A Barra de Proteína Atlas é a escolha ideal para quem busca uma alimentação saudável e nutritiva sem abrir mão do sabor. Com 20g de proteína de alta qualidade e apenas 1g de açúcar, essa barra é feita com ingredientes naturais e é completamente livre de glúten. O sabor irresistível de baunilha e amêndoa transforma cada mordida em uma experiência deliciosa, enquanto a combinação de nutrientes ajuda no crescimento muscular e na recuperação pós-treino. Cada embalagem contém 12 barras, tornando-se uma opção prática e conveniente para quem tem uma rotina agitada.
- UMA BARA COMO NENHUMA OUTRA: As barras Atlas combinam ingredientes limpos com nutrição excepcional para criar uma barra como nenhuma outra. Nossa fórmula respaldada pela ciência é feita com ingredientes naturais que o manterão saciado, focado e energizado durante todo o dia. Seja trabalhando, treinando ou se divertindo, nossas barras são projetadas para mantê-lo no seu melhor desempenho.
- INGREDIENTES LIMPOS: Ingredientes reais são melhores. Nossas barras são elaboradas apenas com ingredientes limpos e de alta qualidade, como proteína de soro de leite proveniente de animais alimentados com capim, manteiga de nozes frescas e frutas reais. Estamos comprometidos em fazer produtos sem sucralose, sem açúcares adicionados, sem óleos de sementes e sem nada artificial.
- NUTRIÇÃO EXCEPCIONAL: Com 20g de proteína de qualidade e apenas 1g de açúcar natural, nossas barras são uma potência nutricional feita com ingredientes limpos e naturais que o manterão se sentindo bem ao longo do dia. NADA ARTIFICIAL: Acreditamos em manter as coisas puras e simples. Nossas barras são livres de sabores, cores, conservantes e adoçantes artificiais. Com a Atlas, você pode ficar tranquilo sabendo que está alimentando seu corpo com ingredientes naturais e de qualidade.
- AMIGÁVEL PARA DIETAS: A Atlas é o combustível perfeito para quase todos os estilos de vida. Nossas barras são baixas em carboidratos, adequadas para dietas cetogênicas, livres de soja, sem glúten, com rótulo limpo e ricas em fibras.
1. Nutrição excepcional: Com 20g de proteína de qualidade e apenas 1g de açúcar natural, as barras Atlas fornecem uma nutrição excepcional para mantê-lo energizado e saciado ao longo do dia.
2. Ingredientes limpos: Feitas com ingredientes naturais e de alta qualidade, como proteína de soro de leite proveniente de animais alimentados com capim, manteiga de nozes frescas e frutas reais, as barras Atlas são uma opção saudável e deliciosa.
3. Livre de ingredientes artificiais: As barras Atlas são livres de sabores, cores, conservantes e adoçantes artificiais, garantindo que você esteja consumindo apenas ingredientes naturais e de qualidade.
4. Amigável para dietas: Com baixo teor de carboidratos, adequadas para dietas cetogênicas, livres de soja e sem glúten, as barras Atlas são uma escolha versátil para pessoas com diferentes necessidades alimentares.
5. Desempenho aprimorado: Projetadas para mantê-lo no seu melhor desempenho, as barras Atlas fornecem a energia e os nutrientes necessários para enfrentar qualquer desafio, seja no trabalho, no treino ou nas atividades do dia a dia.
Para obter os melhores resultados, consuma uma barra Atlas como lanche entre as refeições ou antes e depois do treino. Essa prática não só ajuda a manter os níveis de energia elevados, mas também contribui para a recuperação muscular, aproveitando a combinação de proteína de qualidade e ingredientes limpos. Ideal para quem busca otimizar sua alimentação e desempenho diário.
Dave –
I ordered these bars before they tasted great filled me up and the bars were in perfect condition. Last bars I ordered the bars were very oily it looked like they were left in a hot area and they melted and were reshaped. I will not order from amazon again. I hope your company reads this. I do not like writing bad reviews but the bars are food and should be stored properly.
MP –
I have probably tried every protein bar (well almost) and I have to say I like these the best. There were others I liked in the past, but once I discovered how bad artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols are for you, I went searching for an alternative. I was hesitant to try these because some reviews said the texture and taste was bad. I speak from experience when I say, once you detox from those other sweeteners, you will like the way these taste. As far as texture, they are soft and chewy. I’ve had others that were hard unless you microwaved them first.
The first flavor I ordered was the Vanilla Almond Chai. While I wouldn’t say it’s a strong flavor, it’s good! I have now just received my 2nd box and also got a box of the Chocolate Cacao, which I haven’t tried yet. I have no doubt it will be good.
My only complaint is the cost. Most of the boxes sold at the same price have 12 bars, not 10.
ToniJZ –
Dry and not a lot of flavor.
Jones –
What really caught my eye about these protein bars was two-fold. On the one hand, it is a small business and we need more small business like this one to get their fair share of the piece of the pie in the market place. The bars have great ingredients and their customer service is fantastic; they truly stand behind their products. The flavor of the Vanilla Almond is not top-notch, but the ingredients more than make up for it. I am sure the other flavors are probably better, but unfortunately this one was the only one to which I would not be allergic (many of the other bars contains chocolate). The price is not the cheapest, but “cheap” typically translates into mass production and poor quality ingredients so I am always willing to pay more if I feel I am getting a better bang for the buck – and this is 100% the case with these bars.
Tory J Mcbroom –
These are fantastic! I’m a bit of a protein bar connoisseur-I’ve tried just about every one I’ve been able to get my hands on, and the Atlas bar is the best of all I’ve tried with respect to ingredients, taste and price. They do taste “healthy”, which is to say that they taste like real food and not a chemical-laden candy bar. I love the taste. They are a bit pricey, but healthy ingredients cost more than the mass-produced chemicals and fillers masquerading as food these days. What value do you put on your health? “Pay now or pay later”, as they say. Kudos, congratulations and thanks to James (founder/CEO), your Mom and your team-I appreciate what you’re doing and will continue to buy Atlas Bars!
Ross K –
I am disappointed with these bars I tried the vanilla almond flavor and it says on the box really clearly “grass-fed whey” so I assumed that’s what it was made out of, but when I put my glasses on and looked at the ingredients I found it also has whey protein isolate and milk protein isolate which is not grass-fed or even organic. I don’t think it’s right that they list grass-fed whey on the box knowing that that’s what people want and that you have to put your glasses on to find out that it’s actually got non grass-fed whey protein isolate and milk protein isolate. The bar does taste good though, if the the source of your protein doesn’t matter to you.
Laura R. –
I tried the Atlas bars because I wanted to reduce my sugar intake. These bars have only 1 gram of sugar and none of the nasty artificial sweeteners found in most other protein/nutrition bars. The negative side is that the taste is a bit strange. Not as bad after you get used to it as when you first try one. The taste is not terrible, just takes some getting used to.. Considering the limited number of ingredients, and lack of sugar and artificial sweeteners, I ‘ll sacrifice a bit of taste for better nutrition.
Tory J Mcbroom –
Edit: They listened and fixed the oil problem! The last 4 or 5 boxes I bought have all been dry as you would expect. Changing this to a 5-star since that was the only major issue.
I am a long-time consumer of Atlas Bars. They used to be my favorite “protein” bar until they changed the recipe sometime over the Summer of 2023. The old bars appeared to be about 30% bigger and were soft and delicious. The new bars are much harder, and the amount of oil on them is like nothing I’ve ever seen in a protein bar. It’s hard to see in the picture I took, but the bar is sitting in a pool of oil in the wrapper and is completely oil-covered. How this new recipe passed product testing is beyond me. The taste, which is subjective, is fine to me. I do like that they upped the protein amount in the newer bars, but that’s it. Hopefully, they are considering reverting the recipe back or cutting out the oil bath they seem to give these bars. I’ll update this review if I see a change.