Descrição do Produto:
O Sleep Aid Beauty Dream é uma fórmula inovadora para auxiliar no sono, desenvolvida com ingredientes naturais como Melatonina e Raiz de Valeriana. Este suplemento não provoca dependência e foi cuidadosamente formulado para promover um sono profundo e reparador, permitindo que você acorde revigorado e pronto para enfrentar o dia. Produzido nos Estados Unidos, o Sleep Aid Beauty Dream é ideal para quem busca uma solução natural para insônia e distúrbios do sono. Com sua combinação única de ingredientes, este produto ajuda a regular o ciclo do sono, proporcionando uma experiência de descanso incrível e revitalizante. Desfrute de noites tranquilas e dias mais produtivos com Sleep Aid Beauty Dream.
1. Sono Natural e Reparador: Promove um sono profundo sem causar dependência, permitindo que você acorde renovado.
2. Ingredientes Naturais: Com Melatonina e Raiz de Valeriana, oferece uma solução segura e eficaz para problemas de sono.
3. Melhora na Qualidade do Sono: Ajuda a regular o ciclo do sono, resultando em um descanso mais eficaz e reparador.
4. Aumento da Energia Diurna: Ao garantir um sono de qualidade, você se sente mais energizado e produtivo durante o dia.
5. Fórmula Não Habitual: Pode ser utilizado regularmente sem o risco de dependência, tornando-se uma parte segura da sua rotina noturna.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar uma cápsula de Sleep Aid Beauty Dream cerca de 30 minutos antes de dormir. É importante ingerir o produto com um copo de água e em um ambiente tranquilo, propício ao relaxamento. Evite o uso concomitante com bebidas alcoólicas ou outras substâncias que possam interferir no sono. Para resultados ideais, utilize o produto regularmente e mantenha uma rotina de sono consistente.
REcker –
I have been using the beauty dream sleep aid for over a year and it continues to work amazingly. My mood is great, I sleep so soundly but if I do wake up, I’m able to fall right back to sleep. It doesn’t give me a hangover affect like just plain melatonin does. No negative side effects. My kids also used this prior to me trying it and it also works well for them.
Jordan Massey –
I have been struggling for the last couple years to stay asleep through the night. I’ve tried various teas and other straight melatonin capsules but none worked as well as this blend! It’s a perfect balance of good sleep promoting aids and I’ve been impressed with my improved sleep since I started using it 2 weeks ago.
Anna –
This really helps me sleep. Agreed with some of the other reviewers that you will have weird dreams but that’s better than insomnia for sure!
Justin S. –
It’s not the best sleep supplement, but it’s not the worst either. For a less expensive sleep supplement that is cheaper than $15, it’s pretty good. There are a few things about it though that I wish was a little better.
Pros: Has a good amount of Melatonin if you need a higher dosage like 6 mg. Newer studies show that lower dosages of Melatonin are more efficient for most people. The best dosages for majority of people are 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2. However, some people may see the most benefits from 3 or 6, usually nothing higher. Higher than 6 is basically just too much melatonin for most people and they don’t need that much.
– Has nice amounts of L-Theanine in it, which is a calming amino acid and can enhance relaxation, focus, and creativity. I use L-theanine all the time, it’s a awesome compound. It has good amounts of Chamomile and Valerian Extract too which is popular herbs used for sleeping. Valerian, specifically, is a good one as it works on a neurotransmitter in the brain called GABA-A, which also has calming effects and is good for various types of anxiety.
– Also has a nice amount of Magnesium and also has a good bioavailable form in it, Magnesium Citrate. Magnesium is responsible for literally hundreds of things in the body, is one of the most important minerals for the body and is really important for the brain, nerves, muscles and more.
– Everything in here is also completely safe to take and the capsules are easy to swallow.
Cons: For me, who uses less Melatonin, I’d rather take a lower dosage than 6. Sometimes I would combine this would extra Valerian Extract or something else and just take one capsule so I was only getting 3 mg.
It needs higher dosages of some of the compounds, especially the 5-HTP. But also the GABA and Passion Flower. Or instead of using standard Passion Flower, it should be an extract, being stronger and then the dose can be lower and still be efficient.
Overall, it’s pretty good for the price, but it would be much better if the formula was tweaked a little bit. If this supplement doesn’t work for you, you probably need to go for something more expensive then, or do what I did and sometimes mix it with other sleep supplements.
Amazon Customer –
I didnt work for me at all, I tried it religiously for a week, and not the least bit sleepy or any noticeable changes.
Natasha Parnian –
I looked for a while to find the most comprehensive all in one sleep supplement. This one seems to have a little bit of everything and works well.
jerry goin –
I easily go to sleep most nights and sleep until morning. I especially like the lower dose of melotonin. At higher dosage I have crazy dreams/nightmares. Usually I have to change to a different formula if I use the same one for to long. But so far so good. I like the calming effect of the botanicals. I will definitely buy it again.
Heather –
One of the ingredients in this gave me night terrors… waking up in a panic, thinking I was dead. This happened nightly until I finally discontinued use of these pills. Obviously YMMV, but use with caution.