BC Powder Alívio da Dor, Sabor Cereja, Embalagem Dissolvente de Aspirina
O BC Powder Alívio da Dor é um inovador medicamento em pó que proporciona alívio rápido e eficaz para uma variedade de dores, incluindo dores de cabeça, dores musculares, dores nas costas e dores de dente. Com um sabor agradável de cereja, este produto se destaca pela sua fórmula de ação dupla, que combina 845 mg de Aspirina (um anti-inflamatório não esteroidal) e 65 mg de Cafeína, potencializando o efeito analgésico. A embalagem prática contém 24 sachês, permitindo que você tenha sempre à mão uma solução rápida para o desconforto. O pó dissolve-se rapidamente em água ou em qualquer bebida não alcoólica, tornando o uso simples e conveniente, ideal para quem tem uma rotina agitada.
- Alívio imediato de dores de cabeça, dores musculares e cólicas menstruais, proporcionando conforto em momentos de necessidade.
- Fórmula em pó que dissolve rapidamente, oferecendo uma alternativa mais rápida em comparação aos comprimidos tradicionais.
- Sabor de cereja que torna a experiência de tomar o medicamento mais agradável.
- Embalagens individuais que facilitam o transporte e o uso em qualquer lugar, ideal para quem está sempre em movimento.
- Medicamento de venda livre, acessível e elegível para FSA e HSA, tornando-o uma opção prática e econômica.
Para adultos, recomenda-se dissolver o conteúdo de um sachê de BC Powder Alívio da Dor em um copo de água ou outra bebida não alcoólica. Mexa bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido e consuma imediatamente. É importante não exceder a dose recomendada de 2 sachês em um período de 24 horas, a menos que indicado por um profissional de saúde. Consulte um médico antes de usar se estiver grávida, amamentando, tomando outros medicamentos ou se tiver alguma condição médica preexistente. Mantenha fora do alcance de crianças.
Cheryl Smiley –
Love the flavor!!!👍
Shoe lover –
This medicine works great and very quick on headaches. The cherry flavor is better than the plain. The powder can be a little strong as you place it under your tongue and wait for it to dissolve. But once it’s dissolved a sip of water helps. It’s with the strong taste to get rid of a headache.
TameraZ –
Absolutely love ❤️ takes my pain away and fast. Love the cherry flavor much easier to swallow then plain.
If you have ever had the non flavor BC powder then you know it tastes extremely bitter. But once I saw this on Amazon by chance I was like no way. So I ordered it and BAM it tastes way better and still works amazing. Powder form is the only way to go as it hits faster and gets me back on my feet in no time!
Tiffany Blitz –
My review of BC Powder (original formula) explains how highly I think of the product. The highlights:
“In the years prior to discovering BC Powder, I learned that the best thing for a headache was to take some Excedrin … The downside – and it’s big – is that it takes a long time to work. The pill has to dissolve in your stomach before the medicine can even START doing its job. And that’s where BC Powder comes in. Because, yeah, it’s BC … POWDER. It’s not smashed into a tablet. It doesn’t have to dissolve in your stomach before it can start working. So it starts working. RIGHT. NOW. So BC Powder is my go-to for any type of headache pain.”
So THIS powder is THAT powder, with some notable additions that have inherent up-sides and down-sides.
PROS (over traditions BC Powder):
* Cherry flavor can be more palatable than nasty original
* Sealed foil packets travel well, don’t dissipate into purse, glove box, etc. This is a HUGE win, if you carry BC Powder with you everywhere, as I do. As frustrating as the “CONS” may be at times, this feature alone means that I continue to purchase this formulation.
CONS (versus traditional BC Powder):
* Cherry can be cloying or medicine-y (Yes, this conflicts with the “Pro” listed above. I’m sure different people will have different opinions about the flavor – and for me, it also depends on my mood, and the type of headache I’m experiencing).
* Packets are not always easy to open. USUALLY they will tear nicely if you pinch and pinch and tear at the “TEAR HERE” indication on the package (see my photo) – but sometimes not. And if not, then usually no amount of tearing from other places or grips will get it open (until you get something sharp involved); needless to say that this most often happens when, and is VERY frustrating when, you have an especially bad headache. I’m going to ballpark this failure rate at around 20%.
skittles –
I loveeeee this stuff!! And I have to have the cherry, I can’t do the regular! The taste makes it much easier to take and it works very well!
Tiffany Blitz –
I have used BC headache powder for years. But recently has been hard to find, so glad I could order thru Amazon.
Elizabeth Brown –
I can never find the cherry flavor anywhere except online, but if you struggle at all with the bitter taste of the original bc powder, than this is for you!!!