Suplemento de Aminoácidos de Cadeia Ramificada (BCAA) em Cápsulas, Vegan AjiPure BCAAs, #1 no Labdoor, 2:1:1, 2100 mg, Suplemento de Aminoácidos, Keto, Paleo, Testado por Terceiros, 90 Cápsulas
Construa músculos e reduza a gordura com as cápsulas de BCAA fermentadas. Essas cápsulas veganas e naturais são o suplemento perfeito para quem precisa de proteína completa. Elas suportam o tecido muscular magro, auxiliando na perda de peso saudável, resultando em menos gordura e mais músculos!
Energia e reparação muscular são essenciais para um bom desempenho físico. As cápsulas de suplemento de aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada são à base de plantas e possuem uma proporção de 2:1:1 de BCAA essenciais AjiPure L-leucina, L-isoleucina e L-valina. Elas ajudam a prevenir a quebra muscular, estimulam a recuperação muscular, aumentam a energia e a síntese de proteínas.
Nossas cápsulas de BCAA são limpas e compatíveis com diversas dietas. Utilizamos ingredientes estudados e de alta qualidade, garantindo que sejam livres de glúten e certificados como veganos, paleo e compatíveis com a dieta cetogênica. Independentemente da sua dieta, este produto é uma ótima escolha saudável.
Certificado pelo Banned Substance Control Group e testado quanto à precisão e pureza pelo Labdoor, nosso suplemento de BCAA é livre de substâncias proibidas. Na Do Vitamins, levamos nossos produtos e seu desenvolvimento extremamente a sério. Acreditamos na saúde proativa e em suplementos testados, de alta qualidade e limpos. Vivemos de acordo com nosso lema: Faça Qualidade. Faça Testes. Faça o Bem.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Construção muscular: As cápsulas de BCAA ajudam a promover o crescimento muscular e a reduzir a gordura corporal.
- Recuperação muscular: Essas cápsulas auxiliam na recuperação muscular após exercícios intensos, reduzindo a fadiga e melhorando o desempenho físico.
- Fonte de energia: Os aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada fornecem energia para o corpo durante os treinos, ajudando a melhorar o desempenho atlético.
- Qualidade e pureza: Certificado pelo Banned Substance Control Group e testado pelo Labdoor, este suplemento é garantido como livre de substâncias proibidas e de alta qualidade.
- Compatível com diversas dietas: As cápsulas de BCAA são veganas, paleo e compatíveis com a dieta cetogênica, tornando-as ideais para pessoas com diferentes restrições alimentares.
As cápsulas de BCAA AjiPure oferecem uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua rotina de treinos e sua saúde geral. Primeiramente, elas promovem a construção muscular, essencial para quem busca aumentar a massa magra. Além disso, auxiliam na recuperação muscular, reduzindo a fadiga após treinos intensos. Outro ponto importante é que esses aminoácidos fornecem uma fonte rápida de energia, melhorando o desempenho atlético. A qualidade e pureza do produto são garantidas por testes rigorosos, assegurando que você consome um suplemento seguro e eficaz. Por fim, sua compatibilidade com dietas veganas, paleo e cetogênicas torna-as uma escolha versátil para todos.
Recomenda-se tomar 3 cápsulas de BCAA por dia, preferencialmente antes ou após o treino. Para melhores resultados, consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação. Mantenha o frasco em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e siga as orientações de uso para garantir a eficácia do produto.
SB –
I used to go to the gym religiously about a year ago. I had a myriad of supplements, including BCAAs as I knew the importance of including them in my diet while trying to gain muscle.
I just started working out again recently, so I found a bottle of bcaas sitting in my cupboard and purchased the same ones. Something must have happened between then and now, as those bcaas had little to no effect on me. On top of that they had chemicals in them that I couldn’t even pronounce. I checked the expiration date and they still had a year and a half left, so it definitely wasn’t that.
After much searching, I came across these Do Vitamins Vegan BCAA capsules – I had actually purchased a beard vitamin supplement from them a little while ago, but at the time wasn’t in the market for bcaas or anything else. So even though at the time of writing this review the product only had a small amount of reviews, I thought I’d give it a try based on my experience with their other product. Plus it’s Amazon Prime and Do Vitamins has a guarantee, so I could just return it if I wasn’t satisfied.
Anyways back to the review, the BCAAs came on time (I was able to get 1 day shipping, thanks Amazon!) and I started taking them right away. The day I started taking them I was already in a bit of pain from an earlier workout. I thought you’d have to take them before the pain / pre workout in order for them to have effect, but low and behold the next day I had almost no muscle aches! This was a pretty good indication that they work.
Since then I’ve been able to have a bit more energy in the gym (nothing like caffeine obviously) and I’ve had a faster workout recovery with little to no downtime! Each time I push harder, and while during the workout I can feel the burn, my muscles don’t ache like they did the days after. Less downtime = more muscle gains and fat lost.
Even though I’m not a vegan or a vegetarian (I’m more like a meatatarian), I really like how pure the product is and the fact that it is plant based.
I’ll definitely be using this brand of BCAA for many years to come – or at least as long as I can keep going to the gym!
Brenda Nicolai –
Nothing to add but that. Taking 3-4 of these a day – I just pop them open and drop them in my protein shakes – has completely changed the way my muscles rebound. Less soreness, more mass, etc. Legit, and quality.
Patrick –
So far so good! The product was delivered promptly on the day it was scheduled to arrive. The company sent me an email thanking me for the purchase and told me a bit more about their mission and values. My wife and I were really impressed with their commitment to quality. Good ingredients, no fillers, great product at a fair price, wonderful company.
ASti –
Clean. Non-additive BCAAs. I have been using these pills to help with a regular exercise routine, and to speed recovery. I have been very pleased with the results. My legs used to be sore for days after a heavy session, and since I have started supplementing with the 2:1:1 ratio BCAA by DONALD Vitamins I have noticed a much quicker recovery time between workouts. Less recovery=Faster gains. Great, clean products from DO Vitamins!
AJ_pen –
i used to take bulk supplements powder and could feel the difference after working out with DOMS (with pain subsiding in a day or so). These supplements don’t do anything for me.
mina –
It is ok
KC Van –
I don’t know much about how these work, but I’ve noticed that I was recovering faster from workouts and feeling a lot better in general. I also got in a car accident. Doctor was pretty happy that I was taking these and said this was probably why I was recovering faster than normal. Will definitely order again.
Update, I’ve gone through one bottle and ordered a second. I absolutely love this product. I have noticed that I can work out harder and recover faster, especially stacked with the non-caffeinated pre-workout supplements. This is about 7 weeks after my accident and I am bouncing back really quick. The pill form makes it easy and convenient to take. Would recommend to anyone.
Miss Daisy –
Just received this today. Fast shipping good packaging.
This is my 5th brand of BCAA I have bought for my husband.
1. Nusa Pure
2. Bulk Supplements
3. Sports Research
4.Now Brand
Husband is 65 and struggling with major muscle loss. When taking Nusapure he noticed a remarkable improvement in muscle gain without working out at all.
Then I haven’t been able to find that brand again since the first bottle so had to find another brand. The others have been ok but not near what Nusa Pure did.
We will continue to try new brands until we find one that worked as well as the first one.
I will promise to update this review in a couple of weeks to give his honest opinion.