Descrição do Produto: BETADINE Spray para Garganta 50ml
O BETADINE Spray para Garganta é a solução ideal para quem busca alívio rápido e eficaz para dores de garganta e úlceras bucais. Com uma fórmula inovadora que contém 0,45% de povidona-iodo, este spray atua diretamente na raiz do problema, eliminando 99,9% das bactérias e vírus que causam desconforto. Sua apresentação em frasco de 50ml torna-o prático e fácil de transportar, permitindo que você tenha alívio à mão, onde quer que esteja. Ao aplicar o spray, você sente um alívio imediato, proporcionando conforto em momentos de dor e irritação. O BETADINE Spray para Garganta não só combate os agentes patogênicos, mas também ajuda a promover a cicatrização das mucosas, tornando-se um aliado indispensável na sua rotina de cuidados com a saúde.
1. Alívio Rápido: Proporciona alívio imediato para dores de garganta e úlceras bucais.
2. Eficácia Comprovada: Elimina 99,9% das bactérias e vírus, atacando a causa do desconforto.
3. Fórmula Segura: Contém povidona-iodo, um ingrediente ativo amplamente reconhecido por suas propriedades antimicrobianas.
4. Praticidade: Frasco compacto de 50ml, ideal para levar na bolsa ou mochila, garantindo que você esteja sempre preparado.
5. Cicatrização Acelerada: Auxilia na recuperação das mucosas, promovendo um processo de cicatrização mais rápido e eficaz.
Para utilizar o BETADINE Spray para Garganta, agite bem o frasco antes da aplicação. Direcione o bico do spray para a parte posterior da garganta e pressione o aplicador, liberando uma dose do produto. É recomendado aplicar de 2 a 4 vezes ao dia, conforme necessário, ou conforme orientação médica. Evite ingerir o produto imediatamente após a aplicação para garantir a máxima eficácia. Mantenha o frasco em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta.
Stephanie O’Neil –
My doctor recommended i use this especially when I travel to help prevent getting sick.
It tastes good. While I cant say how well it works, I have not gotten sick since using this. Just a couple of sprays is worth it.
Stephanie O’Neil –
I am putting up a picture of the original packaging to show what it used to look like. I just purchased and received the newest one in the blue spray bottle. I want to say it works and I recommend it for helping with sore, scratchy and itchy throats. The original one I purchased in Hong Kong now home in Oregon USA I don’t find it but Amazon comes through again. To use it, open wide and say ahhhh, and shoot in a spray. It is so relieving. I think people in radio, TV, public speaking should always keep one of these in their pocket.
Amazon Customer –
Its not. The same as what we have in Philippines.
Works for me. Gets red of scratchie throat.
I try a lot of straighting product but this one I was so happy –
I am not sure why, but the first spray tasted like I drank pool water. Tried it a couple more times the past couple days and it just leaves a minty taste in my mouth. Doesn’t numb the throat like other sore throat sprays, but my throat has felt better today than it has past few days.
This product arrived without a seal. When I reached out to amazon they told me to reach out to the manufacturer. When I reached out to the manufacturer they had me do an email including my receipt and told me I would be receiving a refund via Visa card. But then proceeded to follow up with a “we can’t help you, since it was bought through a third party” I.E. Amazon. So nobody wanted to
Help or cared to and you send out defective unsafe products. Got it. People do not use if it is not sealed.
Joel W –
Killed my strep throat. What I’ve found works is, you need to say “AAAHHHH” while at the same time spraying profusely until you literally gag. The gag is the only way to know for certain you hit the back of your throat. Then spit out the excess.
So yeah, horrible user experience, but that’s not really the product’s fault. Will be keeping this on stock.
Pro tip: Only use this when you see white spots on the back of your throat. But if you feel a tingle in your throat, immediately start gargling 3x/day with Betadine’s sore throat gargle. It’s 0.5% iodine (which is a third the strength of this stuff). That way you can just prevent it while it’s weak and also not have to go through the horrible gagging experience.
Candace –
This stuff is incredible and a must have in everyone’s medicine cabinet. It’s fast acting and effective. The taste is just okay, but my 15 yo will even use it. As soon as we feel the slightest tickle in our throat, we spray with this stuff and the tickle goes away!! I really believe it’s kept us from something progressing further in our system. A must have in your medicine cabinet.