A ferramenta BeautyBio GloPRO At-Home Microneedling Tool And Attachment Heads é um dispositivo revolucionário projetado para rejuvenescer a pele e melhorar sua aparência. O conjunto inclui a ponta GloPRO Eye MicroTip Attachment Tip, que possui 240 microagulhas cirúrgicas de aço inoxidável com comprimento de 0,3 mm. Essas microagulhas criam microcanais imperceptíveis na pele, estimulando a resposta das células e promovendo a restauração do volume.
O processo de rejuvenescimento começa imediatamente, à medida que as células respondem aos microcanais imperceptíveis, restaurando o volume e melhorando a aparência da pele. Com o uso regular, a ferramenta BeautyBio GloPRO At-Home Microneedling Tool And Attachment Heads pode ajudar a reduzir a aparência de rugas, linhas finas, poros dilatados e cicatrizes, além de melhorar a textura e o tom da pele.
Suggested Use
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se rolar suavemente a ponta GloPRO Eye MicroTip Attachment Tip abaixo e acima dos olhos, na região da sobrancelha e acima dos lábios, mudando de direção a cada passagem, por um minuto. É importante seguir as instruções de uso e manter a higiene adequada do dispositivo para garantir a eficácia e segurança.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Rejuvenesce a pele e melhora sua aparência
- Reduz a aparência de rugas, linhas finas e poros dilatados
- Promove a restauração do volume e melhora a textura da pele
- Aumenta a absorção de produtos de cuidados com a pele
- Fácil de usar e seguro, com resultados visíveis em pouco tempo
– Sugestão de Uso:
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomendamos usar a ferramenta BeautyBio GloPRO At-Home Microneedling Tool And Attachment Heads de acordo com as instruções fornecidas. Certifique-se de limpar e desinfetar o dispositivo antes e após o uso. Evite o uso em pele irritada ou lesionada. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de usar se tiver alguma condição de pele pré-existente. Mantenha fora do alcance das crianças.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomendamos usar a ferramenta BeautyBio GloPRO At-Home Microneedling Tool And Attachment Heads de acordo com as instruções fornecidas. Certifique-se de limpar e desinfetar o dispositivo antes e após o uso. Evite o uso em pele irritada ou lesionada. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de usar se tiver alguma condição de pele pré-existente. Mantenha fora do alcance das crianças.
S. Laun –
Quality attachment, super well made. Glad I ordered it!
Barbara Goldstein –
The glo pro is wonderful. I look good because I use this marvel. I’m always getting compliments about my skin. Yes, I use very good skin care products also, but glo pro tightens the skin, really firms it up. I originally used it every night, but now use maybe 2 or 3 times a week
Also, u don’t need to use it for a long time. 5 or 6 minutes is good. When I first got it I used it for a half hour at a time, not necessary. Check out the video. The head should be replaced every 3 or 4 months if used often. I really clean my face carefully, then swab face w that’s witch hazel, rose petal, to clean face really well. I believe most people use what gl pro rec and I’m sure that’s great, but these really cleanses face and is cheaper alternative. Then after I finish I spritz the glo pro head w alchohol to disinfect. Glo pro provided the spritz bottle and case for the appliance. So easy to use and set up. This product is amazing.
Amanda Walker –
The arms that hold the roller into place make it very hard to use under eye, especially lose to your nose
Tricia Voelkel –
I was so excited when my Glopro arrived in the mail Thursday. I couldn’t wait to use it that night. I followed the directions and used the Glopro all over my face and neck. I loved how it felt! You could feel the micro needles more on the forehead but it wasn’t uncomfortable, just more noticeable. After I went over my face a few times I immediately put on my moisturizer. It was almost as if I could feel it being absorbed deeper into my skin. The next day my face felt as though I had gotten a little sun. Again, not uncomfortable just more noticeable. That was Friday morning. Saturday night I went to dinner with a friend and we were having a pretty serious conversation when she said “I’m so sorry to interrupt bu your skin looks so good! It’s glowing.” I told her that my skin routine is the same except I just used the Glopro for the first time. True story! Customer for life here!!
maggie –
BeautyBio GloPRO️ At-Home Microneedling Tool
The batteries were leaking all over.
nathm –
Absolutely amazing body attachment, gliding very effortlessly across all the body parts that need the attention and rejuvenation, I finally got rid off all my imperfections, mostly thighs and upper arms ,sooo happy 😊 Best part is that some very kind person left a review and advised to purchase [DERMAROLL LITE 0.25mm by Prosper Beauty] to use as a handle for this attachment since it only comes as separate piece. You can always buy the whole GloPro system which is really ideal. But hey this worked sooo nicely !!!! I use it 2 , 3 times a week with outstanding 👌 results.
Camellia Frisone –
I ordered the complete set however when my order arrived the GloPRO Sanizing Spritzer was completely empty. Somewhat disappointing considering the price of the product
I was introduced to Glo Pro in 2017 and have been exfoliating my face with this everyday. I have it plugged near my dresser and before I add serum at night to my face, I use the Glo Pro roller on my face and neck for a couple of minutes. I find my night cream gets absorbed much better after exfoliating with Glo Pro.
I’ve tried all the sizes but I find this one to be the most versatile and efficient. Because of its larger size, I find a need to roll less on my face and neck.
Every couple of months, I also use Glo Pro on my hands and legs. I would caution potential users to proceed slowly. Use for a few seconds every day and progress up to a couple of minutes. That way, your skin will slowly adapt to the exfoliation and you won’t end up with red skin.
I’m 66 years old and have never had Botox or skin fillers. The Glo Pro is more than sufficient for me!
Vanessa –
Io adoro il mio glopro. C’è l’ho da quasi un anno e mi aiuta tanto a migliorare la grana della pelle e a ridurre i vecchi segni di acne. La testina va sostituita ogni tre mesi. Costa più dei dermaroller più diffusi ma il beauty tool offre in più la luce rossa e la vibrazione.
Jean Brown –
It’s probably too soon to tell, but I think this will work on my fine lines.