BEARVANA Bum: Creme Firmador para Glúteos – 100g – Resultados Incríveis
O BEARVANA Bum é um creme inovador que promete transformar a aparência e a firmeza dos glúteos, proporcionando resultados visíveis e duradouros. Com uma fórmula avançada, este produto é ideal para quem busca um bumbum mais tonificado e definido. Sua composição rica em ingredientes naturais e ativos firmadores atua diretamente na pele, promovendo a elasticidade e a hidratação necessárias para um aspecto saudável e atraente.
A aplicação do BEARVANA Bum é simples e prática. Com uma textura leve e de rápida absorção, o creme desliza suavemente sobre a pele, permitindo uma massagem relaxante que potencializa seus efeitos. Ao ser aplicado diariamente, o creme ajuda a melhorar a circulação sanguínea na região, contribuindo para um bumbum mais firme e volumoso. Além disso, o BEARVANA Bum é dermatologicamente testado, garantindo segurança e eficácia para todos os tipos de pele.
– Firmeza e Elasticidade: O creme ajuda a tonificar a pele, proporcionando um efeito lifting nos glúteos.
– Hidratação Profunda: Com ingredientes que nutrem a pele, o BEARVANA Bum mantém a região hidratada e saudável.
– Resultados Visíveis: Usuários relatam melhorias significativas na aparência dos glúteos após algumas semanas de uso.
– Fácil Aplicação: A textura leve do creme permite uma aplicação rápida e prática, ideal para a rotina diária.
– Apoio à Autoestima: Um bumbum mais firme e bonito pode aumentar a confiança e a autoestima, impactando positivamente a vida social e pessoal.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o BEARVANA Bum, recomenda-se aplicar o creme duas vezes ao dia, de preferência pela manhã e à noite. Aplique uma quantidade generosa do produto nas áreas desejadas e massageie suavemente até completa absorção. Para potencializar os efeitos, é aconselhável seguir uma rotina de exercícios físicos e manter uma alimentação equilibrada. Com o uso contínuo, você poderá notar a diferença na firmeza e na aparência dos seus glúteos em pouco tempo.
Jenna Kunst –
If you want to get a fat booty, there’s so many things you need to do in gummy‘s isn’t gonna be the only thing you can do so don’t think that this is some booty grower because it’s not you have to actually put work in, but this is something that can maybe just help minorly
Madison –
When I tell you this snatched me and gave me a nice butt I’m not lying love theses and they taste great just makes it better.
Yuli Fernández –
Pase mi 1er frasco de gomitas y y no vi resultados, incluso pensé q era demasiado dulce y deje de tomarlas, olvidé todo esto. Dos meses después estuve a 159 libras, ( cuando toda mi vida estuve a 115 lb) (muy flaca y sin nada de senos)
Ahora las tomo por tiempos, un frasco entero luego descanso 3 meses y luego volveré a comprar siempre y cuando me lleguen con buena calidad y no viejas, como dicen en otros comentarios.
Karen Barnhill –
I have been taking these gummies for about a week and a half and I see 0 difference. I finally read the ingredients to see what would promote your butt to grow and these are just ingredients that were thrown together.
Maca Root: Increase libido, increase fertility, boost energy, and manage menopause symptoms.
Asian Ginseng: strengthens the immune system, enhances brain function, and reduces fatigue. ( i am eating 10x more since taking these gummies)
Anise Seed: Just a flavoring agent
Motherwort: reduced risk of heart disease, as well as decreased blood pressure and heart rate caused by stress or anxiety.
Saw Palmetto: promoted as a dietary supplement for urinary symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate gland (also called benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH), as well as for chronic pelvic pain, migraine, hair loss, and other conditions.
Fenugreek: benefits for lowering blood sugar levels, boosting testosterone, and increasing milk production in people who are breastfeeding.
Black Cohosh: improved physical and psychological menopausal symptoms, including anxiety, hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal dryness.
Kelp: Kelp may improve sensory receptors. It may also promote healthy nails and blood vessels, aid in digestion, and ease constipation.
Ginger Root: can cut down on fermentation, constipation and other causes of bloating and intestinal gas.
I just cant understand how all these together will help your butt grow it doesnt make any sense.
Arianna Hernandez –
This is my personal opinion and my personal results!
I originally started getting this because I saw it on tiktok and I struggle with weight gain due to having a fast metabolism. I’ve been on this journey finding something that would help me gain weight or at least fill out or develop a little bit quicker. I’m in my early twenties I suffer from chronic illnesses so I’m not entirely sure if it plays a part on my weight gain journey. Upon getting this I decided to get two boxes to at least actually make sure this worked. I did this with a protein shake along with working out 5 days a week and taking bulk protein shakes as well with my meals. I also would drink a lot of water and I would stay consistent. I would take what was recommended on the bottle along with another multivitamin that had almost the same ingredients within these two bottles. Now I did this for 3 months. I didn’t see too much results via my chest from my waist down. Yes I saw some results. I did get thicker in my thighs and in my butt area. Other than that I wouldn’t say weight gain was really evident, but it could be because I haven’t been using them for too long or because I’m not probably eating enough or because I’m metabolism is too fast everyone’s different. So I can’t say that this is going to work for everyone or that I can’t say that it won’t work for everybody. This is just my personal take on it. I’m personally still taking it regardless of it. Not necessarily working as of right now. Trying new things. Trying different vitamins if not taking the same vitamins that are in the bottle but separately along with taking the bottle vitamins trying a different protein or trying different types of protein. Trying to eat more than what I’m normally eating on a day-to-day basis and trying to keep up with everything. The taste of it is overall not bad. I will agree some. Some of the reviews have said that the taste kits redundant after a while and can be just annoying and just unpleasant after a while, which is okay. I can agree to an extent, but overall it doesn’t taste bad. It’s pretty tasty in my opinion. It’s easy to swallow, easy to take, easy to chew. I’d recommend chewing thoroughly though so that way no bits and pieces are not chewed cuz it doesn’t taste entirely well going down. I personally haven’t had any side effects with this and that’s just me. I mean maybe some breast tenderness but that’s very minimal and every once in awhile not occasionally quality packaging wise. Amazing! On top spot on. I will say it doesn’t have one of those airtight sealable things that go to keep things fresh so they do get stale after a while and get a little tough. But other than that I would say they work but don’t work. It all depends on how your body is and how everything works for you.
I’m taking them again starting a new month and waiting for some other vitamins to come in. With minimal workouts I was able to get some booty meat. Now I haven’t worked out in a while due to me going through a lot and so on. I’m starting Monday the 8th working out 5 day a week and stretching on my rest days. For me building muscle has always been easy, I wish I was joking but I build muscle within the same day and keep it. Like as a joke I started taking what was remaining of my butt gummies and worked out for an hour focusing on my legs and glutes, two days after my bf comes n visit (during this time I dropped a lot of weight and it was clear I lost my chest and butt) he ends up being touchy n such and says I gain more and I thought he was joking so after he left I had ask my mom to give me her advice (NO SHE DID NOT TOUCH MY BUTT just say) she agreed it got a bit bigger again only worked out for 1 day out of not working out for months. I also moved during the time so kinda had to stop working out and taking them hands why I still had some left over. The one thing that gets annoying is chewing them they after awhile hurt my teeth cuz they feel too sweet. I give up on the chest gummies they don’t work for me at all and it’s just not for me always had issues with developing up there :/ keep yall posted with some before and after pics
Shana Tabor –
This is an good product i really haven’t seen any chances.
shaunte –
I’ve been taking this for almost two months. I have noticed an increased appetite and my stomach has gotten smaller. I haven’t noticed much change but people are starting to complement my body more. My bf said my hips are getting bigger. He doesn’t know I take them. A few other people have complemented my figure recently which I don’t always get complements on that. I gave it a 4 start because I’ll come back if I see more changes but for right now I’m giving it a 4/5
Amanda Moore –
These do not work at all been taking them for almost 2 months and have not even seen any improvement in my chest area or bottom. I can’t gain any weight at all so I thought this might help me. I spent my own money on this do not buy this product!