Descrição do Produto: Clif Builder Bar Pnut Bttr
A Clif Builder Bar de Manteiga de Amendoim é uma barra de proteína deliciosa e nutritiva, ideal para quem busca um lanche prático e saudável. Com 20g de proteína por porção, essa barra é perfeita para atletas, praticantes de atividades físicas ou qualquer pessoa que deseja aumentar a ingestão de proteínas de forma saborosa. Feita com ingredientes de alta qualidade, a Clif Builder Bar combina a cremosidade da manteiga de amendoim com uma textura macia e agradável, tornando-a uma opção irresistível para qualquer hora do dia. Além disso, é isenta de glúten e contém fibras, contribuindo para uma digestão saudável. Seja antes ou depois do treino, essa barra é uma excelente fonte de energia que ajuda na recuperação muscular e no fortalecimento do corpo.
1. Alto Teor de Proteínas: Com 20g de proteína, ajuda na construção e recuperação muscular, ideal para atletas e praticantes de atividades físicas.
2. Sabor Irresistível: A combinação de manteiga de amendoim proporciona um sabor delicioso, tornando o lanche prazeroso.
3. Praticidade: Embalada individualmente, é fácil de levar para qualquer lugar, perfeita para lanches rápidos no trabalho ou na academia.
4. Isenta de Glúten: Uma opção segura para pessoas com intolerância ao glúten, sem comprometer o sabor e a qualidade.
5. Fonte de Fibras: Contribui para a saúde digestiva, ajudando a manter a saciedade por mais tempo.
A Clif Builder Bar Pnut Bttr pode ser consumida em diversos momentos do dia. Recomenda-se ingerir uma barra antes do treino para fornecer energia e nutrientes necessários para um desempenho otimizado. Após o exercício, a barra pode ser uma excelente opção para auxiliar na recuperação muscular, fornecendo as proteínas essenciais. Para um lanche prático durante o dia, a barra pode ser combinada com uma fruta ou um iogurte, potencializando a ingestão de nutrientes. Armazene em local fresco e seco para preservar a qualidade do produto.
Matthew J. Mechtly –
The product description is grossly inaccurate. It is described as “Builder Bar, Peanut Butter, 2.4 oz ( Value Bulk Multi-pack),” where a “Value Bulk Multi-pack” means the following: “MULTI VALUE PACK! You are buying 2 packs. Each pack contains 12 units. You will receive a TOTAL PACKAGE QUANTITY of 24 combined units of Builder Bar, Peanut Butter, 2.4 oz>
So when I ordered 3 quantities of this product, I was expecting to receive 72 bars, because, well, 24 x 3 = 72 and 24 bars is what the description of one total package was.
You can imagine my surprise when I received my package and had only received 6 bars. This was 12 times fewer bars than I was expecting. So essentially, I paid more than $5 per cliff par. This is obviously not what I purchased and no sane person in their right mind would make this obscene purchase.
I attempted to contact the company at several different numbers and even negotiated through their phone system and reached several different peoples’ desks. No one picked up, and still no one has replied to me.
I can’t help but get the feeling that this entire operation is hoodwinking the consumer and just hoping that no one will speak up and just ignore or be too lazy to address this bait and switch.
I thought I was getting a good deal on a bulk purchase, but it turns out I was getting hardcore ripped off. Save yourself the trouble and get your cliff bars from somewhere else.
Matthew J. Mechtly –
The flavor of these bars is very, very good. They are filling and have many good nutritive qualities.
That being said, we have to stop buying these bars. They are using soy protein isolate, which probably met two of the manufacturer’s goals:
1) Vegetarian/non dairy
2) Save money — that is one cheap-o source of protein
Although we all know that an alternative — WHEY protein from cross-microfiltration — is the highest form of protein available right now, it is expensive. It is more easily assimilated than soy, causes fewer GI issues (gas, indigestion, etc.), and has a better amino acid profile, etc., plus has little to no lactose remaining.
“Instead of using destructive chemicals, cross-flow microfiltration uses filters to separate protein from undesirable fat, cholesterol and lactose, based on molecular size and shape.(18) The low-temperature process isolates the native protein of whey at its biologically natural pH, carefully preserving its biological activity. GMPs and other immune-boosting components remain intact.”
informational reference: www sportswhey com/science_ion_exchange.htm
Aside from the problem we have with the grossly inferior form of protein they are using, our main reason for stopping with this product is this:
>>>>> We don’t want our cancer to return. <<<<<<<
We have had breast cancer, and it was estrogen positive. Our oncologist has indicated that while foods containing soy are ok in reasonable amounts, SOY ISOLATES ARE NOT SAFE FOR THESE TYPES OF CANCERS.
Research backs this up.
These bars are possibly cancer-promoting in the sense that they have estrogenic-effects.
Women who are at risk for breast cancer (and who knows how much of the population this includes — we don’t know until after we have gotten it most of the time) SHOULD NOT BE EATING THESE BARS.
Maybe they can put a warning label on them to say women should check with their doctors before consuming them.
The research on this is readily available on the Internet, and my oncologist has studied this issue extensively.
We are sad to give these bars up because they were our favorite in terms of flavor.