As barras de proteína ALOHA Organic Plant Based são a escolha ideal para quem busca uma alimentação saudável e saborosa. Cada caixa contém 12 barras de 1,98 onça de deliciosa combinação de manteiga de amendoim e gotas de chocolate, proporcionando uma experiência única a cada mordida. Com 14 gramas de proteína vegetal orgânica e 13 gramas de fibra, essas barras são uma excelente fonte de nutrientes essenciais, com apenas 4 gramas de açúcar e 240 calorias por porção. O melhor de tudo é que não contém nada artificial, garantindo que você esteja consumindo apenas ingredientes de qualidade.
As barras de proteína ALOHA são certificadas como veganas, orgânicas, não transgênicas e livres de glúten, atendendo a uma ampla gama de dietas e preferências alimentares. Feitas com ingredientes reais e integrais, como proteína de arroz integral orgânica e proteína de semente de abóbora orgânica, elas são uma opção saudável e prática para quem leva um estilo de vida ativo. Seja como um lanche nutritivo, um substituto de refeição, um café da manhã rápido ou um combustível pré ou pós-treino, essas barras se destacam pela versatilidade e sabor.
– Alto Teor de Proteína: Com 14 gramas de proteína por barra, ideal para quem busca aumentar a ingestão proteica.
– Baixo Teor de Açúcar: Apenas 4 gramas de açúcar, perfeito para quem deseja controlar a ingestão de açúcar.
– Rico em Fibras: Com 13 gramas de fibra, ajuda na digestão e promove a saciedade.
– Ingredientes Naturais: Feitas com 100% de ingredientes reais, sem aditivos artificiais, garantindo uma alimentação saudável.
– Versatilidade: Adequadas para diversas dietas, incluindo vegana, paleo e sem glúten, atendendo a diferentes necessidades alimentares.
As barras de proteína ALOHA podem ser consumidas a qualquer hora do dia. Para um lanche rápido, basta abrir a embalagem e desfrutar. Como substituto de refeição, combine a barra com uma porção de frutas ou um smoothie para um aumento adicional de nutrientes. Para otimizar o desempenho durante os treinos, consuma uma barra cerca de 30 minutos antes da atividade física ou logo após para ajudar na recuperação muscular. Armazene em local fresco e seco para manter a frescura e o sabor.
I bought these to try and up my protein. These actually taste GREAT! They aren’t too thin or small. The outside is a nice dark chocolate and the inside is peanut butter flavored but it’s not gritty like some vegan bars. Just sweet enough to be satisfying but not so sweet that your teeth feel gross. 230 calories, not bad for a protein bar.
Andrea –
I love these bars! Better ingredients than a lot of other brands out there and they’re delicious – they don’t taste chalky or like fake sugar. Will definitely continue to buy.
Anne –
We love using the Aloha bars with a glass of milk in our tumbler with our busy schedule. We so often are running from here to there and don’t have time to stop to eat,, and we are not fast-food eaters. Aloha ALWAYS saves the day and hold us good and steady through these times.
Amanda –
Great taste! Almost like eating a coconut chocolate bar!
Craigsweaters –
Since these bars have almost all the same ingredients, only the taste matters. If it doesn’t taste good, you won’t eat it, and the value of the bar is lost. Good fiber and protein, no artificial ingredients, etc. are worthless if you don’t consume it. The chocolate mint is an outstanding flavor! Tastes like you’d expect it to, and you’re healthier for choosing this one.
Judy Ballen –
If you are looking for a good energy bar, look no further than ALOHA❤️. Great taste, and less sugar than other protein bars. Many flavors to choose from. My favorite is peanut butter chocolate chip. Also just tried the limited edition Peppermint White Chocolate. Also very good !
HouseMouse –
I first tried the mint bars and they are so tasty. I like the texture, a little dense, a little chewy, but soft. Very much a treat.
But then I tried the peanut butter cup and oh my gosh it is SO good. Easily the tastiest protein bar I’ve ever had. I’m a treat person. I love Reese’s. But I dare say this is better. Heresy! I know. But this is almost … peanut butter fudge. It reminds me a bit of the school lunch peanut butter bars, but smoother. It’s almost a bad thing bc I have a hard time limiting myself to one a day. I pray they never stop making these.
Nat –
I really enjoy the Aloha protein bars! I have multiple allergies and have to be careful what I eat but sometimes it’s nice to have a treat or snack bar that also has some healthy benefits. The Aloha bars fit that criteria to be filling with protein & fiber and great for a quick snack or refuel before or after a workout or while running errands. They travel well in my little lunch box (I use a small ice pack to keep them cool) & taste good without being too sweet.
The Chocolate Caramel Pecan is one of my favorite flavours, I’ll stock up when they’re on sale as they are a bit pricey but you get what you pay for. I’d rather pay a little more for something I enjoy & is a healthier alternative than junk that just leaves me craving more junk.
As someone who eats plant-based, I appreciate that Aloha’s protein bars are vegan and they don’t currently suffer the status of lead or PFAS issues like certain other brands of vegan bars. I tried all flavors in the Aloha sampler/variety pack. My feedback is this: I implore the company to consider reducing the amount of added sugar. They taste too sweet and the bars would also be much healthier with less added sugar, which would improve its popularity with health-conscious people (and health consciousness seems to be one image the brand wants to be associated with). In the past I tried vegetarian protein bars which tasted great and sufficiently sweet with just 1g of added sugar (the main reason I switched is I eat vegan instead of vegetarian now). Consider using healthy sugar alcohols as a replacement if needed, or simply reducing the added sugar content without any other changes, as either an amendment or variation to the existing product.
debbie –
New protein bar that I tried on a whim. There are soooo many different brands flooding the market, it’s overwhelming & I’ve tried a few that were definitely bleggghh! Bought the variety flavors box in this brand first. Tried them all in due course. Texture is chewy but smooth, not dry, gritty or overly ‘fake’ sweet (I don’t care for Stevia & always look for that on ingred labels). Decent size bar with 14 grams protein. None of the flavors were awful, but I’m not a mint lover so the chocolate mint was given to my hubs😁 The bars takes care of rumbly tummies when you want a snack that is healthy or even as a breakfast/lunch meal replacement for me. I went ahead & ordered another box of their limited edition, Maple Sea Salt to try & they’re tasty. I’m a chocolate lover so I did like the chocolate brownie etc. bars. All in all, they’re pretty easy to have with you & a mostly tasty way to get extra protein in your bod.