per day and they are big, gel coated, but still big pills. The lean out is not so bad, same sized pills, but 4 pills per day, so if you combine and take the full dose of both supplements, you’ll have to take 10 pills per day.