O ULTIMATE TAN REMOVAL SCRUB BAR 125g é o produto perfeito para remover o bronzeado falso de forma rápida e eficaz. Com este esfoliante, você pode obter uma pele suave e aveludada, livre de qualquer resquício de bronzeado.
Existem várias razões pelas quais o ULTIMATE TAN REMOVAL SCRUB BAR 125g é a escolha ideal para remover o bronzeado falso:
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Remoção de Bronzeado em 60 Segundos:
O ULTIMATE TAN REMOVAL SCRUB BAR 125g é altamente eficiente e remove o bronzeado falso em apenas 60 segundos. Não há necessidade de esperar por horas ou usar produtos químicos agressivos. Com este esfoliante, você pode ter uma pele livre de bronzeado em um piscar de olhos.
2. Pele Suave e Aveludada:
Este esfoliante proporciona uma sensação de suavidade e maciez à pele. Sua fórmula exclusiva remove as células mortas e deixa a pele renovada, com uma textura aveludada e sedosa.
3. Funciona em Qualquer Marca de Bronzeado Falso:
O ULTIMATE TAN REMOVAL SCRUB BAR 125g é compatível com qualquer marca de bronzeado falso, desde mousses até loções e óleos. Não importa qual produto você tenha usado, este esfoliante irá removê-lo completamente, deixando sua pele limpa e pronta para um novo bronzeado, se desejar.
4. Fácil de Usar:
A aplicação deste esfoliante é extremamente simples. Basta enxaguar a barra para ativá-la e aplicar generosamente na pele seca, criando uma espuma suave. Massageie suavemente em movimentos circulares e enxágue bem. Não há necessidade de esforço extra ou etapas complicadas.
5. Hidratação com Óleos Orgânicos:
Além de remover o bronzeado falso, o ULTIMATE TAN REMOVAL SCRUB BAR 125g também hidrata a pele. Sua fórmula contém óleos orgânicos que proporcionam uma hidratação profunda, deixando a pele nutrida e saudável.
- Remoção Rápida: Elimina o bronzeado em apenas 60 segundos, ideal para quem tem uma rotina corrida.
- Textura Aveludada: Deixa a pele macia e suave, melhorando a sensação ao toque.
- Compatibilidade Universal: Funciona com qualquer tipo de bronzeado falso, garantindo versatilidade.
- Fácil Aplicação: Processo simples que não requer habilidades especiais, tornando-o acessível a todos.
- Hidratação Profunda: Os óleos orgânicos na fórmula ajudam a manter a pele saudável e hidratada.
Para obter os melhores resultados, siga estas instruções de uso:
- Enxágue a barra para ativá-la.
- Aplique generosamente na pele seca.
- Massageie suavemente em movimentos circulares.
- Enxágue bem.
Use o ULTIMATE TAN REMOVAL SCRUB BAR 125g sempre que desejar remover o bronzeado falso e obter uma pele suave e livre de resíduos.
Trish –
This soap bar is hydrating and exfoliating. I love the feeling on my skin and it’s not too scratchy or rough. Also, my skin feels super smooth after using this soap.
I like the two-in-one concept of soap+body exfoliator, however this isn’t going to take the place of my usual body polisher. This works by wetting the bar and massing it onto your skin. (I preferred using it on damp skin, water off) while the scrubby nubs in this bar DO exfoliate, it’s not as through as my mitts or my other denser granulated body scrubs I have. I still had splotches where the bar missed getting my self tanner off. As a general all purpose soap+exfoliator duo, I think this it’s effective and leaves my skin feeling very clean, smooth and refreshed. As a self tanner remover, it’s not the best out there.
* If you have more sensitive/reactive skin the granules in this bar may feel too abrasive or be too irritating for you.
Yari –
The first thing I noticed about this soap when I pulled it out of the box is that it smells like a very popular children’s vitamin supplement. If you were a kid in the 80s/90s/00s, then you’ll know exactly what smell I’m talking about. The soap does have a nice look to it. It’s orange with tiny little black specks throughout the bar. I don’t know what those specks are, but they are VERY rough on my skin and I’m not someone with sensitive skin. It literally hurt to use this anywhere except the palms of my hands and soles of my feet where the skin is thickest. It felt like I was using sandpaper. This soap is definitely an exfoliant, I’ll give ’em that, but it’s definitely not for me.
Vani Divina –
Removes tan with a breeze. Smells wonderful. And the exfoliant is superb.
Salsa –
This is definitely a scrubbing bar a soap. Honestly. A little too aggressive in my mind. The scrubbing beads fall out all over the place as you use it. The bar has lasted a while so far and it has a pleasant smell. But it just too aggressive for me.
Orton5 –
Before you use self tanner you need to exfoliate to remove the old faded tan. This makes that process a breeze. The soap smells so yummy and really works at scrubbing away that old tan. I have sensitive skin so I was a bit pink after I used this bar the first time. So don’t scrub to vigorously if your skin is sensitive. This really simplifies the whole process and is nice addition to your self tan regime.
R. Conrad –
This stuff works perfect for exfoliating and getting spray tans cleaned off
Scentsability –
This is a really lovely, nice smelling, cutely packaged, soap.
However, it is just that – some soap with some ingredients in it that provide a natural exfoliation.
I tried this with hopes of finding a nice natural product for in between tans and that would help both remove and exfoliate and smooth the legs (I mainly do half body tans).
You put the product on by moistening the bar and lathering onto your skin BEFORE you get in the shower, leaving the product on your skin for a few minutes.
For me, the tan removal was not consistent and I needed to really scrub my legs again with this product and using a pumice stone to remove the remnants left behind.
My skin did feel really smooth and clean, but I also found the soap a little drying and needed to apply lots of moisturiser once dry.
This means you should definitely leave at least a day between tan removal and applying a new one.
Overall it’s an ok product, but I think overpriced for a bar of soap.
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I did not use this personally but the partner used this and says that she loves it. When applied, the tan just washes off of her skin. She is very fair skin and usually uses dark tan and this tan remover removes tan with ease. I think she uses molly mae dark tan?… Either way, it removes it perfectly. She says she will be using this from this point onwards.
My note:
I read the ingredients and its nice to know that this organic tan removed does not have sodium hydroxide bases (pH 13ish alkaline). I work in engineering-science and we used sodium hydroxide to scrub PVC toxins from contaminated smoke emissions. Sodium hydroxide mixed with water can create a highly corrosive solution to skin (though i hope not in tan remover situations) so i assume that the purpose of sodium hydroxide in tan remover is to slightly raise the pH to neutral-ish but the science in my brain applauds TanOrganic for avoiding the use it. I assume they trade in Sodium Citrate in place of the sodium hydroxide. All ingredients appear natural so i will be buying this for her in future.
Orton5 –
I have no intentions of getting tans or have gotten tans in the past, I had gotten this soap as it is a scrubber. It helps to exfoliate and clear your skin of the dead, accumulated skin leaving you with softer and ample looking skin. I do say it is quite expensive, one soap bar for $20 is far too much. Even if you have a tan, you might be better off looking elsewhere for a sugar scrub.