As barras de proteína Special K de Chocolate com Manteiga de Amendoim são a escolha ideal para quem busca uma alimentação prática e nutritiva. Cada embalagem contém 16 unidades de 1,59 onças, distribuídas em duas caixas de 8 barras, perfeitas para quem tem uma rotina agitada. A combinação de arroz crocante e cremoso de manteiga de amendoim, envolta em uma rica cobertura de chocolate, proporciona uma experiência de sabor irresistível. Com 10 gramas de proteína por barra, elas ajudam a controlar a fome e a manter a energia ao longo do dia. Cada barra contém apenas 170 calorias e 5 gramas de fibra, tornando-as uma opção saudável para substituir refeições em dias corridos.
- Pack de duas caixas, com 8 barras cada, totalizando 16 barras de proteína Special K de Chocolate com Manteiga de Amendoim
- Arroz crocante e cremoso de manteiga de amendoim, coberto com uma rica camada de chocolate
- 10 gramas de proteína por barra para controlar os desejos
- 170 calorias por barra; 5 gramas de fibra
- Perfeitas como substituto de refeição para dias agitados
1. Alto Teor de Proteína: Com 10 gramas de proteína por barra, ajudam a manter a saciedade e a energia durante o dia.
2. Baixo em Calorias: Com apenas 170 calorias, são uma opção leve e nutritiva para quem deseja controlar o peso.
3. Ricas em Fibra: Com 5 gramas de fibra, contribuem para a saúde digestiva e ajudam a prolongar a sensação de saciedade.
4. Praticidade: Ideal para levar na bolsa ou mochila, são perfeitas para lanches rápidos em qualquer lugar.
5. Sabor Irresistível: A combinação de chocolate e manteiga de amendoim agrada ao paladar, tornando a alimentação saudável mais prazerosa.
As barras de proteína Special K são versáteis e podem ser consumidas a qualquer hora do dia. Para um lanche rápido, basta retirar uma barra da embalagem e desfrutar. Elas são ideais como substituto de refeição em dias corridos ou como um lanche pós-treino, ajudando na recuperação muscular. Armazenar em local fresco e seco garante a preservação do sabor e da textura crocante.
Linda Burton –
The Chinese ginger chews are absolutely delicious. However, it is very difficulty to open the package. It truly is a struggle. If they are exposed to any heat when shipping they stick to the wrapper. Even if not exposed to heat they also stick. It is really hard to open the wrapper, and when you do it is equally as difficult to take out the chew.
They really are delicious. I just wish the manufacturer could make it easy to open.
Pinchme –
My granddaughter loves these and I have ordered them several times for her. She needed something to eat in the dorm and when she doesn’t have time for breakfast. They are very satisfying because of the high protein content, so you don’t feel like you’re eating “junk food”.
D. Kuchler –
These bars give you 10 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber. They taste great and fill you up. I love them.
watson –
These came and the chocolate was old tasting like this has been sitting on a shelf for while. Ugh.
amf0001 –
I bought these for an afterschool snack for my son. He reports that he doesn’t love the flavor but he does love the affect, they make him feel full and satisfy his hunger. They are protein rich bars and they do the job of settling him so he can then do this homework. He wants to try other flavors but he likes the principle and definitely feels that they are better than just cookies or a simple piece of toast.
Debbie –
I started 2.5 years ago wanting to lose weight and decided to try these bars. They not only curbed my appetite, but they are delicious. I have one every morning and have been doing it for 2.5 years. The Chocolate Peanut Butter are my favorite, I have tried the other flavors, but stick with this one. There are days where I may have a bar for lunch, as I am not that hungry and eat a well balanced nutritious dinner. I eat everything in moderation and these bars got me going.
Gavin W –
I’ll admit it–I want it all. I am enough of a foodie to want to eat only good things. And when my schedule or circumstances do not permit a delightful meal or freshly prepared snack–but I need something to keep me going with my kids or work–this is my go-to product. The chocolate tastes like chocolate, the protein does NOT taste or act like some kind of terrible cardboard or sawdust, and the peanut butter is mild and helps carry through a feeling of “I kinda just had a candy bar, but my tum-tum feels like I just ate a big ol’ bowl of pasta.” For price and convenience, you can’t beat the Subscribe and Save price and delivery to your home or office.
Teresa G. Bozeman –
These are great, add a little peanut butter and they will keep satisfied until your next meal.