Os shakes substitutos de refeição BBfL são a escolha perfeita para quem busca uma opção saudável e prática para substituir o café da manhã, almoço ou jantar. Com apenas 110 calorias por porção e sem açúcares refinados, esses shakes são ideais para quem deseja manter uma alimentação equilibrada e controlar o peso. Além disso, eles são certificados como orgânicos e kosher, garantindo a qualidade e a procedência dos ingredientes para mulheres e homens.
Uma das principais características dos shakes BBfL é a presença de vinagre de maçã e enzimas digestivas. Esses ingredientes são excelentes auxiliares para a digestão, saúde intestinal e imunidade. Além disso, o vinagre de maçã pode ajudar a acelerar o metabolismo, equilibrar os níveis de colesterol, fornecer energia e até mesmo reduzir a inflamação no corpo.
Outro destaque desses shakes é a presença de 21g de proteína de soro de leite orgânica. Essa fonte completa de proteína contém todos os aminoácidos essenciais, sendo ótima para a recuperação muscular e controle do apetite. Além disso, a proteína de soro de leite é facilmente absorvida pelo organismo, garantindo uma nutrição eficiente.
Diferente de outros produtos no mercado, os shakes BBfL não contêm sabores ou adoçantes artificiais. Eles combinam todos os superalimentos para o gerenciamento da saúde em uma única mistura, incluindo mel, água de coco, iogurte cultivado e estévia. Isso resulta em um sabor suave, leve, sedoso e delicioso, sem a presença de glúten, organismos geneticamente modificados, soja ou produtos químicos. Além disso, não deixam aquela sensação arenosa e com gosto de giz na boca.
1. Substituição de refeição saudável: Os shakes BBfL são uma opção prática e nutritiva para substituir refeições, ajudando a manter uma alimentação equilibrada e controlar o peso.
2. Benefícios para a digestão e imunidade: Com vinagre de maçã e enzimas digestivas, esses shakes auxiliam na digestão, promovem a saúde intestinal e fortalecem o sistema imunológico.
3. Fonte de proteína de alta qualidade: Com 21g de proteína de soro de leite orgânica, esses shakes são ideais para a recuperação muscular e controle do apetite.
4. Livre de sabores e adoçantes artificiais: Os shakes BBfL combinam superalimentos saudáveis em uma única mistura, sem a presença de ingredientes artificiais prejudiciais à saúde.
5. Sabor delicioso e textura suave: Microfiltrados para proporcionar uma experiência de sabor suave, leve e sedosa, esses shakes não deixam aquela sensação arenosa e com gosto de giz na boca.
Para usufruir dos benefícios dos shakes BBfL, basta adicionar uma porção do produto a 250ml de água ou leite de sua preferência. Agite bem até obter uma mistura homogênea e consuma imediatamente. Recomenda-se tomar um shake como substituto de refeição ou como lanche entre as refeições. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer programa de substituição de refeição. Aproveite os benefícios desses shakes saudáveis e práticos para uma vida mais equilibrada e nutritiva.
Helen L Padilla –
I had bought thisnat HEB i love it so much. i want to buy again but in my local HEB don’t sell it. So i look in here. It really don’t have a bad taste too it like other has i put a 4oz of milk and the rest till 12oz of water almost taste like chocolate milk. Yummy…
Bri –
First of all – they are brothers and sisters in Christ, and they make that known! I already love them for that, but the protein in and of itself is delicious.
I have tried many new ones recently including Garden of Life and a couple of others, as well as probably every brand you can think of in the past, and BBFL is by far the best.
It taste GREAT. It is actually really good. The vanilla was very vanilla-ry, and very, very smooth with just a blender bottle. It’s also very filling for only 100 calories.
I liked it so much after trying it yesterday, I went and ordered the chocolate cream flavor which is also yummy. It literally just taste like chocolate milk. It feels like a treat!
I love that the whey is grass-fed. I’ve always stayed away from whey, thinking it would hurt my stomach, but nope! I drank two shakes yesterday and had one about an hour ago today and I feel fantastic.
The only thing I hope they consider in the future is making the other ingredients organic as well. Other than that, 10/10.
Looks like I’ll be trying the turmeric one next!
Patricia Williams –
This is thin and weak in flavor. I use only stevia but there is way to much in this powder and it over powers the chocolate and vanilla flavor.
monica ashley –
Tastes great! Finally a protein powder that is easy on my stomach. No bloating! Yes it’s more pricey, but you are paying for no chemicals or additives. All natural ingredients yet low in sugar and carbs.
Cragsr –
I get told that about a million times. I don’t usually want to drink it, because let’s face it, good for you doesn’t usually equal good. I am happy to say it does with BBfL Lifestyle Shake. I put it in my rice milk, my pudding, my smoothies, and even my coffee. So go ahead, drink it, it’s good for you…and it’s pretty tasty too!
Placeholder –
This protein powder has the best combination of ingredients, taste and solubility. And at a great price. Highly recommend this product.
Brenda Ivett Martinez –
I bought two bags of this after sampling it at my local viatmin store. I bought it at a discounted price or I never would have paid $40 a bag. It does taste good but it doesnt mix up that well just in a cup as promised. I feel like you have to blend it for the best result. I mainly bought it for my 8 year old thinking she would drink it before or after gymnastics but she refused to drink it at home after saying she like it at the vitamin store. I even tried putting in her milk and then making her a bowl of cereal but she could taste it and wouldn’t eat it. It has taken me months to get through the two bags. It is just a go to when I am in a hurry and need a meal. I do not feel full from this and I think the amount of sugar (although it is from honey and not added sugar) vs the amount of protein is off. 8g of sugar is alot for me and I feel like it doesn’t help your blood sugar levels on an empty stomach the way an actual meal or other supplements would. I have tried it in my coffe as it was advertised to me that I could make a mocha or latte with it and it becomes kind of clumpy and doesn’t break down when added to hot coffee. I have to mix it in milk and then add it. Overall I think this is best as a base to make smoothies with added ingredients. I do not feel it is worth the cost.
Cragsr –
I am so glad I found this protein powder. I get a sweet tooth and need something healthy but without too many calories or sugar to get me through. The chocolate BBFL powder is amazing. It has 15 grams of protein, only 110 calories, and 4 grams of sugar. It has clean ingredients and is organic, too. This will be my go-to protein powder now. I’ve got to order the vanilla next