Descrição do Produto: Best Naturals Betaine HCL 648 mg 250 Cápsulas
O Best Naturals Betaine HCL é um suplemento de alta qualidade que oferece 648 mg de Betaine HCL por cápsula, com um total de 250 cápsulas por frasco. Este produto é meticulosamente testado por laboratórios independentes, garantindo pureza e qualidade excepcionais. Produzido em instalações registradas pela FDA e em conformidade com as boas práticas de fabricação (GMP), o Betaine HCL é uma escolha confiável para quem busca otimizar sua saúde digestiva.
Este suplemento é livre de organismos geneticamente modificados (Non-GMO) e glúten, tornando-o uma opção segura para pessoas com restrições alimentares. Além disso, o Best Naturals Betaine HCL não contém corantes, sabores ou adoçantes artificiais, conservantes, açúcar, leite, milho, soja, ovos, lactose, glúten, trigo, levedura ou peixe. É também isento de sódio, o que o torna ideal para aqueles que buscam uma dieta mais saudável e equilibrada.
A Betaine HCL é conhecida por sua capacidade de auxiliar na digestão, especialmente em pessoas que podem ter níveis baixos de ácido estomacal. Ao promover um ambiente ácido adequado no estômago, este suplemento pode ajudar na absorção de nutrientes e na quebra de alimentos, contribuindo para uma digestão mais eficiente e confortável.
– Apoio à Digestão: Melhora a digestão de proteínas e nutrientes, reduzindo desconfortos gastrointestinais.
– Qualidade Garantida: Testado por terceiros para assegurar pureza e eficácia, proporcionando confiança ao consumidor.
– Fórmula Limpa: Livre de aditivos artificiais e alérgenos comuns, ideal para dietas restritivas.
– Produzido nos EUA: Fabricado em instalações registradas pela FDA, garantindo altos padrões de qualidade.
– Praticidade: Com 250 cápsulas por frasco, oferece uma solução de longo prazo para o suporte digestivo.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Best Naturals Betaine HCL, recomenda-se iniciar com uma cápsula antes das refeições principais, especialmente aquelas ricas em proteínas. É importante acompanhar a ingestão com um copo de água. Caso necessário, a dosagem pode ser ajustada conforme a orientação de um profissional de saúde. Não exceda a dose recomendada e consulte um médico antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento, especialmente se você tiver condições de saúde preexistentes ou estiver tomando medicamentos.
GM –
Lo recomiendo
Paul.S –
I didn’t think this would have such an impact. I was wrong, this really works. I’ve been having reflux issues for a couple of years and it seemed to be getting worse every day. I’ve been taking antacids after every meal until I tried this. I’ve been taking one or two of these before every meal, I’m for Days in and haven’t needed antacids once and I’ve been eating pizza and pasta with sauce. They would have destroyed my esophagus with acid reflux just a few days ago. All I can say is give this a try it’s much healthier than all the meds or antacids you use and it really does work.
Mo –
Very fast delivery and happy with purchase
S. Horvath –
I took 1 twice a day, then a week later, 2 twice a day, a week later I’m at 2 in the a.m. and 3 in the p.m. No gut burning. I was suspicious that I have low acid at 58. I’ve had horrible silent acid reflux and other issues for about 5 years now. Nothings worked, I was prescribed and prescribed, and none of it worked. I’ve tried other natural solutions, nothing worked. This past Friday I had a horrible burning, and I was going to have to have an acid filled dinner for a family event the next day. I took 4 of these before bed, and felt better. Then had a thought, I had 4 more before my acid filled dinner, and I didn’t get worse. The next day I had pizza for my husbands birthday, another thing that would cause the burn, and I took 4 of these before that meal, and no burn hours or a day later. IT’S WORKING FOR ME! I’m still working my way up to my daily dose I haven’t felt the burn from too high of a dose and still get esophagus burn/pain in my chest, but so far so good. Very happy with the results.
Judy P Constant –
So far these have my helped me to fall asleep, I tried taking two also no falling asleep. I plan on trying one additional pill per night until I get the right dose.
Jesús Mendieta –
Muy bueno para la ayuda de la digestión, lo recomiendo.
I’ve been having stomach problems every time I eat. I’ve cut out dairy and gluten, and I still have stomach problems (bloating, feeling horrible, stomach pains, etc.). I was so miserable I just didn’t want to eat and then was trying liquid diets. Those work while I’m on them but then I just go right back to stomach pain as soon as I eat solids. After doing lots of research, I discovered that as you age your stomach stops producing enough acid and causes problems like I have been having (I’m 36). I took a stomach acid test by using baking soda (you can google it), and found that I am extremely low on stomach acid. Also to note, that being low on stomach acid actually causes acid reflux and taking more acid helps this; taking antacids actually makes it worse! Taking these pills before or after my meals has helped tremendously (I may take up to 3-4 pills at a time). I can definitely feel a difference – so much less bloating and gas. I recommend these to so many people because they have worked so well for me!
Jacob –
This product does what it claims and truely does help with acid reflux and digestive ailments. I was having some acid reflux and taking one or two of these before a meal has eliminated the issue. I also bought this because I have heard it helps with candida and I have noticed that it does seem to have helped some (and I’m only a couple weeks in), most likely because all the food gets more properly broken down and assimilated before entering the intestines.
I will caution, a lot of sites will state to take as many of these at a time as you can tolerate (you will get a burning sensation when you have reached that point). While I do agree with this and that is what I did, when I hit the threshold I did get some diarrhea and it burned on the way out, similar to if I had eaten spicy food. Nothing serious but worth noting. I reduced the quantity by 1or 2 pills and was good to go.
Overall a great product and a good price for the quantity!
Cyril Blakeman –
Works like a charm. Just follow the instructions.
Patrick B –
Like many others have said, the symptoms of too much stomach acid and low stomach acid are very similar.
If you were like me and grew up in the 80’s, you were probably caught up in the bombardment of the acid inhibiter (PPI’s) craze. Prilosec, Zantac, ect commercials were all over the tv. Seemingly everyone in the country had acid indigestion, and needed either over the counter or prescription PPi’s.
As a kid I had a very loud, gurgling stomach, presumably the sound of my digestive system doing its job. In my early 20’s, I started having stomach problems (I was drinking quite a bit) – the gurgling went away, and I had stomach pains and slow digestion and constipation. My Doctor put me on Omeprozole. It seemed to work initially, but over time my symptoms came back but much worse. My Doctor increased my dosage, and things got better again for awhile. .
When I hit 40, I started having massive panic attacks and constant general anxiety. I had an endoscopy, and a hiatal hernia was discovered. And then in 2014 I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer and had my thyroid removed. While the oncologist was examining me, he noticed that I had absolutely no saliva in my mouth. My anxiety was at an all time high, due, obviously, in part to the cancer. For many years I had no energy, and was living in a constant fog. The terrible constipation caused bleeding hemorrhoids. I had given up on life. I was hoping that my thyroid was the reason for all of this, and that once it was removed I’d start feeling better. It didn’t.
My brother was suffering from the same stomach issues as I was, and he discovered that we both had been misdiagnosed with too much stomach acid, when the reverse was true. He started taking Betaine HCL in large doses, and it changed his life dramatically.
I don’t know if all those years of taking the acid reducers had permanently destroyed our bodies from producing acid or it was just from getting older.
Following his suggestion, I took 2 tablets every hour until I started to feel acid in my throat. I was up to 8 tablets and was beginning to think this stuff didn’t work. But once I got up to 10 tablets, I began to feel a slight burning in my stomach and throat. Beyond that, I began to experience that familiar gurgling in my stomach that I had experienced in my youth. The saliva returned to my mouth, and the white, pasty gunk on my tongue went away and turned back to a healthy pink! The constipation is completely gone as well. I still have to take medications for my anxiety and panic attacks, but I think much of that was due to the heavy drinking and abusing marijuana in my youth.
I’m not a doctor, but I can attest to the effectiveness of Betaine HCL had on me and my brother. At times I’ve taken over 15 pills a day. I’m not saying that you should take that much, just explaining what has worked for us. I don’t necessarily take it before meals, I take 5 pills when I wake up and then take as needed throughout the day. Sometimes I need 6 or 8, sometimes I need more. Once I start to feel that gnawing and bloating in my stomach, I take 3 or 4, and 20 minutes later, my stomach gurgles very loudly, and the pain and bloating is instantly gone. There is absolutely zero doubt in my mind that this stuff works. While I don’t feel 100%, my stomach feels so much better.
I’ve taken several brands of HCL, and all of them worked pretty much the same. I buy this brand mainly due to the lower price. If I had to find one negative aspect of this particular brand is the pills can be somewhat hard to swallow. But if you take a couple at a time, and take them with plenty of water, you should be able to get them down okay.
I hope this helps someone.