Descrição do Produto: Nootropics Depot Beta Ecdysterone/20-Hydroxyecdysone 50% Tablets | 500mg | Cyanotis Arachnoidea Extract | Phytoecdysteroid | 30 Count
O Beta Ecdysterone, também conhecido como 20-Hydroxyecdysone, é um fitocdisteroide extraído da planta Cyanotis Arachnoidea, reconhecido por suas propriedades anabólicas e adaptogênicas. Cada comprimido contém 500mg de extrato padronizado a 50% de Beta Ecdysterone, proporcionando uma dose eficaz para aqueles que buscam otimizar seu desempenho físico e mental. Este suplemento é ideal para atletas, praticantes de atividades físicas e indivíduos que desejam melhorar sua resistência, força e recuperação muscular. Além disso, o Beta Ecdysterone é conhecido por sua capacidade de promover a síntese de proteínas, o que pode auxiliar no aumento da massa muscular magra. Com 30 comprimidos por embalagem, este produto é uma excelente adição à rotina de quem busca maximizar seus resultados de forma natural e segura.
1. Aumento da Performance Física: Melhora a resistência e a força, ideal para atletas e praticantes de musculação.
2. Recuperação Muscular Acelerada: Auxilia na recuperação após treinos intensos, reduzindo a fadiga muscular.
3. Apoio à Síntese de Proteínas: Promove o crescimento muscular e a manutenção da massa magra.
4. Efeito Adaptogênico: Ajuda o corpo a se adaptar ao estresse físico e mental, melhorando o bem-estar geral.
5. Suplemento Natural: Extraído de plantas, oferece uma alternativa segura e eficaz aos esteroides sintéticos.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 comprimido de Beta Ecdysterone (500mg) por dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição para otimizar a absorção. Para melhores resultados, combine o uso do suplemento com uma dieta equilibrada e um programa de exercícios regulares. É importante consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas preexistentes ou estiver tomando outros medicamentos.
Jovanti Greenidge –
Unfortunately, I was unable to experience any positive effects as a result of taking this beta ecdysterone. I’m thinking that there needs to be substantively more research done on both ecdysterone and turkesterone and any other “sterones” out there to see if any of them have efficacious results. I’d bet against any tangible benefits (other than placebo) for the majority of users. That said, your mileage may very. Packaging is good. Bottle is very small, so not much wasted space. The capsules are also very small and easy to swallow.
ali –
I’ve probably tried 7 ecdys from different brands. Some gave me sharp pain in my stomach while giving me good results. Some gave me bloating issue with less potency. Some gave me pain in my guts while giving me zero to negligible results. ND ecdy is so far giving me nice boost on strength while on less dose. This is the best ecdy I’ve tried. Please add subscription option with discount. I will be buying more from them. Highly recommended.
Kam L –
Never disappointed with nootropics depot, if anything sometimes the quality is so high, makes them a little to strong sometimes, but still good once you get used to it.
Ju Young Chung –
This ecdysterone is the strongest I’ve used, there’s no other product which can live up to this one. Nootropics depot has done massive testing on many companies and found that most of them are lying about what’s in their products. It’s awesome to see a company with morals and principals who delivers amazing products to their customers and is transparent about what’s in their capsules 🙏🏿
Kam L –
It’s been about 2 weeks of taking nootropics ecdysterone and I must say, EVERYONE WILL RESPOND DIFFERENTLY.
In m experience with this, I recover a LOT faster to be able to have more intense workouts more often. Most of my lifts have gone up, not like an eye popping amount but things that were maybe like a 3 rep max i was able to get to 5 grinding it out. This is just 2 weeks in, I’ll update once I have a month or 2 under my belt.
I also stack this with the Nootrpics Boron (i take this in a 2 week on, 1 week off cycle) and a Vitamin D3/K2 supplement and the results in just a couple of weeks have shocked me. I was like a lot of you who were skeptical of weather or not it would work, looking at all the 1-3 star reviews, going to YouTube and Reddit to find the perfect stack and all of that good jazz. But ultimately you have to know that the way this has affected me MAY NOT affect you the same way. Some humans respond to it well, some are hyper responders, some kind of respond, some don’t respond at all. You just have to try it for yourself and know that you just can’t take it and expect a crazy body recomp or to pack on tons of muscle fast. Remember the big 3 will drive 90% of your growth: Training, Nutrition, and Sleep. I look at this as something that could give me a slight edge in cranking out some extra reps to stimulate growth and to give a slight boost in muscle building for the next 6 months.
This was a long post but I give it 5 stars for the company’s transparency, the effects it’s had on me a far, and even though it is a bit pricey, I think it’s worth it if you are serious about your lifting and bodybuilding.
Derek –
Best on the market, quick delivery to.
Terry Callaway –
Ecdysterone is a plant sterone, not a steroid. You will not get “steroid-like results” from anything that isn’t actually a steroid. Let’s be clear on that regarding ecdysterone or anything else you might buy.
I’ve received many e-mails from a particular seller of an ecdysterone-based product, and those often come with testimonials. To test for positive results, you need to establish several baseline datapoints and then check them periodically while taking a strength-boosting or testosterone-boosting supplement. I’ve already been training consistently for decades, so am not going to have a transformation story. My testosterone is already above normal, so there’s not a natural booster that will elevate it further. Thus, I did not perform these tests.
I have taken nearly the entire contents of the bottle. I have noticed no adverse effects. With some supplements that purport to do what proponents of ecdysterone claim, the adverse effects can include skin rash, diahrrea, sleeplessness, and other unpleasantness. None of these manifested.
But I think I have noticed a slight increase in my vascularity. I’m already highly vascular, so this is saying something. I also perceive a strength increase, though again I did not do any actual measurements.
Before writing my review, I did some online searching on ecdysterone. Some very strong opinions out there, some strongly against. But nobody has produced any kind of actual test results. So I would say this is worth a try. If just the placebo effects get you the results you want, then you come out ahead. Many users of ecdysterone-based products say it is actually the product. If nothing changes for you, then you have made only a small investment to discover that.
M. L Lamendola –
Title says it all!