BAXYL® GI – Suporte Digestivo
BAXYL GI é a solução ideal para quem busca alívio e suporte para a saúde digestiva. Formulado especificamente para tratar a origem do desconforto estomacal, BAXYL GI combina os benefícios calmantes e gástricos do MHB3 Hyaluronan com o prebiotico de precisão Amaferm. Essa combinação única não apenas alivia o desconforto estomacal, mas também promove um pH saudável no estômago e uma digestão eficiente. Como uma alternativa natural aos inibidores da bomba de prótons, BAXYL GI é seguro para uso diário contínuo, proporcionando um suporte digestivo sem os efeitos colaterais indesejados.
O MHB3 Hyaluronan, um dos componentes principais, é cientificamente comprovado por sua biodisponibilidade, absorção e eficácia. Com oito patentes nos EUA, este ingrediente é amplamente pesquisado e oferece resultados consistentes tanto em cuidados de curto quanto de longo prazo. Por outro lado, o Amaferm, um prebiotico de base precisa, foi desenvolvido para aumentar a digestibilidade e o suporte intestinal, amplificando a oferta de nutrientes para um desempenho máximo. Produzido a partir de uma cepa selecionada de Aspergillus oryzae, o Amaferm é um verdadeiro aliado na saúde digestiva.
Recentemente, BAXYL GI ganhou um novo aliado: o Extrato de Lion’s Mane. Rico em beta glucano, este extrato não só oferece proteção gástrica aprimorada, mas também estimula o crescimento de boas bactérias intestinais por meio de fibras prebioticas. Com uma fórmula 100% natural, vegana, orgânica, não transgênica, livre de crueldade e glúten, BAXYL GI é a escolha consciente para quem busca um suporte digestivo eficaz e seguro.
Cari T –
I didn’t mind this liquid supplement as it has no taste, is nectar thick, and no smell. I was able to easily add this to food or beverages with no trace making it super easy to use.
The only problem is I had no improvements to my symptoms of bloat, heartburn, and constipation.
M. Fisher –
I haven’t had chronic or serious digestive issues, but I’ve had reflux/heartburn from time to time that has required mild treatment to resolve, plus at times I’ve had digestive issues due to what I’ve eaten or had to drink the day before. I thought I might try this product to see if it would improve my gut environment.
The flavor made me think of watery glue paste. There’s a hint of tartness, probably from the citric acid that’s used as a preservative. Really, it’s very mild and I didn’t mind it, though I could see how the texture could be objectionable. (You could always mix it with another drink, but I just took it straight from a measuring spoon each time.) Going down, I could feel the fluid in my esophagus, like it was coating everything, which was interesting. After the first few doses, I got used to it. For the first week, you’re directed to take one tablespoon twice daily, after which you drop to half that dose.
After using this for ten days (a full week of the higher dose and three full days of the maintenance dose), I have not had any digestive issues to speak of. It’s hard to evaluate this on an individual basis since I didn’t have a specific ailment I was trying to treat and I don’t know if I would have had any issues if I hadn’t been taking it, but it appears to be a quality product. There is literature about the medicines contained in it for you to do your own research. As for the flavor, I barely notice it anymore, so that has not bothered me at all, making it palatable for longer term use.
Though it’s hard to evaluate how effective this is, if I were to have another acute case of GERD or other GI issue, I wouldn’t hesitate to get another bottle to see if it would help.
Sue Jeffrey –
Eliminated other costly prescription drugs which have side effects!
Hot in Maui –
My husband was having issues after eating and then when laying down to sleep,this worked pretty quick and he uses it everyday.Coughing etc has subsided by 95% from a wife’s point of view.Bought a second bottle.
bigonza –
Waste of money for me. Took the whole bottle as directed and zero results.
Cari T –
This Prebiotic Gut Health Supplement has so many benefits! Not only does it aid in digestion and stomach discomfort, but it can also be used to treat acid reflux.
I ordered this gut health supplement to aid in my digestion and to “get things going.” I was surprised in the fact that it actually did offer relief for me, as I have a high tolerance for any medications/supplements/etc. and also very complex digestive issues.
Being in liquid form allows your body to absorb the supplements much quicker than capsules or powder.
With this, this supplement is also organic, vegan, and made in the USA.
I would recommend trying this product if you have complex digestive issues, or acid reflux. I will say this price point is a little steep, but when a product works, sometimes it’s worth it.
sandy wisecup –
This really works for my ulcers and acid reflux! Healed? Maybe not 100%, but mighty close. I suffered daily until I started using this, now I’ll have some reflux once in a great while and it’s because I’ve forgotten to take it for several days and then eat something very spicy! So, my fault.
bob amos –
Over the years I have suffered from reflux and have been working to make my condition a bit more acceptable while using more natural products. Not one for using drugs when I do not need to, I have found some great products here. So, when I read the glowing reviews from a number of folks on this product I thought that I would give it a try. Now, I have a couple products that have worked quite well for me and was hoping that this would replace one and be a better fit.
Unfortunately, that was not to be. I replaced one of my regular porducts with this and day by day my condition started to degrade. After a weeks use I had to toss in the towel and restart the old product that I had been using. While this product was working to some degree it just was not up to my old product. And… the price of the old product was half what this is. Once back on my old product I was feeling much better on day two. Is it perfect? No, not at all, I can improve and will continue my journey of discovery.
What can one say about this sort of product? This is a liquid and is easy to take. Has no real taste to speak of but is a little on the “oily” side in texture. It is actually quite pleasent to take. The pills that I was taking taste like I am eating cut grass and is not as pleasent as this liquid.
It comes in an old fasioned style brown 6oz bottle and gives one the feel of days gone by. It has an easy off cap and the product is sealed under that cap. You only take a small portion with each dose. Half a spoonful is all that is needed. Best of all is it has none of the bad stuff that many of us prefer to avoid and is vegan complient.
Now this is just my personal experience with the product and we all know that each of us will differ in response to any medical products we try. In my case it just did not do the job that I needed it to do. Your experiences may be totally different and the reviews from others lead me to believe that it is a good product. So, is it worth a try to see if it can help with your gut issues? I think it might be.