Descrição do Produto: Verb Energy – Barras de Proteína Cafeinadas
As Barras de Proteína Verb Energy são a escolha perfeita para quem busca um lanche nutritivo e energizante. Com apenas 190 calorias e 10g de proteína por barra, elas são ideais para quem deseja manter uma alimentação equilibrada sem abrir mão do sabor. Feitas com ingredientes veganos e sem glúten, essas barras são uma excelente opção para quem tem restrições alimentares. Cada barra contém chá verde orgânico, que proporciona um impulso natural de energia, tornando-as perfeitas para o café da manhã, um lanche pré-treino ou uma pausa durante o dia. Disponíveis em um pacote com 12 unidades e em uma variedade de sabores, as barras Verb Energy são práticas e fáceis de levar, garantindo que você tenha sempre uma opção saudável à mão.
1. Baixo Teor de Açúcar: Com baixo teor de açúcar, as barras ajudam a manter os níveis de glicose estáveis, evitando picos de energia seguidos de quedas.
2. Fonte de Proteína: Com 10g de proteína por barra, são ideais para auxiliar na recuperação muscular e na saciedade.
3. Energizante Natural: O chá verde orgânico fornece cafeína de forma natural, oferecendo um impulso de energia sem os efeitos colaterais de bebidas energéticas.
4. Praticidade: Perfeitas para levar na bolsa ou mochila, são uma opção rápida e saudável para quem tem uma rotina agitada.
5. Opção Vegana e Sem Glúten: Atendem a diversas necessidades alimentares, sendo uma escolha inclusiva para veganos e pessoas com intolerância ao glúten.
As Barras de Proteína Verb Energy podem ser consumidas a qualquer hora do dia. Para um café da manhã nutritivo, combine uma barra com uma fruta ou um iogurte vegetal. Como lanche pré-treino, consuma uma barra cerca de 30 minutos antes da atividade física para maximizar a energia. Para um lanche rápido durante o dia, mantenha uma barra na bolsa ou na gaveta do escritório. Armazene em local fresco e seco para preservar a frescura e o sabor.
Ashley C –
The taste and texture were spot on. It tasted like a birthday cake (without being overly artificial). My first impression was “OH, THATS PRETTY GOOD.” The texture was pleasant, soft, and easy to chew. In terms of ingredients, everything is relatively clean and simple. It doesn’t give the artificial chemical taste of a Quest bar or the protein bars that are meant to taste like a candy bar. The caffeine gives a little bit of a pick me up without anything crazy.
There is only 10g of protein per bar. Therefore, this bar has protein, but it isn’t a protein bar. Also, some bars put a whole bunch of fibers in it that can mess up the GI system: this only has 3g which is a perfect amount.
WHY THE SUGAR???? There are so many better alternatives I wish this company used: honey, maple syrup, stevia, monk fruit. Agave is ok but i don’t know how much of the NINE grams of sugar came fro Agave vs brown.
Rachel Vaughan –
I’m a huge fan of Verb Bars. I’ve tried nearly all of them, and I have to say that this one has been my very favorite.
They are an incredible on-the-go snack or meal for driving to work or to fuel a morning or afternoon workout.
These bars give the perfect energizing buzz without causing a caffeine crash. I also love how low in sugar they are while also providing an excellent source of protein!
hailey –
The perfect snack to carry as we hiked a national park for 3 days. Delicious, just enough caffeine, and easy to carry.
Emily –
I actually got these 3 flavors as a free sample from somewhere and hesitantly tried them. To my pleasant surprise all 3 flavors were good and did not give me that weird protein flavor. The texture is ok, it’s a good chewy texture which I prefer over crunch. What shocked me was the caffeine. I don’t get anything from coffee anymore but these bars did it! And it wasn’t a shakey nervous energy, it was a natural energy that lasted several hours without crashing. Definitely recommend if you’re looking for a pick-me-up and a little extra protein!
Amazon Customer –
The bars taste great. Great for snack, and or for a light breakfast. A bit expensive – but worth it in my opinion.
Isaac Powell –
Surprised that I would love the taste so much! I eat the regular Verb Energy Bars, so was excited to try this new version with added Protein. Now I start my day off with one of these right before my morning workout and then midday, have a regular Verb Bar for a pick me up sweet snack. The protein bars are a little thicker and more dense, but appreciate they don’t have meltable chocolate so I can stash them in my purse or gym bag without it getting all melted and nasty. Glad they’re coming out with more options!
Isaac Powell –
These are some tasty protein bars! Normally, I’m not the biggest fan of birthday cake flavored things, as it’s often over the top sweet. These protein bars are indeed sweet, but it’s not over the top. It’s like a slightly rich and subtle birthday cake – not annoyingly sweet. I also like that these have high quality ingredients, and they have a caffeine from green tea. These bars have about 80 mg of caffeine per bar, which can be a nice little pick-me-up if your day is long. I plan on using these as a snack mid-day to get through that mid-day slump. They are a bit pricier, being about $2.5 per bar, but they do have quality ingredients to make up for it. I do think they could use more protein, as 10 grams isn’t a lot. I don’t like that there is 9 grams of added sugar; if they had more protein and less sugar, especially for the price, I’d give the extra star. 4/5 stars.
Blair Bowman Howell –
I’ve been a customer of VERB for years now, and their products just keep getting better! I love the new protein bars because they’re a bigger and more filling than the original energy bars! I keep these bars in my pantry, at work and in my purse at all times when in need of a quick pick-me-up & they’re much better for you than energy drinks which tend to result in an energy crash and VERB bars don’t do that because of the natural caffeine! A few of my favorite flavors are Oatmeal Chocolate Chip, Red Velvet and Cinnamon Roll!