Beet Chews – Mastigáveis de Beterraba com Extrato de Semente de Uva para Apoiar a Saúde do Coração
SUPORTE À SAÚDE DO CORAÇÃO: Este produto premium e delicioso contém uma fórmula superalimentar com extrato natural de beterraba e semente de uva para apoiar a saúde do coração.
SUPORTE À ENERGIA: Nossa fórmula de extrato de raiz de beterraba e L-citrulina de alta potência trabalham juntas para criar óxido nítrico, apoiando resistência atlética e energia.
DELICIOSO E PRÁTICO: Nossos chews embalados individualmente são perfeitos para levar com você, com um delicioso sabor natural de açaí.
FÓRMULA CONFIÁVEL: Nossos chews de beterraba são formulados e fabricados seguindo rigorosas diretrizes de Boas Práticas de Fabricação (cGMP). Além disso, eles são testados por terceiros para garantir a qualidade e pureza de cada lote.
BEET CHEWS: Chews de beterraba são uma excelente opção para quem busca uma fonte concentrada de nutrientes para o coração. Com alta concentração de extrato de beterraba, esses chews são uma maneira prática e saborosa de obter os benefícios da beterraba para a saúde cardiovascular.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Suporte à saúde do coração: A fórmula exclusiva deste produto combina extrato de beterraba e semente de uva para promover a saúde do coração.
- Aumento de energia: A presença de extrato de raiz de beterraba e L-citrulina ajuda a criar óxido nítrico, proporcionando mais energia e resistência atlética.
- Sabor delicioso: Com um sabor natural de açaí, esses chews são uma opção saborosa e prática para incluir na sua rotina diária.
- Fórmula confiável: Nossos chews de beterraba são formulados e fabricados seguindo rigorosos padrões de qualidade, garantindo a pureza e eficácia de cada lote.
- Praticidade: Embalados individualmente, esses chews são perfeitos para levar com você onde quer que vá, garantindo que você possa desfrutar dos benefícios da beterraba a qualquer momento.
Os Beet Chews oferecem uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua rotina diária. Primeiramente, eles promovem a saúde cardiovascular, ajudando a manter a pressão arterial em níveis saudáveis. Além disso, a combinação de beterraba e semente de uva proporciona um aumento significativo na energia, ideal para quem busca melhorar o desempenho físico. O sabor agradável torna a experiência de consumo prazerosa, facilitando a adesão ao uso diário. A praticidade das embalagens individuais permite que você leve seus chews para qualquer lugar, garantindo que você nunca perca uma dose. Por fim, a fórmula confiável e testada por terceiros assegura que você está consumindo um produto de alta qualidade e eficácia.
Recomenda-se consumir 2 chews de beterraba por dia. Mastigue bem antes de engolir. Não exceda a dose diária recomendada. Para melhores resultados, inclua os Beet Chews em sua rotina diária, como um complemento à sua alimentação saudável e prática de exercícios físicos.
DM –
Because vitamins & supplements are not closely regulated it’s difficult to gauge the effectiveness of one brand versus another. All I can attest to is that my experience with this brand had no ill effects and that the price point is less than many other brands. I’ve used similar Nitric Oxide supplements regularly in either a capsule or liquid form. This the first beet gummy supplement I’ve used. I did find them soft, tasty, & easy to chew. Sometimes soft to the point of getting stuck between my teeth. Unlike other gummy type supplements, these are individually wrapped so they don’t stick together.
An interesting note about the instructions on one of my capsule bottle that says: “take 30 minutes before exercise. For best results do not take within 2 hours of eating.” I fact checked that online and did find an article explaining it best to take on an empty stomach unless stomach issues are encountered.
So this is one of the few supplements I do not ingest after lunch.
Sekhmet –
I really am loving these! This is a very pleasant way to get my b-12…probably my favorite way, if I am being honest. The chews are tasty without being over sweet, and they have a natural taste without being too earthy (As beet can sometimes be). The color of these chews leave no doubt about it’s featured ingredient! I really love them, and it has been a very enjoyable way to improve my daily regimen.
Ryan Wheat –
First and foremost, the flavor of these chewables is delightful. They’re pleasantly sweet and have a natural, fruity taste that makes taking them a treat rather than a chore. It’s refreshing to find a something that tastes as good as it works. They are solid boost of energy in the morning right before work.
One of the standout features of these chews is their individual wrapping. This thoughtful packaging ensures that the chews stay fresh and don’t stick together, which can be a common issue with bulkier supplements. It also makes them incredibly convenient to carry around and enjoy on the go.
mytwocents –
No adverse effects, and taste great!
jorg_2029 –
These chews are sweetened, in a way that makes them nicely balanced between tasting like chewy candy and tasting like a vegetable. The texture has more of a paste-like consistency than starburst for example, but is still clearly a chew, there’s no graininess or objectionable texture. They do taste like beets, so if you’re buying these to avoid eating beets but still get some of their health benefits just know that you can’t fully avoid the taste with these. I don’t mind beets, so they’re great.
Michael –
Most of the beet chews I’ve seen before are harder, almost jolly rancher-like, but these are soft and easy to chew. The taste isn’t the sweetest, but I’d much rather have these than another option with added sugar. Unlike some other options, the chews won’t stick together because they’re individually wrapped.
Rayvn –
Like most people, I’m not taking nearly enough vitamins and supplements compared to what I likely ought to. Beets were recommended to me by a doctor and it was advice I was not at all happy to hear, because although I love most veggies, those things were not one of them. Looking for alternatives, these chews popped up as suggested and I figured no matter what, it had to be better than adding the real things to my diet, or worse, canned ones.
And this was an extremely pleasant surprise!
These are roughly the size of a starburst candy, and while not as artificially sweet as those, these are amazingly great tasting. They are more natural in flavor, quite soft and easy to chew, have no bad after taste, and have been simple to work into a daily routine. I even look forward to them because it’s a bit like a treat or reward compared to typical capsules. I’ve been adding gummies and things like this to try and make the whole thing more manageable, and these are a very welcome addition. I strongly recommend these to others who are considering ways to add recommended nutrients to their daily intake.
mytwocents –
These little chews taste more like candies than a nutritional supplement. But I guess that’s the point. If you don’t like beets but still want the health benefits, these are for you. They’re sweet and very chewy, almost like taffy and they taste like acai berry. I can’t taste beets at all. These also contain L-citrulline and B vitamins. If you’re taking any vitamin supplement, you may want to check the amounts you’re taking, because these chewa chews have a very large dose of vitamin B12 in particular.
I like these though; it’s a fun way to get some extra health benefits.