Descrição do Produto:
O DreamAid é uma bebida para auxiliar no sono, formulada com melatonina e camomila, ideal para adultos que buscam uma solução eficaz para adormecer mais rápido, dormir por mais tempo e acordar se sentindo rejuvenescidos. Com uma fórmula inovadora e zero açúcar, o DreamAid combina os benefícios relaxantes da camomila com a melatonina, um hormônio natural que regula o ciclo do sono. Esta bebida é perfeita para aqueles que enfrentam dificuldades para dormir devido ao estresse, ansiedade ou rotina agitada. Ao consumir DreamAid, você poderá desfrutar de uma noite de sono reparador, melhorando sua qualidade de vida e aumentando sua produtividade durante o dia.
1. Adormecer mais rápido: A combinação de melatonina e camomila ajuda a reduzir o tempo necessário para adormecer.
2. Sono prolongado: Promove um sono mais profundo e contínuo, evitando despertares noturnos.
3. Acordar revigorado: Melhora a qualidade do sono, resultando em um despertar mais energizado e disposto.
4. Zero açúcar: Ideal para quem busca uma opção saudável, sem adição de açúcares.
5. Praticidade: Fácil de consumir, pode ser levado para qualquer lugar e consumido a qualquer hora.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir uma porção de DreamAid cerca de 30 minutos antes de dormir. Agite bem a embalagem antes de abrir e sirva gelado ou em temperatura ambiente. É importante não exceder a dose recomendada e evitar o uso em conjunto com outras substâncias que possam afetar o sono. Para um efeito otimizado, crie um ambiente propício ao sono, como um quarto escuro e silencioso, e evite o uso de eletrônicos antes de dormir.
drkbrn23 –
Yeah these really work giving an energy boost
Marcus McGee –
I drink 4-5 of these a week. I love the flavor and feel like they help me to recover a little faster from a hard workout. They are a little less expensive than buying recovery drink in a can and also let out more water in them so that the taste isn’t as strong which I like. Have been using them for over a year and plan to continue.
KD –
This is a great electrolyte, the turmeric helps with inflammation and a decent price for all the added effective ingredients.
Jose Ramirez –
They get the job done, but man do they taste rough. Like crushed up pills almost. If you don’t care about the flavor and just need the BCAAs, then go for it.
Mike –
In a pinch or away from home, my wife can keep one in her purse or I can keep them in my center console of my truck. Amazingly handy. Yep packages are very strong and I have never had one punctured or leak. I don’t drink soft drinks and really other than water, decaffeinated ice tea and a daily focus aid there isn’t much variety. When I am on the go, I typically have water with me and sometimes just want something else. I am not going to find it at the convenient store and this is when these packets are hugely handy.
I really like focus aid, after a long, difficult day a focus aid returns me to the optimism of mid morning. It subtle and I don’t necessarily feel different, but when at 3 pm I was ready to go home and I look at my watch and it is 5:30 and I have gotten tons accomplished, I realize the benefit. Same is true on the road. It’s tiring and mundane, focus aid is beneficial to my concentration and effectiveness.
If you haven’t tried focus aid, try the canned first. Also don’t be scared of the flavor “melon maté.” To me it is a perfect balance of say ginger ale, sprite ad fresca – though I must admit it has been over 10 years since I had any of those drinks. It’s not too strong, not to sweet, doesn’t have that aspartame taste of diet sodas. It really is very tasty. Btw, subscribe and save saves a little money and ensures there is always one in the pantry. Give them a try.
Christene Langevine –
Excellent product! I’ve received FitAids at the end of Spartan Races. It’s one of the most pure recovery drinks I’ve come across and wanted to continue using it as part of my workout recovery. The cans were a bit costly and only 12 per case. As such, I was SUPER happy when i found it in the packets and a 30 days supply.
FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS: I assumed and mixed the powder in about 12 oz of cold water.. at first it tasted like the can but had a nasty after taste. THEN i looked at the instructions which says” MIX WITH 16 to 32 oz of water”. The next time I mixed it with 25 oz if water and OMGGGG it tasted JUST LIKE THE can and even MORE to drink throughout the day. I even kept it in the fridge for a few hours and it was quite thirst quenching.. I will definitely continue to use this product! WORTH THE MONEY and my body feels GREAT!
It’s good and sweetened with monk fruit, so it’s taste like tang. The health benefits are fantastic, we give it to all our family members when they are starting to feel sick. We take it to keep our system up also,.or when we travel.
KobeBre –
I love the different types of powders you get to try before deciding on just one. The Dream Aid really helped me relax and sleep well and didn’t make me overly tired. I like the Fit Aid for workout recovery to fight fatigue. Used the immunity when I was not feeling 100% and I feel like it really helped me. The Party Aid, my hubby used after a really long night and he said it helped him not have a hangover which is great. I will say that one was the last appetizing, tasted like powdered vitamins, but worked so. I tried the Focus Aid at work and I did feel more alert but again not the most tasty but I did enjoy it since I like what’s in it. Would definitely order again!!