Descrição do Produto: CTRL Protein Meal Bars – Sabor Peanut Butter S’mores – 15g de Proteína, 280 Calorias – Ingredientes Saudáveis para Energia
As Barras de Proteína CTRL no sabor Peanut Butter S’mores são a escolha perfeita para quem busca uma alimentação prática e nutritiva. Com 15g de proteína por barra, elas são ideais para complementar sua dieta, oferecendo a energia necessária para enfrentar o dia a dia. Cada barra contém 280 calorias, tornando-se uma opção equilibrada para lanches ou refeições rápidas. Feitas com ingredientes de alta qualidade, essas barras não apenas satisfazem o paladar com seu sabor irresistível de manteiga de amendoim e marshmallow, mas também fornecem os nutrientes essenciais para manter sua energia em alta. Perfeitas para atletas, profissionais em movimento ou qualquer pessoa que deseja uma opção saudável e saborosa, as barras CTRL são uma maneira prática de garantir que você esteja sempre alimentado e pronto para qualquer desafio.
1. Alto Teor de Proteína: Com 15g de proteína, ajudam na recuperação muscular e na saciedade.
2. Sabor Irresistível: O sabor Peanut Butter S’mores combina o doce e o salgado, tornando o lanche prazeroso.
3. Ingredientes Naturais: Feitas com ingredientes saudáveis, sem adição de açúcares refinados, promovendo uma alimentação equilibrada.
4. Praticidade: Ideal para levar na bolsa ou mochila, são perfeitas para lanches rápidos em qualquer lugar.
5. Energia Sustentada: Fornecem energia de forma equilibrada, ajudando a manter o foco e a disposição ao longo do dia.
Para obter o máximo benefício das Barras de Proteína CTRL, consuma uma barra como lanche entre as refeições ou após o treino para auxiliar na recuperação muscular. Elas podem ser consumidas a qualquer hora do dia, seja antes de atividades físicas, durante uma pausa no trabalho ou como um lanche saudável à noite. Armazene em local fresco e seco para preservar a qualidade e o sabor.
Marco –
If you’ve bought from crtl before then you know what you are buying. This is just faster shipping and being a prime member doesn’t have me paying for the shipping either. It is a better alternative to high sugar snacks.
John –
These bars are ok and resemble some of the other “cookie dough” attempts from similar bars. It’s less of a cookie dough vibe and more of a blondie milk chocolate fusion. It’s fairly bland and nothing too off-putting, but the texture is dense and breaks apart like a more solid 3 Musketeers candy. My bigger issue with it is that it mentions protein first in the name, but it’s much higher calories than other protein bars and yet has fewer grams of protein. I’d argue it’s more so just a meal replacement bar with an adequate amount of protein for that, but it’s not a great choice for the protein it’s advertising.
Nick Canniff –
These weren’t my favorite. They weren’t bad though. A little tough and could use a microwave before eating.
Berq Berqelson –
Anytime there’s food laying around my house, my children descend on it like locusts. These protein bars were no exception. I should have been more careful. I’d already eaten one of the bars, and though it still had the familiar texture and flavor of a protein bar, I found it’s sweet, nutty flavor perhaps a bit better than average.
“I ate half of one of those bars,” my 15-year-old son – the one with the severe peanut allergy – told me later that day.
“You WHAT!? How long ago?” I asked, mentally preparing to rush him to the hospital.
“Dad. Relax. It was over an hour ago. Plus, they’re made with cashew butter, not peanuts.”
Now, I’m not making the claim that these bars are totally safe for everyone with a peanut allergy, nor do I believe the manufacturer does either. All I’m saying is that the rush of relief I experienced that day has possibly enhanced my appreciation and enjoyment of these bars beyond what the average person may experience. Your experience may vary. But, if you’re in the market for some protein bars, these are worth a shot.
Dan999_ –
These are described as “Meal Bars”, “Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough” “Wholesome” “Chewy & Rich”. My first tip off that something was amiss was the lack of a screenshot of the Nutrition Facts in the Amazon description (I have attached one to my review). High calorie count, VERY high fat content, and average protein content. Other than calcium and potassium, no other vitamins or minerals present (not very “wholesome”). “Meal Bar” is accurate only due to the fact that it does give you a full feeling, uncomfortably full in fact due to the high fat content. The “cookie dough” and chocolate chip” pieces are so infinitesimally small, the only taste that comes through is an overall crispy sensation – not “chewy & rich” at all. The milk chocolate coating has such a low melting point, your fingers end up covered in it – a mess that evokes memories of a five-year-old trying to eat a chocolate bar on a hot summer day. As I said, a highly disappointing experience.
Dan999_ –
Protein bars are often used as a filling snack or supplementation into a diet to boost protein intake. This is not a protein bar. Protein bars aren’t very filling and they often have significantly “better” macros for people who have tight dietary restrictions. Again, this is not a protein bar. The macros are not good for someone who has dietary restrictions and they are really quite filling. They are as listed, a MEAL bar that contains some protein and tastes like lucky charms. It’s a pretty awesome way to fill up some macros on a bulk, or feel like you’re eating desert on a cut and actually be full for bed.
James Corden –
These are easily one of the best tasting protein bars I have every tried, they are amazing tasting. They are basically marshmallow rice krispie treats dipped in white chocolate, it doesn’t get any better than that. They are a little high in calorie compared to the overall protein, but the taste more than makes up for it. They are dense and chewy and taste amazing. A little goes a long way to, i take tiny bites and make them last as long as I can. Highly recommended if you are looking for a delicious treat that still has a ton of nutritional value.
Justin Redeye –
Lots of protein, lots of flavor. These bars are great for a meal replacement, just keep them room temp or almost refrigerated. The chocolate exterior melts otherwise and leaves a mess. The taste makes it worthwhile though, since they taste more like a candy bar than other products in this category. Easy to eat and digest on the go.