BEEKEEPER’S NATURALS B.LXR Brain Fuel – Fórmula Líquida para Memória, Foco e Clareza
Em um mundo onde a produtividade é essencial, o BEEKEEPER’S NATURALS B.LXR Brain Fuel surge como um aliado poderoso para aqueles que buscam maximizar seu desempenho mental. Esta fórmula líquida, rica em ingredientes naturais, foi cuidadosamente elaborada para oferecer suporte à memória, foco e clareza, permitindo que você se concentre em suas tarefas sem os efeitos colaterais indesejados da cafeína. Com uma combinação de adaptógenos como geleia real, ginkgo biloba e bacopa monnieri, o B.LXR é o combustível que seu cérebro precisa, seja para estudar para um exame, preparar uma apresentação importante ou trabalhar em projetos criativos.
- GET FOCUSED: Entre no ritmo com o suporte natural para memória, foco e produtividade. O B.LXR está repleto de adaptógenos que você precisa para atuar a 100% e finalmente realizar suas tarefas (sem tremores ou queda de energia). É perfeito para combater a névoa mental, melhorar o foco e a produtividade, ou enfrentar o jet lag.
- POWERFUL ADAPTOGENS: Formulado com geleia real, ginkgo biloba e bacopa monnieri, este é o combustível que seu cérebro deseja quando você está se preparando para um exame, uma grande apresentação ou jogo, ou trabalhando em projetos criativos.
- MOVE OVER, COFFEE: Esta fórmula rica em antioxidantes e que combate o estresse é LIVRE DE CAFEÍNA, portanto, não há queda de energia no meio do dia ou sono prejudicado. O B.LXR apoia um cérebro saudável enquanto afasta a névoa mental e o jet lag.
- BENEFITS: Apoia memória, foco, produtividade, concentração e energia. Rico em adaptógenos e antioxidantes. Promove a saúde cerebral geral com o uso regular. Todos os nossos produtos são testados em laboratório por terceiros para garantir que nunca contenham resíduos de pesticidas ou produtos químicos nocivos.
- CLEAN INGREDIENTS: Certificado Keto, Certificado Paleo, livre de glúten e natural. Sem conservantes artificiais, cores, açúcar refinado, glúten, trigo, levedura, milho, soja, laticínios ou ovos. Como suplemento dietético, adultos devem tomar de ½ a 1 frasco diariamente, ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde.
- Product packaging may vary: A embalagem do produto pode variar, pois atualizamos nosso design e estamos atualmente em transição entre a embalagem antiga e a nova. Nossos ingredientes e fórmula que você conhece e ama permanecem os mesmos!
1. Aumento da Concentração: Melhora significativa na capacidade de se concentrar em tarefas complexas.
2. Memória Aprimorada: Suporte à memória de curto e longo prazo, ideal para estudantes e profissionais.
3. Energia Sustentada: Fornece energia sem os picos e quedas associados à cafeína.
4. Saúde Cerebral: Promove a saúde geral do cérebro com o uso regular, ajudando a prevenir a névoa mental.
5. Ingredientes Naturais: Composição limpa e livre de aditivos artificiais, ideal para dietas Keto e Paleo.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se que adultos tomem de ½ a 1 frasco de B.LXR diariamente, preferencialmente pela manhã ou antes de atividades que exijam maior concentração. O produto pode ser consumido puro ou diluído em água, conforme a preferência. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais. Com o uso regular, você poderá notar uma melhora significativa na sua capacidade de foco e produtividade ao longo do dia.
Amazon Customer –
Have tried this 4x so far. With and without food in my stomach and at different times in the morning. It “might” have helped – still not sure. However, the taste is AWFUL! Sort of like what licking a fireplace would be like! I realize it’s all natural, etc., but I would have liked something added for flavor – or at least to cut the horrible taste.
The order was “lost” and when I contacted the company, they returned the shipping and I ended up with the first box – and then a second, at no cost. Unfortunately, I’m still not sure of it’s effectiveness. May update in future.
Reyner Landero –
Surprisingly effective, my first week with 6 bottles, i notice it gave me a little push late in the afternoon. Although I’m always skeptical about everything, and the fact that I’m always crashing and badly needs nap in the afternoon, made me realized that this somewhat works on the first week, and i no longer need extra coffee late afternoon after to keep me going. This made me think that the B.LXR work wonderfully subtle.
My 2nd week of 6 bottles, I notice that aside from the extra energy, I started to notice that I tend to feel a bit sleepy earlier 10:30-11pm, which is good because I need to sleep early.
On my third week, I started to feel more productive and got used of not having a coffee late afternoon. I sleep better and deeper. Yes I can now conclude that this will give you enough energy and helps you sleep better.
I’m still in my 4th week and my focus seems to improved in a different way, I say this particularly in the afternoon, because it feels like my body is anticipating my most stressful hours and then give me a dose of focus and energy for couple of more hours when I badly needed it. And this what I love a bout this, it’s subtle but it’s working.
When I started taking this vitamin, I drinking 3-4 cups of coffee it’s ok but not at night. Right now my max is 2 seldomely go for 3rd but if I go i just get decaf. I think this is good for people working in the morning and students at night. Or people who tend to feel tired late in the afternoon and needs a little push.
Iso2017 –
Used them before my exams and felt focused and energetic
K. Mc –
My husband takes this fir energy and clarity
Pjt –
OrderedDirectly From Beekeepers. Then cancelled subscription when I found cheaper here. They contacted me that they were shipping, I emailed that subscription was cancelled. Stated 4-5 biz days for them to respond and they neveer responded. They mailed me the product anyway. I emailed them again. Again they stated 4-5 biz days but never responded. Just contacted by phone and message is 3-4 biz days to respond. Advise you DO NOT ORDER directly from this company. Not sure what my next steps are except to alert my credit card company not to process beause apparently once you subscribe it’s for your lifetime
Felicity Williams –
I took this In an attempt to set myself straight at work when my adhd is bad. a friend who uses it often recomended it. this did not help in the slightest, what’s worse is at the end of the day I had a mind numbing crash that was similar to how I feel after drinking a bunch of caffeine all day. i cant do caffeine and it put me off worst than I started. the next day my head still hurts as I take tylenol and drink water. I may have to leave home early today because not only can I not focus, but I am also mentally beat. it’s like my mind tried to run 2 marathons with no protein. I only took half a vial to try it out.
Maricela –
WOAH! This thing works!!! Ordered it because most often I feel very tired, lethargic, and lightheaded/brain fogged. Even after a night’s sleep. I have been trying TONS of supplements to help me. Spent hundreds of dollars in the last few months to help me with focus, memory, and energy. None have really worked. I received this product today. Was having one of those days and took a whole vial. WOAH! Within 20 minutes, my brain fog went away! I was able to study, focus, and get work done! I could literally feel my brain processing information much better. That was hours ago and I still have energy to keep going. But not the jittery kind of energy. More of a calm focused energy. This is heaven sent for me. Unfortunately, I am now hooked and my bank account will have to take a dip because it is expensive and I came in here to order more 💸 . 🙁
Flavor is not bad at all. At least for me.
Not too thick and not too thin of a consistency.
DancingMouse –
Love this product. I definitely feel a nice boost in energy and focus after taking a shot of this. Love starting my work day with a shot of brain fuel. You don’t feel a crash after either.
bjorn ursa –
I think it is the royal bee jelly that makes this product uniquely effective. I’ve tried other bacopa products and they create this strange pressure/nausea in the head. For me, my best experiences with this product was my first box of it. I thought there was a drop in quality or a change in the formula with subsequent purchases, but it was likely a homeostasis thing and I was getting “immune” to its effects.
I will still take this before a meeting. There is a pronounced increase in the ability to articulate. There is also a pronounced crash if you exert yourself mentally after taking the product. I feel like the character in Flowers for Algernon during this hard swing back. Is it healthy that you can formulate sentences better shortly after downing a vial and then struggle putting words together after a couple hours? Do not take this as a supplement to improve your health. Bacopa has been used for centuries for certain purposes, but there is no claim that it improves overall cognitive health. For me, it does briefly improve cognitive function. So does caffeine, but in a markedly different way.
Amazon Customer –
This product gives me energy and makes me feel great. I love it every day.