Descrição do Produto: Berberina com Canela do Ceilão, Cúrcuma, Cardo Mariano, Alcachofra e Pimenta Preta – 150 Contagens – Pacote de 1
Descubra a sinergia poderosa de ingredientes naturais com o nosso suplemento de Berberina com Canela do Ceilão, Cúrcuma, Cardo Mariano, Alcachofra e Pimenta Preta. Cada cápsula é uma combinação meticulosamente formulada para oferecer suporte à sua saúde de maneira eficaz e prática. Com 150 cápsulas fáceis de engolir, você terá um suprimento de cinco meses, garantindo que você possa integrar este suplemento à sua rotina diária sem complicações.
- 6 Ingredientes: Berberina HCl, Canela do Ceilão, Cardo Mariano, Cúrcuma, Alcachofra, Pimenta Preta.
- Como Tomar: Como suplemento dietético, tome uma (1) cápsula uma vez ao dia ou conforme orientação do seu profissional de saúde.
- 150 Contagens (Pacote de 1)
- Fácil de engolir: 150 cápsulas no total, fornecendo 5 meses de suprimento com 150 porções, tamanho da porção de 1 cápsula.
- Suplemento Dietético: Não-OGM, Sem Glúten, Testado por Terceiros.
A Berberina é conhecida por suas propriedades que podem ajudar a regular os níveis de açúcar no sangue e promover a saúde metabólica. A Canela do Ceilão, além de seu sabor distinto, é reconhecida por suas propriedades antioxidantes e anti-inflamatórias. A Cúrcuma, com seu composto ativo curcumina, é amplamente estudada por seus benefícios anti-inflamatórios e de suporte à saúde articular. O Cardo Mariano é um aliado do fígado, ajudando na desintoxicação e na proteção das células hepáticas. A Alcachofra é famosa por suas propriedades digestivas, enquanto a Pimenta Preta potencializa a absorção dos nutrientes, tornando esta combinação ainda mais eficaz.
1. Suporte Metabólico: A Berberina ajuda a regular os níveis de açúcar no sangue, promovendo um metabolismo saudável.
2. Ação Antioxidante: A Canela do Ceilão e a Cúrcuma oferecem proteção contra os radicais livres, contribuindo para a saúde celular.
3. Saúde Digestiva: A Alcachofra e o Cardo Mariano auxiliam na digestão e na saúde do fígado, promovendo um sistema digestivo equilibrado.
4. Propriedades Anti-inflamatórias: A Cúrcuma e a Berberina ajudam a reduzir a inflamação no corpo, melhorando o bem-estar geral.
5. Facilidade de Uso: Com 150 cápsulas fáceis de engolir, você pode facilmente integrar este suplemento à sua rotina diária.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar uma cápsula uma vez ao dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição, para maximizar a absorção dos nutrientes. É importante seguir as orientações do seu profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais. Este suplemento é uma adição valiosa à sua dieta, especialmente se você busca melhorar sua saúde metabólica e digestiva de forma natural e eficaz.
Novels Alive –
I knew something was wrong when my caloric intake was less than 1,500 daily, yet I was gaining—not losing—weight. Even after my doctor got my thyroid issues figured out (Hashimotos), I continued to put on weight. It didn’t matter how much I exercised or how little I ate. To say I was depressed is an understatement. My doctor just said it was age, which I refused to believe. I looked pregnant, and it was utterly unacceptable. I have never—ever—had a weight problem, so this was exceptionally difficult for me.
Several years ago, I thought I had insulin resistance and decided to look into that again, and gave this supplement a try. I immediately started dropping not only weight but also inches. In less than three months, I was down nearly 40 lbs. and almost my ideal weight. I don’t know how many inches, but I was down to size 5 jeans. I may never get into my size 3 jeans again, but I am content with size 5 jeans.
On top of that, I have energy, and my confidence is back. This is a miracle supplement, and the price is affordable for everyone! I have shared this with all my friends and family. I am sold for life!
A W –
Berberine supplement supports overall health with a powerful blend of natural ingredients. After extensive search and review many other similar supplements, this is the most ideal all in one package for healthy blood sugar and at the same time supports digestion and liver functions very well. Berberine has been used traditionally to support healthy blood sugar levels, cardiovascular health, and digestive function. Ceylon Cinnamon is a spice that is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Ceylon cinnamon specifically is considered to be less irritant on gut mucosa than the cassia cinnamon. It is also traditionally used to support healthy blood sugar levels, and has potential benefits for weight management and cognitive function. Milk thistle is an herb that has been traditionally used to support liver function and to protect the liver from toxins. Turmeric is a spice that is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, also traditionally used to provide pain relief and improve overall wellness. Artichoke leaf is known for its ability to support healthy digestion, and also has potential benefits for supporting healthy cholesterol levels. Black pepper may help to increase the bioavailability of turmeric in the supplement. This Berberine supplement in one bottle provides a 5-month supply being an excellent value for those looking to incorporate this blend of natural ingredients not only for healthy blood sugar but also other extra health benefits.
D I Johnson –
I believe this is a quality product and still use it daily.
Gunter P. –
I bought this stuff like 2 years ago and I don’t think that it hurts — I only take like one capsule a week.
But I don’t know if it actually HELPS either.🤔
B –
This is a nice combination of the berberine and cinnamon, which cuts down on a pill to take if they were being taken separately. The strength is good and the ingredients have been shown to help with blood sugar control. Taken under the advice of a doctor but was happy to find a combination pill so didn’t have to take multiple pills a day.
Dogtired –
EDIT TO ADD: I have more or less stopped checking my blood sugar (I developed an allergy to the adhesive on the sensor). I also eased back on my hardcore adherence to a diabetic diet. I am conscientious about what I eat, but I enjoy occasional ice cream raisin bran, or birthday pie. I don’t eat much of anything anymore, and while I don’t gorge on pizza or sugary cereals I’m not hyper-focused on avoiding all carbs all the time. I’ve been without my monitor for about 3 months and was frankly surprised that my A1C has continued to drop! I think if I focus even more on diet–including actually eating (I say, noticing I forgot my lunch at home, which also had my breakfast)–I can probably get my A1C down to “pre- diabetic” within a year–maybe even lower. Admittedly, I switched over to Agobi brand, supposedly 3rd party certified and 25600mg of Berberine. I’ve got no problem recommending either brand. Berberine seems to work!
Also, both brands claim to help work cholesterol. My bad keeps dropping, my good keeps rising, and my overall is looking better. Is not a massive shift, but gradual step- by- step
I have been taking 1800mg of regular Berberine HCL, along with turmeric and cinnamon. This one claims to be a 15:1 ratio on berberine, so a single pill with 200mg of the concentrated extract is equal to 3000mg of regular Berberine. It also has and has turmeric, cinnamon, and milk thistle. I haven’t done independent laboratory testing to confirm, but I will say this past week was Thanksgiving. We had two Thanksgiving dinners (both our families are from the same place) and two other family feasts while traveling.
I added one of these prior to eating each time, and my blood sugar spiked to 130 instead of its normal 200 after eating anything sweet. While I didn’t gorge myself on desserts or carbs, I also didn’t avoid them completely. I ate sweet potato casserole (with butter, brown sugar, pineapple, and marshmallows), a small piece of pie, and some other things that were not especially diabetic friendly. I was really surprised that I stayed so low. My morning fasting level was also 90-130–once or twice it went up to 150–which really shocked me. I can’t remember the last time I woke up with my blood sugar below 100.
I even dropped 10 lbs over the past week while on this! Not eating much between feasts, and walking a lot more than normal likely helped, but normalizing my blood sugars seems to have helped too. My levels stay between 90 and 120. I have less pain. I have more energy. This was the only change to my supplements or meds.
To all the people who complain that it’s “200 mg” instead of “3000 mg”, remember, they explicitly say this is a 15:1 ratio. Several times. In the listing here. On the bottle. All over the place. If you missed that, sorry, but that’s on you.
Again, I have zero clue if this is precisely what it claims to be in the exact ratio it says it is. I don’t know that I plan to stop taking the turmeric and cinnamon (they are higher doses than this claims), but I will plan to replace my regular Berberine with this twice a day–maybe three depending on my sugars.
At this point, I am cautiously optimistic that this sucker works. I HOPE to be down another 10 lbs before the end of the year. I feel like if I can drop 10 after that, I might actually be able to say I HAD diabetes. I am DESPARATE to avoid Metformin and the side effects it can cause. I have not noticed any side effects to this supplement so far…again, aside from losing weight, less pain, and more energy. I wish all my meds and supplements had such side effects 😉
I’ll update this if it stops working, it destroys my liver, I grow a superfluous third nipple, or something else negative…
FWIW, I haven’t received ANY free gifts, kick backs, or other perquisites from this company or its affiliates. I am just really excited at how much it SEEMS to have helped me this past week.
Katie R –
I’ve been taking this supplement for several weeks now and so far, it’s really been a miracle product for me. I’ve struggled with digestive issues my whole life. Easily upset stomach, bloating, brain fog, lack of energy, etc. I’ve also struggled to lose weight, despite being very active and eating fairly healthy. After visits to doctors and no answers, it’s all been very discouraging and frustrating for me. I just figured this was going to be my life. But this supplement has changed everything for me. No more bloating, my pants fit better, brain fog lifted and my energy levels are doubled. Highly recommend this product for anyone struggling with similar issues!
mario –
فعال في تخفيض السكر
Abdullah –
My last report of fasting sugar was 180 and hbac1 was 10.1. Doctor told me i am type 2 diabetic and wrote medicines. I didn’t buy them, instead started daily walks for 10k steps. I do walking 1 hour after meals at noon and night time and take this berberine supplement before my walk, i.e. one hour after meal. And now my fasting sugar is normal 110 and hbac1 is 6.7. It is not even 3 months, just 7 weeks apart these 2 tests were conducted. The only one thing I changed in diet is I don’t eat late at nights anymore, nothing after 10pm. Rest my diet is still same which is rice/roti (wheat bread) and Indian dishes.
Amazon Customer –
It combines many herbs