Descrição do Produto: Range Meal Bar – Barras de Substituição de Refeição de Alta Caloria – Barras Sem Glúten – Refeições para Caminhadas – Pacote com 6 (Melado, Gengibre)
As Barras de Substituição de Refeição Range Meal são a solução ideal para quem busca praticidade e nutrição em um único produto. Com um sabor irresistível de melado e gengibre, essas barras são formuladas para fornecer uma alta quantidade de calorias, tornando-se uma excelente opção para atividades ao ar livre, como caminhadas, acampamentos ou até mesmo para o dia a dia corrido. Cada barra é livre de glúten, garantindo que pessoas com restrições alimentares possam desfrutar de uma refeição completa e saborosa. Com um pacote contendo 6 unidades, você terá sempre uma opção nutritiva à mão, seja na mochila ou na despensa. As barras são ricas em proteínas e fibras, promovendo saciedade e energia duradoura, essenciais para enfrentar os desafios do dia.
1. Alto Teor Calórico: Ideal para reabastecer energias durante atividades físicas intensas ou longas caminhadas.
2. Sem Glúten: Perfeito para pessoas com intolerância ao glúten, garantindo uma alimentação segura e saudável.
3. Praticidade: Fácil de transportar, essas barras são uma opção rápida e nutritiva para refeições em movimento.
4. Sabor Delicioso: A combinação de melado e gengibre proporciona um gosto agradável, tornando a alimentação mais prazerosa.
5. Rico em Nutrientes: Contém proteínas e fibras que ajudam a manter a saciedade e a energia ao longo do dia.
Para obter o máximo benefício das Barras de Substituição de Refeição Range Meal, consuma uma barra como um lanche energético antes ou após atividades físicas. Elas também podem ser utilizadas como uma refeição rápida em dias corridos ou durante viagens. Armazene em local fresco e seco, e consuma dentro do prazo de validade indicado na embalagem. Para uma experiência ainda mais satisfatória, combine com uma bebida rica em eletrólitos para reidratação.
Daniel P. –
I got these for my hunting trips. Tried one the other day as breakfast and it completely filled me up for the morning! Tastes mainly like coffee but in a good way. Very dense and filling, I appreciate the ingredients being clean and I like the high calories.
Chris –
I picked these up for the GORUCK Recon HTB in San Diego. Liked the simple ingredients, weight to calorie ratio, and packability. The flavor is good and they’re filling. They never melted in the packaging. Texture is good compared to other bars.
Highly recommend them!
Andy –
They must have worked very hard to make a bar with 37g of added sugar taste so bad. Has alot of calories for hiking and backpacking which is good, but there are much cheaper, healthier, and better tasting foods to do so. Atleast it’s convenient (only reason it’s not 1 star)
Bar feels like a brick in your stomach. I could only eat few bites at the time. Often left it unfinished as I didn’t enjoy eating it.
Woolly Mammoth –
Range calls this a mule bar because it’s something you’re expected to eat in place of a meal. Just for clarity, it’s not for normal people on a normal day who work in the office. This is more of a through hike or backpack style bar. It’s got a huge number of carbs and a huge number of calories and is designed to keep your energy up while you’re trekking through the wilderness. The good news is you don’t need to rehydrate anything with boiling water. So from that perspective, it’s very convenient.
It’s hard to compare this bar to anything else because there aren’t a lot of bars in its class period 700 calories is a lot. 350 calories of that 700 is carbs of which half of that is sugar (mostly from honey). Strangely with that much sugar and even considering it looks like a giant chocolate chip brownie, it’s not altogether that sweet. It’s not bitter. It’s not bad at all. I just expected it to be more like a chocolate bar based on the wrapper. It’s not. It’s like a slightly unsweet cookie with chocolate chips. The mint flavor is pleasant and not overpowering.
The texture is surprising again, based on how it looks. It’s very dense, hard but not crumbly. I was not able to eat much of this without water on the side. This is not one of those bars that you’re going to chomp down in three bites. I mean, it’s an entire meal. You definitely know you’ve eaten something when you’re done.
Considering everything, I think the most disappointing part of this bar is that for 700 calories you only get 20 grams of protein. I know that while hiking carbs are the big thing, because you need energy, but if you only had 60 grams of protein in a day for through hiking, you’d be of out of luck. If you’re carrying any kind of weight in your pack, you’re going to need to have a lot, and i need a lot more protein than what this bar provides.
In the end, this is about as dense as non-dehydrated food can get. It reminds me a lot of the carb bars they put into emergency rations for lifeboats and survival packs. It’s a good source of hiking and emergency calories, but I wouldn’t want have to live off of them.
Zed –
The molasses ones are a bit bitter tasting with a slight saltiness, but edible. They are indeed filling and did the job for my trip. I would probably get a different flavor next time however.
Mr B –
These suck in the worst way. They taste like mint poopy, the texture is horrendous, bars are hard as bricks, greasy layer on outside, absolutely disgusting and inedible.
PVFocus –
I am a big guy and I go hiking through the hills often. I don’t stop to make a meal in the middle of Nowhere, so I take these bars with me. They are big. They are filling and they stay with you for a while. I get plenty of energy, but from real ingredients, not sugar. I like the taste of all the bars. I would recommend freezing them and taking them out of the freezer the day you are set to eat one (just my personal preference). I would advise bringing some water with you when you eat one.