BeautyBio Bright Eyes é um gel para os olhos que se destaca por sua eficácia em desinchar e iluminar a área ao redor dos olhos. Cada embalagem contém 15 pares de géis, formulados com ingredientes poderosos como prata coloidal e colágeno, que atuam em sinergia para proporcionar resultados visíveis em pouco tempo. Esses géis são ideais para quem busca uma solução prática e rápida para olheiras e inchaço, oferecendo uma aparência mais jovem e revitalizada. A aplicação é simples e os resultados são instantâneos, tornando este produto um aliado indispensável na rotina de cuidados com a pele.
- Ajuda a iluminar e descansar instantaneamente os olhos
- Reduz o inchaço ao redor dos olhos
- Firma e tonifica a pele
- Contém prata coloidal e colágeno
- Proporciona uma aparência mais jovem e revitalizada
As BeautyBio Bright Eyes oferecem uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua rotina de beleza. Primeiramente, elas proporcionam olhos mais brilhantes e descansados, eliminando a aparência cansada. Além disso, a redução do inchaço é notável, trazendo alívio imediato e frescor à região. A firmeza e tonicidade da pele ao redor dos olhos são melhoradas com o uso regular, ajudando a combater os sinais de envelhecimento. Os ingredientes de qualidade, como a prata coloidal e o colágeno, garantem resultados eficazes e duradouros. Por fim, a aparência mais jovem e revitalizada é um resultado que todos desejam, e com as BeautyBio Bright Eyes, isso se torna uma realidade acessível.
Para obter os melhores resultados com as BeautyBio Bright Eyes, aplique os géis na pele limpa e seca, posicionando-os cuidadosamente sobre a área dos olhos. Deixe agir por pelo menos 10 minutos para permitir que os ingredientes ativos penetrem na pele. Após o tempo de aplicação, massageie suavemente qualquer soro restante na pele para maximizar a absorção. Recomenda-se o uso regular para manter os olhos sempre brilhantes, descansados e com uma aparência mais jovem.
Rosana –
This is super good and helps a lot specialy for dark circles. I absolutely love this product.
elmo5118 –
the best eye patches for puffiness
Joanna D. –
I really like the pads for using them under my eyes. Unlike many similar products, it did not cause my eyes to tear and puff. It feels very refreshing and comfortable. I could walk around and do stuff while being treated since the pads stick to the skin very well, but then there is no trouble to remove them, either.
Ann –
These are hands down the best under eye patches. You can see a difference after applying them and letting them work their magic. My under eyes look brighter and eyes are more awake. I always bring these on trips and love keeping them in the fridge for extra cooling benefits. Unlike other eye patches, I can feel my skin absorb all the serum and retain the moisture and hydration. Highly recommend
Carolina Amaya –
Expensive and the gel eye pads were dry and damaged.
Joanna D. –
Pearlized silicone patches infused with a very light serum. Feels cool and soothing. Use on eye area or lip area to temporarily relieve lines, dryness or just feel like you’re at a spa. There is enough serum in the foil packet to apply to eye area if using patches on lip area and vice versa. Pair of patches per packet. Leave on 10 minutes.
There are reports of a strong fragrance. I’m sensitive to fragrance and usually can’t stand any. I actually didn’t notice much fragrance (surprising, I have a very good sense of smell. Did they change these?) And I didn’t get any irritation afterwards; I have sensitive skin.
For what ever reason, these worked well on me to hydrate the area temporarily and they were soothing. I’ve tried others and they were irritating or stinging. These seem to agree with me. Everyone is different so your results may well vary from my results.
MyPenName –
So I used the whole box of these now, and while they do feel great, I didnt see a whole lot of benefits. A little brightening, some moisturization, and a fresher look in the eye area. Nothing astonishing, but just enough to notice a difference. I was happy with that. I love masks – face masks, overnight masks, eye masks, lip masks.. I use them often as part of my normal routine.
These patches feel like jelly and my nail scratched and tore quite a few of them when taking them off the tray. That’s no big deal though because they still work as intended.. just mentioning to give an idea of the patch substance. It sort of feels like putting a slimy slug under your eye.
The trays have a lot of serum in them. You could actually pour the excess into a little container or empty product pump if you have one or you could put the patches back in the tray and put them in a ziplock to use again, assuming you dont rip them too much or they dont fall apart etc while handling them.
The patches dont seem to have the serum absorbed into them.. it sort of just lays on them and then the patch seals the serum onto your skin and helps lock it in, rather than the patch dispersing it.
The serum is very runny, which makes sense since the first ingredients are water and glycerin.
The patches and the serum do not have any scent. I couldn’t smell anything whatsoever and was actually surprised by that. Sometimes part of the joy of using beauty products is the scent. It’s no big deal that they’re unscented and its probably a good thing in the eye area to not have any artificial agents added just to make it smell good. If you’re sensitive to smells, these should be just fine and not bother anyone.
Overall I do like them. The texture is something different than i was used to and it was nice to try something new. They feel good on the eyes – nice and cool, even more so if you refrigerate them. They do make the eye area look more refreshed and peppy and theres no weird residue after use. I am able to follow up with my eye creams with no pilling or tackiness.
Dean C. –
I like when it dries after about 20 minutes it feels like it’s tightening but not really any noticeable improvement over a month. Not all products can work miracles😂