As barras de proteína FITCRUNCH são a escolha ideal para quem busca uma alimentação equilibrada e nutritiva sem abrir mão do sabor. Com uma estrutura única de 6 camadas, cada barra é cuidadosamente assada para garantir uma textura irresistível e um sabor que vai além do convencional. Com 30 gramas de proteína por porção, essas barras são perfeitas para quem deseja aumentar a ingestão proteica, seja para auxiliar na recuperação muscular após treinos intensos ou para complementar a dieta ao longo do dia.
Além disso, cada barra contém apenas 7 gramas de açúcar, tornando-a uma opção saudável e saborosa, sem comprometer a saúde. Com 410 calorias, elas são uma excelente fonte de energia, ideal para quem precisa de um lanche nutritivo e satisfatório. E o melhor de tudo: são livres de glúten, atendendo às necessidades de quem possui restrições alimentares. Criadas por chefs, as FITCRUNCH não são apenas barras de proteína, mas uma verdadeira experiência gastronômica.
– Alto Teor de Proteína: Com 30 gramas de proteína, ideal para recuperação muscular e saciedade.
– Baixo Teor de Açúcar: Apenas 7 gramas de açúcar, ajudando a manter uma dieta equilibrada.
– Energia Sustentada: Com 410 calorias, fornece energia duradoura para o dia a dia.
– Sem Glúten: Perfeita para pessoas com intolerância ao glúten ou que buscam uma alimentação mais saudável.
– Sabor Inigualável: Criadas por chefs, oferecem uma experiência de sabor que transforma o lanche em um prazer.
As barras FITCRUNCH podem ser consumidas a qualquer hora do dia. Recomenda-se ingerir uma barra após o treino para maximizar a recuperação muscular, ou como um lanche saudável entre as refeições. Para melhor aproveitamento dos nutrientes, combine o consumo da barra com uma boa hidratação. Armazene em local fresco e seco para preservar a qualidade e o sabor do produto.
john albano –
For a protein bar these taste great. So far tried most flavors and life the chocolate mint the best.
Cesar –
They taste great, they have 30g Protein so go and buy one.. the down is the 400 calories so it’s a meal replacer for sure
Dennis Ehntholt –
Wish it was lower in sodium and had no soy protein.
John Tomasi –
Good taste, nice size! My kids and I love them.
I heard it through the grapevine –
A friend and I were talking about protein bars and did a swap of our favorites. This brand was hers, specifically the chocolate peanut butter bars. They tasted like a peanut butter snickers so I went on Amazon and ordered this variety pack.
I would first like to say that most protein bars are ok. As in, most are edible, fill a void, and vaguely resemble whatever “treat” they are supposed to. These legitimately taste like a candy bar. The whole variety pack was good. The only complaint I have: and it is a me thing- not the fault of the company; is that I ordered the wrong size bars. I didn’t know these bars came in a snack and a bigger meal size bar. I was taken by surprise by how large these were. It isn’t a big deal, I split them and eat a half before a work out. But if you’re a gym bro looking for a lot of protein and a great taste these are your bars.
You might be wondering what bars I switched my friend for; and how they compare? I will tell you. They are the Alani protein bars. The caramel crunch is my favorite and taste a lot like a 100 grand bar. These bars are better. I still like the Alani but it is nice to have a variety of options.
I have included a couple of photos One is of the bars in this pack and the other is a pic of this bar and a snack size one.
Kenneth S Schwartz –
This bar is decadent. It’s ours a butterfinger to shame. Eat your heart out, Bart Simpson! Get it. Trust me.
Sky –
I loyally purchased Quest bars for years. I liked the lack of soy and the short list of ingredients. Then they changed their formula last year, and I found the new bars barely edible. So I started exploring my other options. I stick to whey protein instead of soy because it is easier to digest. There are lots of 3-400 calorie bars, but as a 5’4” lady I prefer a 200 calorie bar as a pre-workout snack. GNC sells a lot of these as single bars, and this is a good (but slightly expensive) way to buy some bars to decide what you like. Here my personal summary of whey based approximately 200 calorie high protein bars:
1. Fit Crunch bars. Easily my favorite. Produced by celebrity Chef Robert Irvine. Tastes like a candy bar. My favorite is by far the peanut butter version, but the cookie dough and cookies and cream are still good. Personally I find the cookies and cream one slightly on the sweet side and is my least favorite. I don’t like eating these on the go because sometimes I end up trying to track down little chocolate pieces from my clothing, car, etc. The main trouble with these bars is finding a place to buy them. GNC has the large version of theses bars (380 calories). Sometimes CVS has them for sale individually. Walmart carries boxes, but they are often out of stock. My local Walmart stopped carrying the small size, and I don’t have the self-control to eat half of a large one. I have tried ordering from Amazon but they always arrive melted. All of my friends are now obsessed with these which is probably why I cannot find them in my local stores anymore. 190 calories, 16g protein and 3g sugar
2. Combat Crunch bars. My second favorite after Fit Crunch bars. I have less trouble with these melting when I order them online, but they sometimes taste a little stale from Amazon. Again the chocolate peanut butter flavor is my favorite. I have liked most of the flavors with the exception of the birthday cake flavor that tasted like fruit loops in stale icing (uniquely awful). These can also be messy to eat on the go, but better than Fit Crunch and Power Crunch in this respect. 210 calories, 20g protein and 5g sugar
**Update: I am concerned about the quality control on these bars. I have had several bars purchased from Amazon, Kroger and now GNC that have been firm/stale instead of the normal soft filling. I have not decided if I will continue to buy these, and I decreased my rating accordingly**
3. Power Crunch bars. My husband and I both found these to be too dry and generally without much flavor. I do like the peanut butter flavor because it reminds me of halavah (middle eastern candy made from sesame seeds). These can also be messy to eat. I have found these at GNC, Kroger and Walmart (and of course Amazon). 200 calories, 13g protein and 5g sugar.
**Update: These are growing on me. They taste dramatically better chilled. The flavor is subtle but pleasant. I like the peanut butter and chocolate mint versions. The texture reminds me of a Kit Kat. This is my new second favorite bar.**
4. Quest bars. The least messy of the group. They have more of a chewy texture than the other bars which keeps them from falling apart. As I mentioned, this used to be my favorite bar but the new formula has a weird chemical flavor to it that I cannot get past. 190 calories, 21g protein and 4g carbs
**Update: Quest must have done some more formula tweaking because they taste like they used to before the 2015 recipe change disaster. I only buy them from places that I know have new stock.**
5. Oh Yeah Victory Bars. These are way too sweet with a weird processed taste. They also have a chewy texture. I imagine that they would have been easy to eat on the go if I had not given them away after eating half of one bar. 200 calories 21g protein 8g sugar. I have not tried the new Oh Yeah! One bars.
6. Fit Elite Baked Protein Bar. Also produced by celebrity Chef Robert Irvine. Tastes like a Quest bar mixed with chalk. The texture is slightly more dense than a Quest bar. Barely edible. 180 calories 20g protein
7. Mission 1 Clean Protein Bar. Similar taste and texture to Quest bars. These are slightly more dense. The taste is inferior to Fit Crunch, Combat Crunch bars and Quest bars. 210 calories 21g protein 1g sugar
David Brill –
I purchased this box of FitCrunch for our vacation as we’d be doing some hiking and a lot of walking and they weren’t in stock at my local grocery store.
When they arrived, I opened the box to pack them in our cooler and noticed a sort of sticky coating on the outside of the individual packages. I wiped it off and didn’t notice any odd color or odor.
Later when we opened a couple while out on the trail, we found that they completely melted at some point and then reconstituted and were very hard to bite into. These did NOT taste like the FitCrunch we are used to. When we returned we checked the expiration date. They were only a month away from expiring. These have a shelf life of about 3 years. So we rec’d these after they had been on the shelf for three years and had melted and been through who knows how many high and low temp cycles. They tasted horrible and we had to throw the rest away.
This isn’t against FitCrunch, they usually taste great, this is against the seller for keeping them in poor conditions and selling just before they expired
I heard it through the grapevine –
The photos in the description show 190 calories and 16g of protein. The bars we received were full sized 380 Cals per bar. Ended up having to donate all of them as this item isn’t eligible for return.
Amazon Customer –
These protein bars have a great taste and crunchy texture. They are high in carbs in addition to being high in protein.