A Barra de Proteína Atlas é a escolha ideal para quem busca uma alimentação equilibrada e nutritiva. Com 20g de proteína de alta qualidade e apenas 1g de açúcar, essa barra é feita com ingredientes naturais e é completamente livre de glúten. O sabor irresistível de chocolate amargo com amêndoas proporciona uma experiência deliciosa, enquanto a combinação de ingredientes limpos garante que você esteja se alimentando de forma saudável. Cada pacote contém 12 unidades, divididas em 3 pacotes, tornando-as práticas para levar a qualquer lugar.
- UMA BARA COMO NENHUMA OUTRA: As barras Atlas combinam ingredientes limpos com uma nutrição excepcional para criar uma barra como nenhuma outra. Nossa fórmula respaldada pela ciência é feita com ingredientes naturais que o manterão saciado, focado e energizado durante todo o dia. Seja trabalhando, treinando ou se divertindo, nossas barras são projetadas para mantê-lo no seu melhor desempenho.
- INGREDIENTES LIMPOS: Ingredientes reais são melhores. Nossas barras são elaboradas apenas com ingredientes limpos e de alta qualidade, como proteína de soro de leite proveniente de animais alimentados com capim, manteiga de nozes frescas e frutas reais. Estamos comprometidos em fazer produtos sem sucralose, sem açúcares adicionados, sem óleos de sementes e sem nada artificial.
- NUTRIÇÃO EXCEPCIONAL: Com 20g de proteína de qualidade e apenas 1g de açúcar natural, nossas barras são uma potência nutricional feita com ingredientes limpos e naturais que o manterão se sentindo bem ao longo do dia. NADA ARTIFICIAL: Acreditamos em manter as coisas puras e simples. Nossas barras são livres de sabores, cores, conservantes e adoçantes artificiais. Com a Atlas, você pode ficar tranquilo sabendo que está alimentando seu corpo com ingredientes naturais e de qualidade.
- AMIGÁVEL PARA DIETAS: A Atlas é o combustível perfeito para quase todos os estilos de vida. Nossas barras são baixas em carboidratos, adequadas para dietas cetogênicas, livres de soja, sem glúten, com rótulo limpo e ricas em fibras.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 1. Nutrição excepcional: Com 20g de proteína de qualidade e apenas 1g de açúcar natural, as barras Atlas fornecem uma nutrição excepcional para mantê-lo energizado e saciado.
- 2. Ingredientes limpos: Feitas com ingredientes naturais e de alta qualidade, como proteína de soro de leite proveniente de animais alimentados com capim, manteiga de nozes frescas e frutas reais, as barras Atlas são uma opção saudável e deliciosa.
- 3. Amigável para dietas: As barras Atlas são adequadas para diversos estilos de vida, incluindo dietas cetogênicas, pois são baixas em carboidratos, livres de soja e sem glúten.
- 4. Sem ingredientes artificiais: Com a Atlas, você pode ter certeza de que está consumindo um produto livre de sabores, cores, conservantes e adoçantes artificiais.
- 5. Sabor irresistível: Além de todos os benefícios nutricionais, as barras Atlas possuem um sabor delicioso de chocolate amargo com amêndoas, que irá satisfazer seus desejos por doces.
A Barra de Proteína Atlas oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua rotina diária. Primeiramente, a alta concentração de proteína ajuda na recuperação muscular e na saciedade, ideal para quem treina ou busca controlar o apetite. Em segundo lugar, a presença de apenas 1g de açúcar natural torna a barra uma opção saudável, evitando picos de glicose. Além disso, a utilização de ingredientes limpos e naturais garante que você esteja consumindo um produto de qualidade, sem aditivos artificiais. A versatilidade da barra a torna perfeita para diferentes estilos de vida, incluindo dietas cetogênicas, e seu sabor delicioso proporciona um prazer sem culpa, satisfazendo a vontade de doces de forma saudável.
Para maximizar os benefícios da Barra de Proteína Atlas, recomenda-se consumi-la como um lanche entre as refeições ou antes e depois do treino. Essa prática não apenas ajuda a manter os níveis de energia ao longo do dia, mas também fornece os nutrientes necessários para a recuperação muscular. A conveniência das barras facilita o transporte, permitindo que você as tenha sempre à mão, seja no trabalho, na academia ou durante atividades ao ar livre. Lembre-se de consultar um profissional de saúde antes de fazer alterações significativas em sua dieta.
Wei M. –
UPDATE: I believe that they are listening to customer feedback; however, I do wish that they will allow customers to buy the original bars. I am struggling to get my daily ashwagandha intake in for my brain health. So if this is possible, I would hope that they see this feedback and reach out to people who have written reviews and allow them to buy the original bars. ( I would buy them).
I have been buying Altas bars for a while now, and they came out with new packaging, but also as it seems like with a new formula. I originally got these bars because they are keto-friendly and contain Ashwaganda for my brain health. I have tried the new bars, and I am not sure if they added new ingredients but I don’t feel very well after eating them, and the texture is a disappointment compared to the previous bars. Not to mention, the bars now are super oily and taste artificial and gross. I wish they would bring back the previous bars or have the option to still buy them because not only did they taste amazing, but they also did not make your body feel gross. I believe that on taste and quality for the previous bars, they would have been a 4.5/5 and pricing was also a 4.5/5. Now, they barely receive 2 stars in my mind.
D. Schaumann –
These are pretty good protein bars. They aren’t very sweet, which is something I prefer and they have a good flavor. It’s definitely more of a semi-sweet dark chocolate flavor, not milk chocolate. The texture is a bit on the dry side. Some of the bars are harder, some softer, but they aren’t super soft/chewy and can be a bit of a jaw workout.
I prefer to keep most protein bars in the refrigerator as I like them cold but I keep these at room temperature because they are rock hard out of the fridge. The almond pieces are a nice touch, some of them crunchy, some of them chewy.
I just wish these were more consistently softer (again some are harder and some softer) but I do like them and think they are a good option over other bars especially since they have no sugar alcohols which destroy my stomach.
Tabitha Cacheris –
I’ve eaten about a zillion bars of all kinds in my life, going back to the OG Powerbar in the early 90’s. I mention this to calibrate expectations. I understand that something with 20g of protein and low carbs will not taste like an actual snickers bar, and I’m reviewing with that in mind. Grading on a curve so to speak.
So, I’m surprised at how good these are given my expectations. The texture is a classic dry-ish, chewy-ish protein bar texture, but they avoided the dreaded chalky aftertaste. Nothing exciting, but they avoided the danger zone. The flavor is a pretty good non-artificial chocolate, with some almond bits. Overall, quite pleasant, especially given the macros. Speaking of which, 20g of quality protein, low carbs, moderate fat and no weird ingredients is a winning combination.
Overall, if the macros are what you’re after, I don’t think you can do better than this in terms of taste/macro/cost balance.
Amazon Customer –
These bars have great ingredients and taste very good. I used to buy them in a store, but, since their price keeps going up, now it makes a LOT more sense to buy them on line where I can get them at a just more reasonable price-per-bar.
Mark –
The Atlas protein bar is super dense, and while I didn’t enjoy the taste at first, it grew on me after having more of it. The texture reminds me of a very firm, dry brownie with chunks of nuts and dark chocolate bits. It’s compact, making it quicker to eat, and the protein-to-calorie ratio is spot on.
Although there’s nothing particularly wrong with the bar, I’d say there are definitely other protein bars that taste better while offering similar nutrition.
Additionally, the cost is quite high compared to other bars I’ve had.
Overall, the protein bar is dense and provides a good amount of protein. However, despite its compact size, it’s a bit dry and doesn’t taste as good as other alternatives. Plus, it’s noticeably more expensive per bar.
David E. White –
The ingredients are great, no bad surprises and plenty of protein. Two things that you have to be aware of is that they are very dense, and you have to chew quite a bit and they are low sweetness compared to other brands that make up for the high protein content with high sweetness to make them more palatable, but these are not super sweet. I like them but they definitely require lots of chewing and cleaning your teeth afterwards.
D. Schaumann –
New batch 4099 – box rcvd direct from Atlas. They are without doubt restoring the original taste&texture. Photo attached speaks for itself. Bar on the left (batch #4099) is much more moist and tastier. The chocolate chips are back and eager to melt alongside of the pieces of almonds. I just wanted to post this update for others who have been hooked on this bar. Seems Atlas is listening. The old king is back!
Orig. review batch 4082 and older – This bar used to always save my day. Each bite used to be rich, juicy mix of protein, butter and some of the best dark chocolate ever! My last 3 pack has been a disappointment as I feared from other experiences shared in the review section. Sort of became the typical protein bar after starting as something much better. Now it’s your next shelf variety protein bar albeit (hopefully) made with better stuff
Mark –
Update: Atlas contacted me and refunded my order. Apparently this batch of bars didn’t turn out as intended, so they offered to send me a box of their newest batch of bars. First time I’ve had a seller be this cool with an issue. Good on them! I’ll update stars when I try out the newest batch.
I loved the old Atlas bars, but they went and changed the formula. These new bars are nothing like the old ones. The ingredient list is still good on paper, but the new bars have hard protein crisps that give them a sandy texture. It almost feels like you’re eating a mouthful of vaguely chocolate flavored dirt. The flavor isn’t too offensive because they don’t really taste like much at all anymore, but that’s the only positive thing I can say about them.
Very disappointing after the old smooth texture and great flavor. I don’t plan to order them again. Not sure what to do with the remaining 35 bars.