BeautyStat Universal C Refiner – Sérum de Vitamina C Pura 20% para o Rosto, Ilumine a Aparência da Pele Opaca
O BeautyStat Universal C Refiner é um sérum facial inovador, formulado com 20% de vitamina C pura, que promete transformar a aparência da pele opaca em uma epiderme radiante e saudável. Este produto é o resultado de mais de cinco anos de pesquisa e desenvolvimento, garantindo uma fórmula estável e eficaz. Com sua ação antioxidante, o sérum não apenas ilumina a pele, mas também atua na redução de manchas e rugas, proporcionando um aspecto mais uniforme e rejuvenescido.
Clinicamente testado e livre de fragrâncias, o Universal C Refiner é um produto que respeita a pele e o meio ambiente, sendo livre de crueldade. Sua fórmula patenteada utiliza a versão mais pura e potente da vitamina C, o Ácido L-Ascórbico, que se destaca por sua estabilidade, evitando degradação e garantindo eficácia até a última gota. Ao incorporar EGCG, um poderoso antioxidante encontrado no chá verde, o sérum potencializa a proteção contra os radicais livres, combatendo os sinais de envelhecimento de forma eficaz.
Universal e adequado para todos os tipos de pele, o BeautyStat Universal C Refiner foi desenvolvido para atender às diversas necessidades dos cuidados faciais. A embalagem com bomba sem ar garante que o produto permaneça fresco e eficaz, evitando contaminações e degradação. Com o uso regular, duas vezes ao dia, os usuários podem esperar uma pele mais luminosa e saudável, com uma textura visivelmente mais suave.
- Reduz a aparência de linhas finas e rugas, promovendo um aspecto mais jovem.
- Uniformiza o tom da pele, ajudando a eliminar manchas e descolorações.
- Aumenta a firmeza da pele, proporcionando um efeito lifting natural.
- Cria uma textura de pele mais suave, melhorando a maciez e a elasticidade.
- Oferece proteção anti-envelhecimento poderosa, combatendo os radicais livres e os sinais do tempo.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique o BeautyStat Universal C Refiner sobre a pele limpa e seca, tanto pela manhã quanto à noite. Utilize uma quantidade adequada do produto e massageie suavemente até que seja completamente absorvido. Após a aplicação, siga com o seu hidratante diário e, durante o dia, não se esqueça do protetor solar. Evite o contato direto com os olhos e, em caso de irritação, suspenda o uso e consulte um médico.
Lisa M –
Love this product. Works great and size is great for travel. After about a week you can see the difference in your skin.
Amazon Customer –
I gave this 3 stars because I liked the product and would have continued to use it but the pump on the bottle is junk and that is the reason I gave it 3 stars. I have been using this for over a year like the results, but the pump breaks down and you cannot access the cream without the pump. I keep pumping and nothing comes out (and not like 3 or 4 pumps….I am talking 80-100 times). This happened the first time about a week into using a new bottle and I returned it and a new one was sent which was great since I was worried that they would think I was trying to scam them. Then it happened again a few months later. This time, I had not opened the bottle as soon as I got it because I still had some left in the old bottle. Anyway, The pump didn’t work at all when I finally opened the new bottle and again…I returned it and got a new one. Good policy and service. But I just got a new bottle not 2 months later and the pump is broken. Now, I am done. They need to get a new bottle/pump manufacturer and resolve this issue. Until then, I am moving on.
s.wags –
I was hesitant to purchase based on some previous reviews saying the bottle pump doesn’t work and is empty. Turns out this is absolutely true. They haven’t fixed the issue and I purchased an empty bottle. I started a return, but I was hoping they would rectify this. Haven’t heard anything. What a let down.
Tiffany Jensen –
hello there
I have received three of these
The first bottle came empty/so I thought
The second bottle pump worked fine
I was able to use entire contents
I bought a third
The pump once again did not work
Frustrating to say the least
DIRECTIONS – here is what I did
Use and replace top.
Not the perfect solution- but works
And it is a great product
And I’ll bet they are working on fix
So it doesn’t happen in the future
Good luck
Hope this is helpful
Nathalia –
You can Google the benefits of vitamin C for your skin! It makes your skin radiant and improves the skin texture! It’s a very good brand and it’s worth the price.
aurora alfaro –
Really love the silky smooth feel of this cream for under the eyes and wrinkles. Only need a very small amount, so this stuff lasts quite awhile. This recent purchase is .3 fl oz, but my first purchase was the .5 fl oz size and it has lasted me a year.
Nathalia –
The container barely had any cream in it. I got 3 squirts from the container. I tried this product awhile ago and I loved it. That’s why I order it again but it was of no use for the container was really empty.
Elizabeth Fran –
This product works great for me as it doesn’t settle into wrinkles around my eyes . When I put it on in the morning the product retains its smooth silky consistency until I take it off at night. At my age 70+, it’s a real challenge to find product that works with aging skin. For that i give it a 5. The product comes in a very small 3 oz container. There is not a lot of product (at first I thought they sent me an empty container) and the pump sometimes is tricky to get product out. I went through my first bottle in three weeks using it sparingly. This will be my go-to under eye cream until I find something better but if the price goes up in the near future, I will not purchase. Currently I’m not looking for anything better hoping they will enough feedback to make the pump easier to get the product out.