Descrição do Produto: Ben’s Natural Health Deep Sleep Natural Sleep Aid com Melatonina para Adultos
Em um mundo onde o estresse e a agitação do dia a dia podem interferir na qualidade do sono, o Ben’s Natural Health Deep Sleep Natural Sleep Aid surge como uma solução eficaz e natural. Este suplemento, formulado com melatonina e extrato de raiz de valeriana, foi desenvolvido para promover um sono reparador e restaurador, essencial para o bem-estar geral. Ao consumir uma cápsula 30 minutos antes de dormir, você estará dando ao seu corpo a oportunidade de regular seus ciclos de sono de forma natural, permitindo que você adormeça mais rapidamente e permaneça em um sono profundo por mais tempo.
A melatonina, o hormônio responsável por regular os ciclos de sono, é a estrela desta fórmula. Com a adição do extrato de raiz de valeriana, um conhecido aliado na promoção do relaxamento, este produto não apenas ajuda a induzir o sono, mas também melhora a qualidade do descanso. Ao acordar após uma noite de sono ininterrupto, você se sentirá energizado e revigorado, pronto para enfrentar os desafios do dia. A formulação limpa e superior do Ben’s Natural Health garante que você esteja consumindo apenas ingredientes puros e de alta qualidade, clinicamente testados para assegurar a eficácia e segurança.
– Melhora o Bem-Estar Geral: Ajudando a reduzir o risco de problemas fisiológicos e psicológicos associados à falta de sono.
– Ciclos de Sono Saudáveis: A melatonina regula os ciclos de sono, promovendo um descanso mais natural e eficaz.
– Adormecer Mais Rápido e Dormir por Mais Tempo: A combinação de melatonina e valeriana facilita a transição para o sono profundo.
– Acordar Revigorado: Proporciona um sono reparador, resultando em um despertar mais energizado e pronto para o dia.
– Formulação Superior e Limpa: Ingredientes de alta qualidade, testados clinicamente, garantem segurança e eficácia.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula do Ben’s Natural Health Deep Sleep Natural Sleep Aid 30 minutos antes de dormir. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e não exceder a dose recomendada. Este produto é destinado a adultos e deve ser armazenado em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Critical Reviewer –
This works great. The name says it all. I was in a deep sleep. The capsules do have a bad smell, but they are easy to swallow and do not have a taste. I fell asleep quickly and slept all night. I normally get up at least once to use the bathroom but not when I took this. I was a little groggy in the morning when my alarm went off, but I was fine once I got going. I slept great. Highly recommend.
mBeded –
This natural sleep aid really does work great! I noticed a difference in the quality of my sleep from the first time I took the capsule. I love that it is made from natural ingredients. Very easy to swallow and no aftertaste. You do not wake up feeling groggy as some supplements cause. It’s a great sleep aid, but it is a little pricey for a 30-day supply. Other than the price, it is a great product and works very well.
mBeded –
I have occasional issues falling asleep when stressed or overstimulated at night so I’ve tried various supplements and thought i’d give these a shot. I’m not really convinced they do much. I tried them for a few nights now and didn’t really notice myself getting sleepy or any difference really after the 30 minutes recommended.
They have a tiny bit of melatonin which I know works, although i usually take double the dose that’s in here. I know valerian root is supposed to increase the effects of sleep aids so maybe that’s why there’s that combo. The chamomile and lavender i know are meant to be calming, but i thought that was more of an aromatherapy thing. They also mention “mood support” which made me laugh because why would i need to be in a good mood when i’m asleep? I mean, if I get a good nights sleep then i’ll likely be in a good mood, but i wouldn’t associate that with this supplement necessarily.
They smell and taste kind of gross to be honest. I don’t’ know how to describe it, but i just try not to smell anything while i open the bottle and take one so that i just have a minimal exposure to it.
Also kinda pricey. Just go with regular melatonin since that’s the main sleep ingredient in these.
Team KH –
I’ve taken a lot of various sleep aids over the years, and I’ve now settled on various natural sleep aids that are blended: melatonin, l0theanine, valerian root, ashwaganda root, l-tryptophan, etc… Normally, I take 5 mg of melatonin a night, so I need to take two of these pills. Compared to the other natural sleep aids I’ve tried in the past year, this one is pretty middling. For one, I’ve taken valerian root on its own for several weeks, and it just hasn’t ever done anything for me. The other herbal extracts like lavendar extract… I dunno, I thought the smell of lavendar helped promote relaxation. I don’t think consuming it does much.
ANyways, this doesn’t work any better or worse than regular melatonin. Except that it’s fairly pricey compared to cheap melatonin.
DB –
Took one pill last night about 30 mins before I went to bed. Could feel myself getting tired about 45 mins after taking just the one.
Pills are on the larger side. Those with pill swallowing difficulties might have problems. I didn’t.
The taste was okay but I could smell it a bit as I was putting it in my mouth.
Just a little after taste but nothing too bad.
I did wake up 8 hours after taking it. I still felt tired so I went back to bed for 30 mins. Felt better after that.
I did like that it kept me asleep all night. Didn’t like the groggy feeling when I woke up.
Yambobo –
For the past few years, I’ve had spells where I don’t sleep well… and I do not function well at all without a full night’s sleep. This product contains the typical sleep aids… Melatonin, Valerian, Chamomile, and Lavender. Some people respond well to Melatonin, but others will spend the next day in a fog after using it. This product contains 2.5 mg of Melatonin per dose, which may be high if you are sensitive to Melatonin. There are 1 mg products on the market.
This seems to be a quality product… no preservatives, no fillers, no flows agents, and free of common allergens. The suggested dosage is one per night, and with only thirty capsules, this is extremely expensive for only a one-month supply.
Dior – Dig it or Ditch it! –
ok, so i was a skeptic but my husband says it works for me. he says i usually toss and turn and kick and talk in my sleep a lot. A LOT. so i decided to try this despite the fact that i hate taking anything. after a few days of this he actually commented and said i must be sleeping better because i havent woken him up with my sleep crazies (he calls them). im pleased with results, i dont feel groggy and hes happy too. i dont want to take these everyday or long term, but i will take them on the the nights i feel sleep in not in my favor,
Dan –
Helps me fall asleep faster but I still wake up a couple times during the night. Not a miracle cure or anything.